Author Topic: AAR Frame 2  (Read 721 times)

Offline daddog

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AAR Frame 2
« on: July 14, 2007, 11:29:05 AM »
My butt cheeks are still sore.  My wife just checked and they are still red too!

Sorry for the slaughter guys. I also noted some squads were attacking the "towns" at airfields and not the airfields. I should have made that more clear. The fields were the targets, not the towns.

Hats off to hit our city near A7. My guys were hovering around 25k waiting for some bombers. Some how you guys snuck in and took out about 1/2 the city. Some of my guys spotted some P-38's but that was all. Was it an NOE mission?

After an hour of non-action I pulled my guys west and we attacked A48 that looked practilly untouched. Lambs to the slaughter. First a few Spits, but then the P-47's came in followed by more spits. I think everyone in my squad was shot down.  :(

P.S. To the Admin CM. We had a couple guys as observers and then in route to CAP our city we realized that we still had one too many (18) pilots in the air. I rolled over and dove in which took us to 17 pilots. Please don't count that 190 as more points to the Allies. I am sure they have enough as it is. :cry

Will post my orders for all to see.
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Offline daddog

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2007, 11:31:32 AM »
In all cases ordnance and fuel will be on the discretion of the C.O. If you are an attacking aircraft certainly cannons with bombs and or rockets would be recommended. Any fighters heading into enemy territory should carry 75% or 100% fuel with drop tanks. I have more resources on the offense than defense. If an opportunity to attack any incoming enemy aircraft arises it would be prudent to have a few of your pilots do so, but not at the cost of your primary mission of fighter sweeping an enemy base prior to the attacking aircraft arriving on station.

Attacking Groups

325 Checkertails (7-10) (190D) Roll A39 and head north to the 10.9 sector. Then turn west gaining altitude all the time and sweep the city for enemy fighters. You should be there several minutes before the Unforgiven who will be attacking from the north in Me-110’s. If need be take the fight south so the Unforgiven can attack from the north undetected.

The Unforgiven (16-21) (Me-110G) Roll from A42 and head directly west just north of the 11 line till you are in the 7.10 sector. I suggest NOE, but if you want to get some altitude then it will be your call. Once north of the City in the 7.9 sector turn south and attack the city destroying all the buildings.

The Bad Guys (16-21) (Ar-234) Roll A13. Rules state you may not use formations. Go north out of A13 and then turn west around the 15 line. Attack A75 from the north east. I suggest a target alt of 20k. You may only take 20 Ar-234’s. If you have more than 20 pilots have the remaining pilots take the 109G14 or the Fw190D and fly escort as best they can. Any extra pilots may want to head directly to A75 and draw the CAP south west and report enemy air activity directly to their own squad mates in the Ar-234’s.

Damned SE (7-10) (190D) Roll A28 and head directly to A75 and perform a fighter sweep. Engage any enemy you see. You should be there about 15 minutes before the Bad Guys arrive in Ar-234’s. Drag the enemy CAP down low if needed, but not at the cost of your altitude if you are above the enemy. Try to drag them south and west as the Bad Guys will be making their run from the north east. Coordinate with the Bad Guys as needed.  

327 Steel Talons (7-10) (190F8) Roll A39 and head directly to A48. The VFS 1000 is doing the same thing expect from a field just south of you A7. They should arrive at A48 just a minute or two ahead of you. Engage any enemy fighters you see. If resistance is light and you have the opportunity to straff A48 please assist JV44 in taking down the field.

JV44 Butcher Birds (11-15) (190F8) Roll A39 heavy and attack all objects at A48. The CAP should be engaged or reduced by the time you arrive to A48. If you are able return to base, rearm and finish any targets left at A48.

VFS 1000 Cyberhawks (4-6) (109G14) Roll A7 the moment fields are open and head directly to A48 and engage any enemy fighters you see. I suggest you use WEP and get as much altitude as possible.

Total attacking pilots = 68-93 pilots

Defending Groups

9giap VVs Rkka (4-6) (Me-262) Roll A46 and patrols the 9.6 and 9.7 area. Suggest a target alt of at least 25k. Look for incoming heavy bombers. You may attack fighters, but keep your altitude. Try to stay above 20k unless you spot heavy bombers down low. Defend the city or A46 if they are attacked by heavy bombers.

332nd Flying Mongrels (11-15) (190A8) Roll A53 and head directly to the 10.6 sector and defend the city. Suggest a target altitude of at least 25k.

Isle of Misfit Toys (4-6) (109G14) Roll A46 and defend A46. Coordinate with II/JG11 and the Raw Prawns.

II/JG11 Reichsverte (4-6) (109K) Roll A46 and defend A46. Coordinate with Isle of Misfit Toys and the Raw Prawns.

Raw Prawns (4-6) (190D) Roll A46 and defend A46. Coordinate with Isle of Misfit Toys and II/JG11.

364 Chawks (16-21) (½ in 109K and ½ in 190A8) Roll A13 and defend A13. I am expecting heavy fighters to attack A13, but if you come across bombers the 190A8’s should be able to cause significant damage to any large formations. Use the 109K’s to intercept any escorts or bombers if necessary. Suggest a target alt of at least 25k.

