Author Topic: Major Biggles answer  (Read 1503 times)

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #30 on: June 18, 2007, 10:26:37 AM »
You really cant talk to him odee he thinks he is all knowing and everything we say is the work of the devil.
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« Reply #31 on: June 18, 2007, 10:41:51 AM »
Originally posted by Larry
You really cant talk to him odee he thinks he is all knowing and everything we say is the work of the devil.
I understand that's the problem with some Jehova Witnesses... :lol

No worries... I judge a person on there merit... not skin color, religious faction, or any of the numerous politically correct criteria that muddles daily interfacing with the multi-dudes. :rofl
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« Reply #32 on: June 18, 2007, 02:13:08 PM »
TK you're arguing with what I equate to a religious finatic. There is no reasoning with him. He is a big problem with the world today. Be it christian or muslim, people like him either cannot or will not reconize that they might not be right and won't except anybody elses beliefs as plausible.
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Offline 2bighorn

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #33 on: June 18, 2007, 03:27:40 PM »
I believe in having foot up yer butt. That's what this game is all about. For me to kick and for louman to provide butt I can kick. So far no god's interference; louman's butt hurts and that's proof god doesn't want to get involved in this game.


Offline Major Biggles

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #34 on: June 18, 2007, 04:21:49 PM »

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2007, 05:00:12 PM »

belive it or not they do . 7 literal days?? nope the the word translated "days" from hebrew could mean an unspecified length of time for a task. EG the making of stars took a day as it was the length of time it took to make them . be that millions of years or thousands of millions of years.

another example the bible often says in the days of (insert name) .......

how many days was that???  what "day" did those things occure?

sciance and the bible can work together. Geolagists and Botanists  agree that the way creation is explained is in the order that they would have happenned in a simplified way.

my pennies worth.  

p.s where did god get matter from to form the universe .......big bang.....
As the cleaners say :"once more unto the bleach"

Offline falcon23

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #36 on: June 20, 2007, 10:36:27 PM »
Interesting thread I have run across here..And while I do not have much to say at this point I will try and keep it relatively short,but no promises.;)

  I think as far as Jesus/God is concerned,it is about our relationship with him and not religion.We have all at some time met someone whom we would call a religious fanatic,someone who says we have to STRIVE to get into God's good graces,Work our way into heaven.These religious fanatics I say are full of pride and just want to have the ability to say "I WORKED HARDEST"..They remind me of the parable which Jesus spoke of where some workers were hired to work a field at 7 am for 1 penny,then he hired  more about 4 hours later and paid them the same wage,1 Penny.What do you think the ones who were hird at 7 am said? "WE WORKED ALL DAY,AND YOU PAID US THE SAME AS THOSE WHO YOU HIRED LATER"..What I am trying to get at is it is about relationship with God through Christ..

 Jesus is the way,the truth and the life.It is written in the bible,when Jesus was born,Peace on earth,and goodwill torwards men..This was quite a statement..It means that through Christ we have peace with God,and he only has goodwill torward all of us..Even those who have not accepted his son as the only way..It was not,contrary to popular belief,a call for all men to have this torwards each that came later when the Jesus stated that the greatest commandment was to Love God with all of our heart mind and soul,and the other is like unto it,to love our fellow man as ourselves.On these 2 commandments which Jesus spoke of lay all the law of the prophets..

         I am not saying that anyone here is denying these things which I speak,nor agreeing with them..And I do not have a handle at all on how great and glorious God is to us,nor have I even scratched in my lifetime so far,a sliver of just how good God is..All I know is that God is GOOD:aok

     And he is not using us as whipping boys when we do something wrong,But he will discipline us in such a way as to increase our faith and to keep us looking torwards him.Just as we discipline our children,we do it in love,so does he.

 Are their churches out there who mess up?? You better believe it.But why?Because humans are fallible.I am fallible,you are fallible.We all mess up,we all make mistakes.

 I cannot convince those of you who do not believe in God that their is one,but I can only go by the example I see in Christ through the bible and through the Holy Spirit as he leads me.I can give you the word,but that does not mean you will take it.will it stop me from speaking it? no.,but some seeds may get  into your heart,or for that matter,even my heart as I speak it as well.

  Will believing in evolution send you to hell? no.
  Will believeing that the world is millions of years old sen you to hell? no.
  Will believing in God get you to heaven? no.
  Will accepting Jesus christ as saviour get you to heaven? yes.

    accepting Christ Jesus will save you...Save you from what? God's wrath..

  God does not send people to hell,they make the choice to go there by not accepting Christ as saviour and repenting of their sins.
All it takes is a little faith to accept want to read aabout some of those who needed faith the most?? Read about the disciples who followed christ around when he was here on the earth,talk about people needing is pretty funny.But it is common to all men.

my apologies for the long post..

                                      Peace and Plenty,

Offline Angry Samoan

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #37 on: June 21, 2007, 05:18:29 AM »
Originally posted by 2bighorn
I believe in having foot up yer butt. That's what this game is all about. For me to kick and for louman to provide butt I can kick. So far no god's interference; louman's butt hurts and that's proof god doesn't want to get involved in this game.


