Author Topic: Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution  (Read 2248 times)

Offline thndregg

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #60 on: June 21, 2007, 07:58:01 PM »
Originally posted by SuperDud
Just curious, what's the date on the post? It's my understanding that HiTech changed the old DA do to the fact he wanted more structured and less of a "furball" type mentality. I lived in the old DA, it's what I payed my $15 a month to do. I was real sad to see it go.

Actually Superdud, I'm curious about this, too. Aparently whatever DA environment they are refering to is way before my time (pre-2004). It's too bad, really. Sounds like it was a fun place to play.
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Offline ghi

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #61 on: June 21, 2007, 10:01:41 PM »
imop,furballers are blondes

Offline Max

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #62 on: June 21, 2007, 10:28:55 PM »
and they have more fun:D

Offline doc1kelley

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #63 on: June 22, 2007, 09:11:53 AM »
Originally posted by CAV
The solution has been done before, you just have  to look to what AW did. They made a "Fightertown" arena just for the Furballers and it worked. An FT in the main MA's never worked. But a FT arena did, If you only had a few minutes to play it was a great place to look for a fight.

The Furballers set-up their little rules about 1 on 1's,, HO's etc., etc. All was good with the world, you had FT for furballing and the MA's to play war.

There was one downside to the FT arena.... The FT Arena backfired on the Furballers. For all their posting in the Aw forums it turned out that "furballers" was very few in numbers. And when they started about toolsheders killing a good furball in the MA, it was pointed out that they can go play in FT if they don't like it.

For the most part I do not remember lots of toolsheder vs furballers food fights in AW, other than the one time they tried to make a "FT island" in the Big Pac arena. And that went away once FT island went away.


Cav is dead on on his recollection of the FT arena in AW.  But it would be the Grand solution in here or it would be the Grand failure, but it would be the fault of those who are calling for a "Fighter town".  You make a single new arena just for fighters with GV's and Buffs and ord disabled.  Simple and to the point and let's see how populated it is.  I'd wager that it would peter out after a few campaigns just like it did in AW.

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Offline Toad

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #64 on: June 22, 2007, 09:33:51 AM »
I wonder if we dare try a return to the old miniscule strat and simplistic base capture along the orginal lines of AW, WB and Beta AH.

That was when the action was fast and furious and fun was a given.

The more complicated it became, the more arguments we had over all this strat/toolshedder/warwinner v furballer stuff.

K.I.S.S. is still a great principle.

I'd like to see THAT type of arena made available for a two month trial and then see where the players hang out. There was something for everyone in those setups.

I'll say it before and I'll say it again: needless complexity is what brought about this situation.

It's a game and it should be about having fun. This isn't an old Avalon Hill boardgame that takes forever to play with the goal of "winning".

This is about air combat and having fun, even if you only have 30 minutes to play.
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Offline dedalos

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #65 on: June 22, 2007, 10:15:22 AM »
Originally posted by doc1kelley
Cav is dead on on his recollection of the FT arena in AW.  But it would be the Grand solution in here or it would be the Grand failure, but it would be the fault of those who are calling for a "Fighter town".  You make a single new arena just for fighters with GV's and Buffs and ord disabled.  Simple and to the point and let's see how populated it is.  I'd wager that it would peter out after a few campaigns just like it did in AW.

All the Best...

Yes it would die within a week or two.  There is nothing like the MA.  The AvA, EW, and MW arenas show that.  Even if it did atract people, the cherry pickers and vulchers would show up so in a sence you could never have a furball arena or map.  Only the MA would work with some areas like donut etc that could encurage furballing
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Anyone

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #66 on: June 22, 2007, 10:29:29 AM »
Originally posted by Toad
I wonder if we dare try a return to the old miniscule strat and simplistic base capture along the orginal lines of AW, WB and Beta AH.

That was when the action was fast and furious and fun was a given.

The more complicated it became, the more arguments we had over all this strat/toolshedder/warwinner v furballer stuff.

K.I.S.S. is still a great principle.

I'd like to see THAT type of arena made available for a two month trial and then see where the players hang out. There was something for everyone in those setups.

I'll say it before and I'll say it again: needless complexity is what brought about this situation.

It's a game and it should be about having fun. This isn't an old Avalon Hill boardgame that takes forever to play with the goal of "winning".

