Author Topic: To our english players  (Read 680 times)

Offline Sloehand

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To our english players
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2007, 12:32:39 AM »
Originally posted by Platano
0o0o that??


I though it was a real terorist attack...that was just a decoy by the government, ya know, just to scare the watermelon outa its citizens so that way they can get more people to back up unjust war.

No war is "just".  Some, however, are right and must be fought either now, or later.  Such it is in this one.  Wish we could just do a better job of it.
Jagdgeschwader 77

"You sleep safe in your beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do you harm."  - George Orwell
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Offline yanksfan

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To our english players
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2007, 07:03:36 AM »
Originally posted by LYNX

It wasn't the government behind the plot it was the tabloid press if anything.   Sales of bull***t to the dumbest bunch of UK citizens musta been down this week.  God save the Sun or Daily Mirror, now their readers can talk bollocks in tea brakes or down the pub on the various ways to castrate the perpetrators and, dump them in the north sea from the bomb bay of an old Lanc.  <-------  joking.....kinda [/B]

How bout some more of the "bulgeing eyes" and "snot bubbles"
ESTES- will you have my baby?
Ack-Ack -As long as we can name the baby Shuffler if it's a boy and Mensa if it's a girl.

80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline LYNX

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To our english players
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2007, 12:30:40 PM »
Originally posted by yanksfan
How bout some more of the "bulgeing eyes" and "snot bubbles"

Sorry mate no fiction today.  Here's what our PM said

The PM said Britain's message to the terrorists must be: "We will not yield, we will not be intimidated and we will....... ."

Although we, the west as a whole, can empathise with the syntax I find the last part kind of ironic.

not allow anyone to undermine our British way of life

We, our British nation, are very laid back or respectful of peoples beliefs, customs and way of life.  In my opinion to much so when it comes to this kind of "home grown" fundamentalism.

Go to many schools in my town you'll find signs written in 4 to 7 languages.  Ok the signs only say "science block this way" but you get the idea.  Why on earth in Britain do we or should we instigate separatism at such an early age.

It's Britain we speak English and those of other nations that reside here are not being encouraged enough to embrace our heritage our way of life.  
We as a nation encourage these minorities to fore fill what ever it is they hold dear to them, religion, customs, beliefs and above all economic wealth.

I personally do not see the logic behind this.  Doesn't matter if their economic migrants or plain old asylum seekers.  They are in Britain and bloody well British they should be.  Not a Pakistani living in Britain but a British Pakistani.   This is not being encouraged.

We encourage separatism then get all puffy chested, hurt, and insulted when some idiotic, disenfranchised ethnics take things to far.... we undermine ourselves    :rolleyes:

It's plainly obvious these guys weather home grown or not have friends that turned a blind eye to their antics.  Lets hope MI5's last lot of ethnic recruits gets right inside the "apple core" and roots out these idiots.  Failing that maybe we should take a leaf out of someone else's book and have every kid sing "God save the Queen" every morning.


Offline wooley

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To our english players
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2007, 05:32:22 PM »
Well, this was a little too close for comfort.

I'm on vacation in Barbados this week - arrived yesterday. My parents flew out to meet us, leaving Glasgow airport about 2 hours before these %###@$'s did their thing.

My sister-in-law is a air-stewerdess flying out of Glasgow airport. She left a half hour before the incident.

We, meantime spotted the what had happened on a newscast whilt on a layover in Miami airport. We had a very anxious few hours trying to find out if everyone was OK.

In the local vanecular, we need to screw-the-nut with these bar-stewards.

By the way, Glasgow is in Scotland, not England. But its all Britain and the thoughts are appreciated.

Offline wooley

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To our english players
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2007, 05:38:47 PM »
By the way, the local hospital where the guy with burns got taken for treatment was evacuated. Whilst my initial reaction to this was outrage - something along the lines of 'leave him lying in the street', I can't help wondering if the evacuation was to allow Strathclyde Police to get all 'Jack Bauer' on his bellybutton without unwelcome onlookers...'So Abdul, tell us all you know, then we'll break out the morphine...'