LOL gotcha...Thank you sir 
The funny aside... and just in case you are not certain as to the terms...
Scott...the acronym 'JG' - short for
Jagdgeschwader, or roughly
Hunter Group... is similar to a US fighter wing. A JG was typically made up of 3 or 4
Gruppen or fighter groups - ie: I./JG11 II./JG11 III./JG11 - each with 3 to 4
staffeln or
squadrons ie: 1./JG11 2./JG11 3./JG11 of I./JG11. 4./JG11 5./JG11 6./JG11 of II./JG11 etc...etc... So as with other airforces - there were many 'JG' 's during the war, and while they operated as independent groups, joint ops were common as well, particularly toward the end of the war.