Interesting thread I have run across here..And while I do not have much to say at this point I will try and keep it relatively short,but no promises.
I think as far as Jesus/God is concerned,it is about our relationship with him and not religion.We have all at some time met someone whom we would call a religious fanatic,someone who says we have to STRIVE to get into God's good graces,Work our way into heaven.These religious fanatics I say are full of pride and just want to have the ability to say "I WORKED HARDEST"..They remind me of the parable which Jesus spoke of where some workers were hired to work a field at 7 am for 1 penny,then he hired more about 4 hours later and paid them the same wage,1 Penny.What do you think the ones who were hird at 7 am said? "WE WORKED ALL DAY,AND YOU PAID US THE SAME AS THOSE WHO YOU HIRED LATER"..What I am trying to get at is it is about relationship with God through Christ..
Jesus is the way,the truth and the life.It is written in the bible,when Jesus was born,Peace on earth,and goodwill torwards men..This was quite a statement..It means that through Christ we have peace with God,and he only has goodwill torward all of us..Even those who have not accepted his son as the only way..It was not,contrary to popular belief,a call for all men to have this torwards each that came later when the Jesus stated that the greatest commandment was to Love God with all of our heart mind and soul,and the other is like unto it,to love our fellow man as ourselves.On these 2 commandments which Jesus spoke of lay all the law of the prophets..
I am not saying that anyone here is denying these things which I speak,nor agreeing with them..And I do not have a handle at all on how great and glorious God is to us,nor have I even scratched in my lifetime so far,a sliver of just how good God is..All I know is that God is GOOD:aok
And he is not using us as whipping boys when we do something wrong,But he will discipline us in such a way as to increase our faith and to keep us looking torwards him.Just as we discipline our children,we do it in love,so does he.
Are their churches out there who mess up?? You better believe it.But why?Because humans are fallible.I am fallible,you are fallible.We all mess up,we all make mistakes.
I cannot convince those of you who do not believe in God that their is one,but I can only go by the example I see in Christ through the bible and through the Holy Spirit as he leads me.I can give you the word,but that does not mean you will take it.will it stop me from speaking it? no.,but some seeds may get into your heart,or for that matter,even my heart as I speak it as well.
Will believing in evolution send you to hell? no.
Will believeing that the world is millions of years old sen you to hell? no.
Will believing in God get you to heaven? no.
Will accepting Jesus christ as saviour get you to heaven? yes.
accepting Christ Jesus will save you...Save you from what? God's wrath..
God does not send people to hell,they make the choice to go there by not accepting Christ as saviour and repenting of their sins.
All it takes is a little faith to accept want to read aabout some of those who needed faith the most?? Read about the disciples who followed christ around when he was here on the earth,talk about people needing is pretty funny.But it is common to all men.
my apologies for the long post..
Peace and Plenty,