Originally posted by storch
this is rich. the FoSGs (to the uninitiated that would be Flocks of seagulls, my moniker for the otherwise self named birds of prey skwad which in my opinion is an outright lie as by definition predatory birds don't congregate but these players do nothing but congregate) who are the biggest rule breakers in the game and are in my opinion the principal reason why you have four MAs today now have come to BBS whining about a member breaking their rules.
PATRIOTS is an annoying player. his rightful place is in your weak annoying squad. bring him close and hold him to your bosom because he is a reflection of who you are.
GoPATSGo you have grown in my estimation. this could make you a toolshed legend.
any news on anopeheles land RPM?
Well Storchetta, Pat was one of ours but I don't believe that he was the subject of the thread that you hijacked to spew forth your venom on the BOPs, man you really should try a little more bran in your diet. Lol... If you were my child, I'd encourage you to play out in the middle of the interstate.
All the Best...(Nah, not really)