Author Topic: Two massive car bombs found in London  (Read 4560 times)

Offline Seagoon

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Two massive car bombs found in London
« Reply #165 on: July 05, 2007, 06:02:29 PM »
Hello Tronsky,

(Incidentally, is Tronski or Tronsky? Your avatar has "i" but you sign your posts with a "y", I'm never sure which one to go with)

Originally posted by -tronski-
Oh please - you're no better than the morons on foxnews adding up the fifty ways to spell mohammed to make a point about how Islam are racking up the babies, while dullard westerners are too busy playing Xbox, and having abortions to stop Johnny Jihad from (as South Park elequently put it) Damnit, they took our jaorbs! Its hardly like you warned in a hundred years, Britain are going to be overun by Manchester United fans! I'm very sure the next time you ring Auntie Beryl from watford she'll be *****ing and moaning about the darkies down the road (not like that nice paki chap who owns the curry shop on the high street) must be quite the high times for the National Front and their kind...
Yes, I hadn't realised the hate flowed so very freely from me....damn this free will, oh whoes me...if only someone could take it away from me and just tell me what to think and do!

Against my better judgment, I'll reply.

Actually, I'm not sure of the chronology, but it was news media (papers specifically) in Europe that first noted the trend and then The Times picked it up (which is where I first read it) recently the BBC also covered it. American media actually picked it up from Europe, not the other way round.

In any event, while the stats can certainly be spun, the stats themselves are incontrovertible; British birth rates are below replacement level, marriage is dying out, and abortions and divorce are both increasing [if you want, I can provide hard stats for all of these assertions]. In other words, the family, which is the primary building block for society, is dying amongst the indigenous population. Demographically, the groups marrying, staying married, and having children are immigrants, and the largest religious group in that mix would be Muslims.

Please understand what I am saying here, some people may certainly find this alarming because they are Xenophobic and/or Racist, in other words, like your Auntie Beryl "they don't like darkies" of any kind. That kind of mindset is wrong, and unbiblical, and un-Christian. It's somewhat depressing that after several years with my life as an open book, that I'd have to say this, but I am not one of those people. The first congregation I worked with was mostly Asian, and my current congregation has whites, Asians, Hispanics, and Blacks whom in many senses I am closer to (because of our union in Christ) than my own family. One of my elders is Mexican-American, and one of my dearest brothers here in Fayetteville is black. One of the reasons I look forward to heaven, is because all of the petty walls of separation between the races will forever be  destroyed and the congregation their will sing praises to Christ saying "For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation". I have preeached against racism, and have invited another friend of mine Pastor Kevin Smith to preach on the power of the Gospel to reconcile men of all races (which sermon I would heartily recommend to you.)

My concern is not people of other races, and as you may have noticed, I do not spend my time on the board "attacking" other religions or saying that Hinduism, Judaism, Zorastrianism, Buddhism, etc. are a serious threat to the world. While I disagree with their truth claims, and while I am aware that some religions oppress Christians in the contries in which they are dominant (Hindus in India for instance) I do not claim that Hinduism as a religion has a plan for world dominance or that coexistance with these other religions is impossible. Islam is singular in that respect, and  my concern is with the ideology of Islam as it found and practiced in its purest forms. Unlike other religions, Islam does have an agenda to eliminate all competing ideologies and establish a one world Caliphate and to either subjugate the Kuffars (you and I for instance.)

While men may claim that there are Christian terrorist organizations and point to the Serbs and the IRA (the LRA is not even remotely Christian it is a cult centered around its leader) even if these organization were Christian, neither the Serbs nor the IRA have a manifesto to dominate the world or establish Christianity outside the Christian world, the IRA doesn't even call itself a Christian organization. This is in direct contradistinction to groups like the Taliban, Hamas, Abu Sayaaf, Jammat Islamiya, Al Qaeda, and the various Muslim Brotherhood linked Islamic terror organizations. They do all hold the same essential confession: "Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes." and deny that there can be peace until the Caliphate is established and the whole world is ruled by Sharia law. Democracy is not possible for it is as one popular English language Imam put it "Kuffarocracy." That is why am I so concerned about the establishment of an Islamic Britain. It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with ideology.

One final thought, if Christianity really were just as "violent" as Islam, then in the first 300 years after the resurrection of Christ, you would see considerable violence perpetrated by Christians - wars of religious conquest, bloody insurrections, etc. But in fact, throughout the first 300 years of Christian history it is the Christians who were being martyred not martyring others. There were no wars of conquest or spreading of the faith by the sword.

Contrast that with just the first 100 years of Islamic history, presumably when you has some of the most "authentic" Islam (especially during the lifetime of the prophet) and you have a history of constant bloodshed, assasination, conquest, raiding, and the expansion of the Dar-el-Islam not via preaching, but by the sword. Although I haven't yet read it, and thus can't endorse its content, and as much as it irritates Europeans, and other future Dhimmis,the title of Robert Spencer's newest book has it right

SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Offline Viking

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Two massive car bombs found in London
« Reply #166 on: July 06, 2007, 04:04:45 AM »
Game, set and match. I've missed these little talks with you Hortlund. Thanks for playing.

Offline Hortlund

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Two massive car bombs found in London
« Reply #167 on: July 06, 2007, 04:10:36 AM »
Originally posted by Viking
Game, set and match. I've missed these little talks with you Hortlund. Thanks for playing.

You claim IRA killed people because of the religion of the victims. I called BS.

If you enjoyed the conversation, then fine. I didnt. You were offensive and rude and you failed to provide any sort of argument to back up your position. It made the entire discussion completely pointless.

Offline Viking

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Two massive car bombs found in London
« Reply #168 on: July 06, 2007, 04:17:17 AM »
Yes ... just keep on ignoring my arguments and those of other people in this thread. By every post you make yourself look more ridiculous, which suits me just fine.

Offline Hortlund

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Two massive car bombs found in London
« Reply #169 on: July 06, 2007, 04:23:28 AM »
One might wonder though, why the IRA stopped killing people after the deal reached over northern ireland...since there are still protestants living there you know.

And you call me ignorant? :rofl