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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« Reply #38 on: June 21, 2007, 05:27:26 PM » say accepting Jesus Christ as your savior will save you.  I submit that most so called Christians and the church  ministers that they listen to don't have a clue as to what that means.  Intellectually accepting Jesus won't save you. The fact is....most Christians are not really Christians...nor are they saved. Your not dealing with just people in this thing but spiritual forces that are much more intelligent than any normal human being.  People think they are free....but if they don't choose God they come under the control of the other guy.  If your not a servant of God you are a slave to satan.  We are all forgiven.....we are not all saved.  I'm not here to tell you that I am saved myself....that is something that I am looking at.  Salvation is free my friends....but not easy to find.  God does not make you obey Him....but you cannot make Him save you....salvation is a gift....but there is a might even know that requirement intellectually....but can you see it deeply ...and seeing it can you do it. That is very hard my friends....and you are given a whole lifetime here on earth to work that out.

Offline falcon23

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« Reply #39 on: June 21, 2007, 09:48:03 PM »
Originally posted by louman say accepting Jesus Christ as your savior will save you.  I submit that most so called Christians and the church  ministers that they listen to don't have a clue as to what that means.  Intellectually accepting Jesus won't save you. The fact is....most Christians are not really Christians...nor are they saved. Your not dealing with just people in this thing but spiritual forces that are much more intelligent than any normal human being.  People think they are free....but if they don't choose God they come under the control of the other guy.  If your not a servant of God you are a slave to satan.  We are all forgiven.....we are not all saved.  I'm not here to tell you that I am saved myself....that is something that I am looking at.  Salvation is free my friends....but not easy to find.  God does not make you obey Him....but you cannot make Him save you....salvation is a gift....but there is a might even know that requirement intellectually....but can you see it deeply ...and seeing it can you do it. That is very hard my friends....and you are given a whole lifetime here on earth to work that out.

  Your submission has been duly noted and filed.But what facts do you present to back up that statement that most churches and preachers know nothing of salvation,I see none.

  I agree that intellectualy accepting Jesus Christ is not enough,*see believeing in God will not save you in my original post*.

  We are only forgiven if we accept Jesus christ as Lord and saviour of our lives.
 I did not at any time say that we are all saved,if that is directed at me.

  I disagree with your statement that salvation is not easy to find..Jesus is always knocking at the door,and if we choose to accept him he will come in to our hearts.
Salvation is a gift,yes,but When you give a gift to someone in your family do you hide it and make it difficult for them to accept.I mean we dont make them jump through hoops and juggle to get it,we bring it to them.

 As far as seeing it "deeply".I did not "SEE" deeply Jesus and what he had done for me on the cross,or what the shedding of his blood accomplished on the cross.
 But by FAITH I accepted him,and by mouth I confessed and asked him to come into my life and heart and forgive me of my sins,and be Lord of my life.

  Do I always obey as I should?no,but do any christians?no.We all make mistakes.But he is quick to forgive us of them if we confess them and repent.

 Thank God that he is long-suffering and has mercy beyond our wildest imagination,And Love,this is just to name a few of his traits.

  I am not sure what you mean when you say we can see it,but can we do it..Do what?

 I get a bit concerned when I start seeing people saying it is not easy to accept Christ,or,we have to work at it,or we have to search to find it..

  It can only be accepted by FAITH.Although I totally understand some wanting to intellectualize it and look at it from a scientific point of view.Some who look at it this way,do come to accept Christ,and some dont.

  I will say that when one becomes a christian it is one of the hardest battles which you will ever fight in your life.trials,temptations,the world trying to pull you back into it..But if we keep looking to Jesus and praying,and seeking others who are christians as well,and reading the bible,we grow stronger in faith and learn to be at peace in the world,but not be of the world.And trust that God is with us ALWAYS.

  I may be wrong,and pardon me if I am..But do you by chance go to a church whos sign on the outside reads Church Of Christ?

  My denomination is bapticostal holiness presbytarian.

               I thank you for your reply..


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« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2007, 07:19:48 PM »
Falcon23.....I have been a member of  different congregations and visited other congregations.  People from my observation hear the word and seem to have good intentions but then they convert to a minister with a strong personality.  They end up worshiping the minister and following him.  The minister for his part thinks he is winning souls for Christ but then finds that he has to be careful with what he says least he loose his job. People in congregations of this era are loved just the way they are.  I say that God does not love you just the way you are but the other guy does.  So called Christians are dieing from cancer and suffering all kinds of disorders....this should not be!  Also,  so called Christians justify their sins by saying you cannot be perfect....they say "God forgives me by the blood of Christ and I do the best I can"  I say people can follow any religion and say that.  Is not religion all about being moral?  But being moral and doing your best cannot save you.  Yes, I repeat....we are all forgiven....but not all saved.  From God's perspective salvation is very very easy!  It is only from the human perspective that it is very very hard.  Hard....because we make it hard.  Because we do not want to "see" the truth...we are decieved away from it.  You said you "accepted Christ and he came into your heart"  do you still sin?  Do you get angry at your wife...kick the dog...yell at your kids.  Shake your fist at people who cut you off on the highway.  Has your life really changed or just gotten a little better.  Are you a better person or do you just look like a better person.  Is Jesus God....or is he the son of God.  Did he posess the power....or did the power of God  come through him.  I make this statement now....if you are saved you "know" you are saved....and your life changes completely...and in the process you become the scripture ye perfect...(it's a command) as your father in heaven is perfect!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 07:36:40 PM by louman »


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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #41 on: June 24, 2007, 02:50:06 AM »
The Bible also says something about boasting.

Just a heads up, This should be IN the O'Club.  They may kick it.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 03:00:25 AM by RATTFINK »
Hitting trees since tour 78

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Major Biggles answer
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2007, 06:44:46 AM »
great answer there rat....a personal judgement and a warning