Originally posted by storch
...an outright lie as by definition predatory birds don't congregate
Just a small correction here Storch (Sorry- I've been outta town or would have caught this earlier...)
1- "Predatory" birds congregate quite commonly. The vast majority of predatory birds are NOT "birds of prey". Predatory birds live by killing and eating other animals. By definition, any bird that kills and eats other animals would be predatory, even a loon eating fish, or a swallow eating insects, or a robin eating worms, etc... It is extremely common to see "predatory" birds congregating. (Crows, seagulls, cranes, etc...)
2- If you were referring to actual "birds of prey" in your statement, it would again be incorrect. They often congregate as well. Migration would be an obvious starting point to this argument. Another would be when prey species follow a predictable schedule, as when hordes of bats leave caves in the evening. Birds of prey regularly congregate to prey on these animals. Not as a team though, they're there as individuals.
3- Family groups of birds of prey are technically congregations as well. Admittedly this is a fairly brief and seldom witnessed time of the year though. This would be when young birds follow the parents away from the nest and eventually begin to attempt hunting.
4- One species of bird of prey actually works with multiple individuals working together as a team. This would be the Harris' Hawk of the American southwest. These birds are nicknamed the "wolves of the air" due to the pack-like structure they utilize. Alpha / Beta birds- truly amazing. And they have to be seen to be believed when it comes to hunting as an aerial "pack". Woe be to any jackrabbit that is spotted by a hungry group of Harris' Hawks!!
OK- enough learnin' for one day- back to your arguments!
BTW- The disturbed individual who is the subject of this thread needs to walk away from the game for a bit in my opinion. Or at the very least grow up and see the "light". I ran across an individual on range vox who I believe is the individual in question. He needs to take the hint...