This is about air combat and having fun, even if you only have 30 minutes to play.


right now it takes 10minutes to take a town down, its almost impossible to deack and when you do finaly take the town down, it respawns? (no way does it stay down 45minutes)....

result? people create horde missions to do it faster.... gone are the day where a small fast raid on a town could be fast and furious action to take it... those small fast raids that often turned into mini furballs untill  one side lost have totally gone... now its Hordes avoiding the defence at all.... everyone attacks defenseless bases instead...

but why should anyone defend when you have like 30acks defending a base for you, and a town that rebuilds itself faster than it falls down?

Offline CAV

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #67 on: June 22, 2007, 10:32:52 AM »
I think a lot of this stuff falls on how the community plays the game....

The AW FR community was an SCENARIO based community,(as was Warbirds) in those days we looked at the arena as just a place to work on the skills needed for the next frame we was getting readly to fly. We was playing the capture game in the arena's, trying to move the map and all the things we do today in AH. But I don't remmber caring if I won the map.

The arguments we had in AW was not about furballers/ toolshedders. It was things like ... "The P-51 is 5 mph to fast at 10,138ft." or the one I always liked... "Why is that B-17 outturning my Spitfire?"

In AW we played for the history of the planes and battles. In AH I feel the community has lost that... it has just become another shooter game.

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Offline phookat

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #68 on: June 22, 2007, 01:56:14 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
I wonder if we dare try a return to the old miniscule strat and simplistic base capture along the orginal lines of AW, WB and Beta AH.

That was when the action was fast and furious and fun was a given.
 I agree.  Does the strat crowd have any objection to this?  How about a poll.

Offline Patches1

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« Reply #69 on: June 22, 2007, 02:45:36 PM »
Strat still exists;  most folks don't want, it seems, to take the time to take strat targets below the 50% required to affect Airfields, or Vehicle Fields.
In my humble opinion, this really is the heart of the Bomber Mission.

And, upon that note...I see many folks taking out ords, and fuels, at Vehicles fields when they need to take out the Barracks to prevent resupply and capture abilities from that field. Ords and Fuel have no effect, currently, upon GV Bases.

JABOs need to surgically strike Ords and Barracks at airfields to prevent Bombers from taking off from that field, and to prevent capture attempts and resupply attempts from that field. Killing Barracks also kills resupply.

DAR used to be a primary target...but in my opinion, has moved to a tertiary target...i.e. ...if you've killed their Ords and Barracks...who cares if they see you coming to capture...they already know why waste ords on it?

And this is where the folks who enjoy the Furball come in...when they are inclined to aid in capture...because they can cap the field and supress enemy fighters.

Just some thoughts....
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Offline 4deck

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #70 on: June 23, 2007, 02:54:03 AM »

Oh excuse me, its saturday.

Call to arms you furry fkers, All your base are belong to us.


Time to make the cocktails:p
Forgot who said this while trying to take a base, but the quote goes like this. "I cant help you with ack, Im not in attack mode" This is with only 2 ack up in the town while troops were there, waiting. The rest of the town was down.

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #71 on: June 24, 2007, 12:15:00 AM »


Offline TalonX

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Toolshedders vs furballers
« Reply #72 on: June 24, 2007, 02:13:56 PM »
Some of us enjoy base capturing.  Taking and owning real estate is a game goal, as designed by Hitech.   It simply brings up a new map.  So what?  It also resets a badly mismatched map.  That's a good thing.

I liked the idea of a furball volcano, as we had on that one map.  I would have disabled bombers inside that hole, and let the furballers go nuts with themselves.   It's a win win......  I'd also make the mountains 40,000 feet around it, to keep out the inevitable dweebs who insist on bombing in there.

Likewise, I'd enjoy seeing a TT in a volcano, absent planes of any kind.  Once again, a win win...let the GV'ers fight in GV's without aircraft.  

I know the coders can make this happen.

That leaves the rest of the map for base taking.

Simple  :)


Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline Guppy35

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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #73 on: June 24, 2007, 06:10:46 PM »
I must really be missing something as I can find a fight any night I get the time to fly.  As near as I can tell the base takers are doing their thing too as are the GV guys.

I keep thinking I must have set my standards too low or something.  I'm enjoying AH as much or more then ever.  I'm really enjoying the folks I fly with and against.

Explain to me again where the problem is?  What am I doing wrong that I'm still having fun? :confused:

I hate being behind the times like this.........:cry
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Toolsheders vs Furballers a solution
« Reply #74 on: June 24, 2007, 07:32:34 PM »