Author Topic: Why we need a black president  (Read 4545 times)

Offline bj229r

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #150 on: September 21, 2007, 07:38:24 AM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
I think maybe the Jewish's religious beliefs help alot of this from happening and ties that group together, black folks don't have that, as race is a way of classification not a religion. Maybe a Jewish person could comment on that.

And being born to a 16 year old mother doesn't help, and that situation doesn't just happen to black folks, look at the Jerry Springer show for instance. It ain't impossible for a child to come outta that straight, just harder. Parents form a childs backbone, and if your parents are stupid, you've got to really work against that.
yup, was reading up on that...out-of-wedlock-teen birth rates of Hispanics are passing blacks on by....guess the assertion that our newest immigrants are "Catholic, and their religion will make them good citizens" going by the wayside as they become 'Americanized'
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers

Offline TalonX

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« Reply #151 on: September 21, 2007, 07:45:54 AM »
Originally posted by mentalguy
I am niether sexist nor racist when it comes to politicians.
They are all equally worthless.

Politics - The word is actually based on two other words.  Poli, the Greek for many, and tics - a blood sucking parasite.


Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline lazs2

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #152 on: September 21, 2007, 08:12:21 AM »
LOL ledpig... Ok... ya got me... a 70 IQ?   that would put me about average for your people by the bell curve now wouldn't it?

Many many people here in the states started from scratch several generations ago... most had no education such an my grandfather.... they had to work... no time for school.   many did not even speak the language... but... while they spent time learning the language and putting their kids through school... you spent the time unlearning the language... and forgeting who your dads were.

You are victims alright... victims of your own self pity... that is probly the worst thing that a man can do... wallow in self pity.   Even with my 70's IQ I understand that.   I was a drug addict and a criminal...  I most certainly don't need anyones pity and never use it as an excuse... I did it to myself.   I got over it. keep thinking you are a victim...  I feel a new victim based riot coming on...  thousands of victims are mobbing up as we speak because they can't even gangbang a white guy without being persecuted by the law.... yeah.. that will make me want to take your side.

I think that other than my low IQ... what has been revealed here is that... just as I said... scratch a liberal or a black and they will go off...  so long as everyone agrees with you then you were fairly pleasant.. with only a few idiotic victim things going...  when you were challenged you went off... you lost it...

You even attacked torque who is left of karl marx.  He probly does have a poster of jesse jackson over his bed!

oh... and to be honest..  you strike me as someone who's IQ is about 110... smart enough to pass exams and go to school but too dumb to think for himself.   The only thing that separates you from joe six pack is that you got a different brainwashing brand.


Offline lazs2

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #153 on: September 21, 2007, 08:13:20 AM »
neubob..  I do not and you can come over to my garage and see!  (line from a song)

Who is that ugly woman BTW?


Offline Neubob

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #154 on: September 21, 2007, 08:24:50 AM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
I think maybe the Jewish's religious beliefs help alot of this from happening and ties that group together, black folks don't have that, as race is a way of classification not a religion. Maybe a Jewish person could comment on that.

And being born to a 16 year old mother doesn't help, and that situation doesn't just happen to black folks, look at the Jerry Springer show for instance. It ain't impossible for a child to come outta that straight, just harder. Parents form a childs backbone, and if your parents are stupid, you've got to really work against that.

Trust me when I say it's not just religion, per se...

Jews have a famous habit of binding themselves to each other socially, and it goes above and beyond religious practice. Of of the key functions of Kosher itself was as a method of keeping Jews closely knit, because when you lack a nation with physical borders, you have to invent ways to create borders of your own. Kosher became that nation. Those who don't keep kosher can be friends with a Jewish family, but traditionally, at least, such a person would not be able to sit at a Jewish table. Therefore, such a person would never be allowed into the inner circles.

Religion does play a role, but the religious beliefs themselves were tailored to a social situation that amazingly has not changed much over the centuries. An overriding sense of blood bond, as well as family, has been the backbone. Jews are also, at least in my experience, incorrigible gossips. The communities are small and tight, and everyone knows everything. It provides pretty incentive to behave... To top is off, the Jewish mother stereotype is as true-to-life as any other stereotype. Kids grow up wanting to impress and please, and it sticks with them their whole lives.

Of course, today that too is changing. Put an Orthodox jew in the same room with an agnostic such as myself, and an spiteful argument is just as likely to result as any sort of mutual understanding. As for family bonds, well, that's all being redefined daily.

Pop culture rules all.

Offline Neubob

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #155 on: September 21, 2007, 08:32:33 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
neubob..  I do not and you can come over to my garage and see!  (line from a song)

Who is that ugly woman BTW?


She's the main character in a god-awful reality TV show. The stereotypical assertive-aggressive hoodrat. Her mere presence on this earth paints  Black women in a horrible light, and makes me wonder why all Black men aren't either in a monestary, or self-imposed homosexuals.

