Boy, you guys look at things from some narssicistic, arrogant, close minded, self centered, all knowing, tell everybody else, non compassionate, judgemental, holier than thou, i know better so i won't listen, i know better so i'm gonna tell you what to do, i'm the judge of right and wrong, kind of view.
just stop, neither of you are any of those things
neither am i
so stop acting like you know everything, because you don't
I know i don't know everything, so i don't try.
so my mind is constantly open to listen,
i don't make a judgement on anybody or anything cause i don't know everything
I am not the all knowing all seeing,being of knowledge.
neither are you, so be ready to change your point of view at anytime.
cause it could happen at any moment.
I'm open to all your viewpoints i except and i enjoy them all, i enjoy trying to see things from others points of view because you learn about yourself. But i don't pretend to believe that your points of view are wrong or right, i am not the judge of that..
So who is the judge of who's superior
Right or wrong?
You, Me?
The answer none of us.
I think he knows better than to throw judgement, because he knows how it hurts us all...
The world would be a much better place if we quit trying judge each other..