Author Topic: Cheating/spying Etc.. Etc..  (Read 782 times)

Offline THOR01

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Cheating/spying Etc.. Etc..
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:50:55 AM »
I'm new to this (relativily speaking) and think this is one of the greatest games out there. Last night in the MA and in other threads in this forum there is all this talk about people switching to get info then switching back and or PMing info to others on diff teams. I am kinda puzzled about this? Is this an age issue where most or all of this is being done by adolesences?

I joined this for the fun at first but now it has become a skill game where you are testing your knowledge and "airmanship" not against a computer gen'd opponent but a realllife person. As in other games that I have played from High School on ( football, golf, tennis etc) Cheating or trying to desive to gain an upper hand kinda defeats the purpose. Do you or how can yu say that you have defeated an opponent when you know you did so with initel. that you gained from spying or out right fraud?

Kinda like golf, your out there playing in a 4some and you move the ball or place it where is wasn't. How do say that you won or placed any where knowing that you cheated.

I know that with an application such as this and obviously a wide base of users that it's bound to happen. It just seems that some have lost the reason for game. Or maybe that is it, win at all cost to hell with your consious and knowing inside that you won wheather you found a CV because you were doing recon out there borring holes in sky or out manuvering your opponent.

Kinda of a rant but..........................

Offline LYNX

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Cheating/spying Etc.. Etc..
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2007, 11:19:51 AM »
Yer it happens.  Mostly kids because they out thought the rocket science to the game.  However, you do get adults indulging:rolleyes:  Gawd knows why ?

The funny thing is when they work out about shooting each other or, a shade account for rank.  We put them on trial and hang um.:aok

Offline mtnman

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« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 07:49:09 PM »
I guarantee there are a few folks (or even a lot?) that switch back and forth for the reasons you've described.  However, you should realize that many, if not most of the "side-switchers" are NOT doing it for those reasons.

Personally, I switch teams all the time.  I log in, look at the #'s and the available fights, and almost always switch to the team with the fewest players.

On one occasion, I switched to all three teams on the same night.  If I'm on a team that isn't giving me access to decent fights, I'm gone.  Or if my team begins to swarm over another...

Personally, I hate being on the team that is outnumbering the others.  I hate having to fight my teammates to get a kill.

Startegy? I don't care a bit.  I'm in it to shoot the red guys.  Even if they were green a few minutes ago.  The last thing I want is to capture a base.  I've even been known to steer my countrymen AWAY from CV's that I or a squadie have located.  Kill the CV and wreck the fight? I think not!

Hmmm, I suppose that's kind of the same thing as spying, huh?  

Never mind the above, then!


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Offline Grits

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Cheating/spying Etc.. Etc..
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2007, 08:16:14 PM »
What MntMan said.

Offline ridley1

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« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2007, 12:49:29 AM »
remember that old saying? "loose lips sink ships?"

I just monitor the help channel.  I mean...there is intelligence gathering in war time.

I understand the rooks have weapons of mass destruction outside of P21.

Offline ink

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Cheating/spying Etc.. Etc..
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2007, 04:54:02 PM »
Originally posted by mtnman

Personally, I hate being on the team that is outnumbering the others.  I hate having to fight my teammates to get a kill.

Startegy? I don't care a bit.  I'm in it to shoot the red guys.  Even if they were green a few minutes ago.  The last thing I want is to capture a base.  I've even been known to steer my countrymen AWAY from CV's that I or a squadie have located.  Kill the CV and wreck the fight? I think not!



couldnt have said it better myself

Offline Xargos

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« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2007, 04:58:29 PM »
Well said MtnMan.
Jeffery R."Xargos" Ward

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Offline RAIDER14

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Cheating/spying Etc.. Etc..
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2007, 05:05:37 PM »
easy way to counter this is just fill up the chat with false information if you suspect a spy

Offline VansCrew1

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Cheating/spying Etc.. Etc..
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2007, 06:47:50 PM »
WAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah heres a tissue.

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Offline RAIDER14

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Cheating/spying Etc.. Etc..
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2007, 07:28:40 PM »

Offline VansCrew1

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Cheating/spying Etc.. Etc..
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2007, 08:42:28 PM »
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Offline THOR01

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« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2007, 09:41:06 PM »
Well I do agree with your reasons and could find myself switching to the underdog team. But I think that having a squdn. of people develop a plan and try to execute it and see if it works, where to improve, just adds an additional demention to the game and to have someone switch or communicate that before time kinda kills the reason to even have squadrons.
 Now understand, I do like the idea of being in the fight and being on the weak team is fun but then why not just have a large FFA site and have at it.  Ya know that team that you spy on cheat against is kinda covering your butt and keeping you alive a little longer than probably in a FFA.
 I do think that CV and hanger killing does kill the fight but if you in a team area then it should be a team decision,
 Hell I think last week there was a furball I think that someone said had been going on for 18 hours. No one was really trying to kill the bases, a hanger or so every now and then. It was a great time hated to leave @ 3:30 am EST, go to work @ 8:00am .

I think what got mme going was that there were some young gentlemen going on and on and on and on and on about it the other night. Hell I was going to shoot them down myself to shut them up .

Nice to hear fromm all of you. Hoope to run (figurativly) into you in the game.

Offline Sloehand

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« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2007, 03:49:03 PM »
Originally posted by VansCrew1
WAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah heres a tissue.


Exactly why no one likes VansCrew, on any side.  He's gonna be a wonderful person someday... NOT!  

VansCrew - Poster Boy for proof there is such a thing as "a waste of protoplasm".   LOL
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