No I do not think she's indicative. It's just sad that she's in a spotlight, be it short and insignificant.

Offline lazs2

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #156 on: September 21, 2007, 09:01:36 AM »
so is that why so many of the men go after fat white women?


Offline Neubob

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« Reply #157 on: September 21, 2007, 09:03:30 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
so is that why so many of the men go after fat white women?


I don't know why any man would ever go after a woman that can roll faster than she walks.

Offline moot

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #158 on: September 21, 2007, 09:18:56 AM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
This is one of the best quotes of this thread. And basically explains what i am saying.


Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you


  • Parolee
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Why we need a black president
« Reply #159 on: September 21, 2007, 09:29:10 AM »
No it's statements like

As stated by Lasz2

you commit most of the crime and riots.

you have some of the highest illigitimacy rates and refuse to learn in school.

Denounce your "black leaders" for the racists that they are.

Quit being thugs and quit whining and we can work from there.

It's blanketed, genaralized, neophyte thought process statements like this that cause me to respond back in a less than pleasant light or "go off" as you say. Not your beliefs. I think i responded in the most pleasant and calm manner as i could and state my point. I could have been alot more insulting. I respect your beliefs and a man's right to have them, but it's statements like this that make me jitterish.

Honestly Lasz, when you make statements like this it makes me wonder about you.  Are you so simple that you cannot comprehend a situation below it's base effects and appearances. Can you not see beyond the numbers and charts and comprehend alll of the reasons. I believe alot of black folks are in the situation they are in because they blame, don't take responsibilty, don't try to do well in school and give up.

I believe that is not the only reason however and that America has really screwed these people up and thats part of the reason blacks are still some of the poorest, uneducated, crime ridden in the country. Along with their own folly. I think poverty is the main factor and this economic status we are still seeing as the effect of slavery and racism. Which the racism caused by this really only started to end about 37 to 57 years ago. That's not too long in a economic social melting pot such as America with all it's interpersonal, dynamics and cultural and fiscal leanings.

It is long enough however and they should stop blaming and get up and get educated.


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Why we need a black president
« Reply #160 on: September 21, 2007, 09:34:03 AM »
Originally posted by moot

When i scrolled down i honestly thought for a second those two timpani drums were two huge tits, and got kind of excited.

Moot i'm sending you a bill for my new key(bored) lol

:rofl :rofl

Offline Neubob

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #161 on: September 21, 2007, 09:37:19 AM »

But do you honestly think that 'black leaders' such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are helping the situation?

Seems to me that having 'black leaders' at all, flies in the face of achieving real equality, because so long as you have leaders whose main defining characteristic is their skin color, their cause will never be taken seriously, and their words and intentions will always remain suspect. Martin Luther King was the great exception, of course, and his shoes have yet to be filled. And yet I think that today, a white man could fill those shoes just the same.  

Those who seek colorblindness should lead by example, rather than demand colorblindness while sticking to their guns and nurturing their, dare I say, race-based interest groups such as the NAACP.

Do you not agree?

Offline Torque

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #162 on: September 21, 2007, 10:25:40 AM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
Are you crazy.

well... that was my point leadpig, the statement was so bent from a rational reality it was self mocking.  

just like being labeled a 'leftist' by a unionized civil servant from kalifornia.... :rolleyes:

Offline Jackal1

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #163 on: September 21, 2007, 10:37:31 AM »
Originally posted by Neubob

But do you honestly think that 'black leaders' such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are helping the situation?

I`d have to say that if I were a caring black man these two clowns would be a total embarrassment to my race.
I am white so they just make good laughing stocks.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Neubob

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« Reply #164 on: September 21, 2007, 10:42:48 AM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
I`d have to say that if I were a caring black man these two clowns would be a total embarrassment to my race.
I am white so they just make good laughing stocks.

I agree with the first statement. The second statement is a mixed bag for me. Yes, that are pretty pathetic, but they're also dangerous. Too many mentally-challanged individuals put a lot of stock into what they say.

A happy and prosperous black population would help this nation immensely. Guys like those mentioned about are major barriers to this progress. We all suffer as a result, and nobody more than those who buy into the bull****.

And saying crap like 'we're not gonna take it anymore', as was quoted during the Jena 6 debacle, is a perfect example of the backwards thinking. Not gonna take what? Who's oppressing who here? The whole sentiment is that there is a master abusing the servant. There simply is not. Residual effects from slavery or not, today, the disparity is more self-imposed than anything else, and statements such as these just reinforce this out-dated thinking.

Jackson and Sharpton are the ones carrying the nooses today. Besides promoting self pity and a sense of entitlement, they do nothing at all. I hope they die out real soon so we can start to move on.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 10:52:49 AM by Neubob »