Total defending = 39-54 pilots
Noses in the wind since 1997
332nd Flying Mongrels
Knowing for Sure

Offline Husky01

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2007, 11:46:06 AM »
DadDog the 56th was the Attack on the City by 7

Was it your group in the 190s about 45 min till the frame ended that came into 48? I saw a lone 190 jumped on him. Next thing I know Im surrounded by 5 or 6 of you so I started running for my life :lol . Luckily the AKs 56th and 880th where all in the area to save my bacon. I guess it was my Birthday present to live out of that one lol.

Overall it was a good frame I thought.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 12:04:00 PM by Husky01 »

Offline ROC

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2007, 11:46:25 AM »
That was a great deal of fun, I had a blast last night.  Looks like our B24s ran into the Chawks at A13.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline Kermit de frog

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2007, 12:24:38 PM »
Torvald & Joker1 were both enemy pilots that killed 5 planes each.  WTG!

Sadly they did not live to receive their medals.:t
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Offline daddog

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« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2007, 12:41:57 PM »
Was it your group in the 190s about 45 min till the frame ended that came into 48?
Yes sir it was us. I should have told them to go NOE. :) At least then we would have hammered 48 before we were wiped out. :)

So it was the 56th that hit the city? They were in P-38's or P-47's. I would think P-47's? Were they NOE? We never saw them. How did they attack it?
Noses in the wind since 1997
332nd Flying Mongrels
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Offline Husky01

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2007, 12:52:16 PM »
Originally posted by daddog
Yes sir it was us. I should have told them to go NOE. :) At least then we would have hammered 48 before we were wiped out. :)

So it was the 56th that hit the city? They were in P-38's or P-47's. I would think P-47's? Were they NOE? We never saw them. How did they attack it?

Idk am I supposed to give out flight paths after the frame?

Offline trax1

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2007, 01:02:33 PM »
Originally posted by daddog
Yes sir it was us. I should have told them to go NOE. :) At least then we would have hammered 48 before we were wiped out. :)

My group was the first set of Spit 14's you ran into, I gotta tell ya that wasn't fun seeing all those 190's coming in and only me and 2 of my guys left.
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Offline Hawco

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2007, 01:04:24 PM »
So there I was tooling along at 29k heading West, when I saw 4 dots about co-alt, I thought, Great! there's my squaddies, got closer and thought 'Uh ho" turned out it was 4 P-38's lol. they blew past me without turning around, I was lucky- real lucky.

Offline Stampf

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2007, 01:35:04 PM »
The battle over A46 was nothing short of absolute slaughter.  My hats off to the allies for both an excellant plan and diciplined execution of such.
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Offline Gumbeau

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2007, 03:58:07 PM »
The 475FG in P38's was the feint/egress cover for the 56th raid on Frieburg.

Offline AKKaz

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2007, 12:09:41 AM »

We also hit the city toward the end of the frame.

We were split spit14's and ponies.  We split into 2 groups at 28k covering just east when radar flashes called our 14's down to investigate.  The city was being attacked by a 110 group on the deck.  We finished off the 110's and then Dogg and his pony group encountered some high 190's.

After the 190's and 110's were taken out, we rearmed and figuired that no more flights would be inbound to there and headed south toward 46.  By the time you reached there, 3 defensive squads were in the area, some on the deck fighting while others stayed high for cover.  When the threat subsided, we noticed the city still over half up and headed that way.

Halfway to the city we passed the 38's on their way home near the vehcile base.  After the 14's reached the city, there was no oppostion in site, so we went down and strafed till ammo was gone. By that time, the other half of our squad flying ponies arrived and unloaded their ammo.

All of us just made it back with around 5 mins left in the frame.  Alot of the damage to the city was done probably after you went west.  I beleive you guys had a good plan. But I think timing was off some do to the fact that the offensive raids (TOT) ended up spaced out enough to allow other squads to get to those areas for a mass defense on targets that had yet been hit.
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Offline DmdJJ

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2007, 08:21:17 AM »
Originally posted by Kermit de frog
Torvald & Joker1 were both enemy pilots that killed 5 planes each.  WTG!

Sadly they did not live to receive their medals.:t

Well you can only go into so many fights outnumbered and live. That happened to be our third of the night with only 15 minutes left. Torvald and I had a great time on the deck vs three 51's, lets just say that they didn't get any medals either.:D
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Offline WxMan

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« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2007, 08:52:56 AM »

Having the Unforgiven come into Metz from the north NOE was absolutely brilliant. It was the only area the AK's were not expecting the attack from.  We were wondering how we missed them.

to the Unforgiven for trashing the city and a good fight, to bad none of you made it out alive. :t
Arabian Knights

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Offline daddog

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AAR Frame 2
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2007, 11:08:48 AM »
Thanks guys. It was a fun frame for me despite the loss. It is almost a bragging point that I have never won a frame in FSO. :) My biggest fear is that someone will fly around and never see any action. I always hate it when I hear that happened to some squad.

The timing was off with what I envisioned and that was a factor in how it turned out.

Well done Allies! :)
Noses in the wind since 1997
332nd Flying Mongrels
Knowing for Sure