Author Topic: dot commands  (Read 361 times)

Offline Trip01

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dot commands
« on: September 14, 2007, 08:13:26 AM »
I'm returning to AH after an absence of a couple of years and looking through the readmes of the versoins that have happened since I last played there's a load of dot commands I know nothing about.

Is there a list of dot commands somewhere? I can't find one on the HT site or the training site.


Offline Latrobe

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dot commands
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 08:19:40 AM »
Here are some, copied and pasted from the "Need Training?" area of the Game Info.

Commands Available Anytime
For radio and comms
.radio Number Channel (Tune a radio)
.f GameID (Find if a player is online)
.p GameID message (send a private message to a player in any arena)
.r Message (sends private reply to last player who sent private message to you *in same arena only*)
.sr (your Squad Roster of online players and their arenas)
.s GameID (Salute)
.squelch GameID
.unsquelch GameID or ALL
.report GameID (reports abusive radio text)
.vreport GameID (reports abusive radio talk/voice)
squad related
.sqdinvite GameID (Start a squad)
.sqdpermission GameID Permissions (See * below.)
.sqdeject GameID
.sqdname SquadName
.wingman GameID (Highlights your wingman)
.jumptg TaskGroupNumber (Offline, H2H host, CM)
.showjoin (Toggles .join requests from popups to msg bar)
.accept GameID (Accepting a .join)
.decline GameID (Declining a .join)

Commands Available In Flight Only
.ef (End flight)
.speed MPH (Speed between 100 and 400 MPH)
.salvo Dropcount (Valid range between 0 and 100)
.delay TimeInSecs (Valid range between 0.05 - 1.0)

Commands Available When Not In Flight
.country Number (1 is Bishops, 2 is Knights, 3 is Rooks)
.move Number (Number is the field number)
.handle YourHandle
.plane Number
.fuel FuelLoadIndex (The fuel load index must be from 0 to 3.)
.join GameID
.unjoin GameID
.changeid NewGameID (Only case may be changed)

Offline Trip01

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dot commands
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 08:38:39 AM »
Thanks very much :)
