I understand that all skins had to have been used during WW2, but I am wondering if they actually had to see
combat? I mean, if a particular skin saw some pretty bad training accidents, or took part in some very important work, but didn't actually fire on the enemy, would that be permissable in the game?
The reason I ask is that... Well,

I love the VF-17 1A skins, but would also love a VF-17 -1 skin. It would make flying that plane all the more enjoyable

However, though my research into the squadron is still at an infantile stage, it appears that VF-17 merely trained in the -1, and never actually fought in one.
"Merely," is not a very good word, though, as the training they seem to have done in the -1's was *very* important for the Corsair's development in the war. Both because they figured out how to land one on a CV, and also because they identified, and in some cases, self-remedied, many of the major design flaws with the earlier Corsairs.
I think there's a pretty strong argument for including such a skin in the game, but I wasn't sure what HTC's thoughts were on this, and was wondering if any of you knew?
And if it
is an ok skin to have.... Any takers?