Author Topic: Aggravated Assault/ Some legal advice wanted/ I'M fine, but you should see the HIM!  (Read 12667 times)

Offline SteveBailey

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Originally posted by Serenity
so what harm is done in shaking his hand?

In reality, this would gave immediately put you at a disadvantage, considering that there were two guys.

Offline SteveBailey

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Originally posted by Serenity
Did I not say he obviously had no idea what he was doing? While the cheeck may be perforated, it puts up a lot more resistance than say, the gut. Theres no part of the human body impervious to damage, but I'd say the cheeck is pretty solid compared to the rest of your body.

yes but you're fictional story has so many irregularities.  for instance, you expect us to believe that a guy continued to throw punches at you after you put a knife to his throat.

:aok   :rofl

Offline Serenity

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Originally posted by SteveBailey
Well since you asked, and you "knew" you were going to be mugged: The only intelligent first move, since you had no-one else to protect, would have been to retreat/do your best to avoid the confrontation. Your failure to avoid the conflict was your first of several foolish moves in your fictional story.

Well, I had somewhere to be. Now, it would have been inteligent to leave and return home, but the next bus wouldn't come for over an hour, and I didnt fancy spending the night at home. And once more, what if I was wrong? They were showing no OUTWARD signs. I had a gut feeling, but the one that knocked me was being perfectly nice, so while I didnt let my guard down, I also didnt see a reason to inconvinience myself unless I started to notice some hostile act.

Offline Golfer

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Other than being a dumb thing to do?  You don't shake strangers' hands.  You don't accept candy from them either.

Seriously unless I'm expecting to meet someone or am being formally introduced I'm not shaking your hand.  You will get a head nod, a "how's it goin?" or at least an adknowledgement that you exist via eye contact.  I won't be touching you.  I won't be letting you touch me.

A little judgement goes a long way and also since it's been done to death on internet BBs' it is not our job to prove your story.  It's yours if you don't want to be put under the microscope.  These things can be tracked and researched.  If it happened it happened but your overglorification of your story puts it closer to the BS bin.  Just the thought of some skinny kid going up against a couple big hawaiian dudes and winning makes me giggle a bit.

Offline SteveBailey

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Originally posted by Serenity
I had a gut feeling,

No, you said you "knew", your "gut feeling" retract only happend in a later post.  As I've said, your failure to retreat was just the first of several blunders in your story.

Offline Serenity

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Originally posted by SteveBailey
In reality, this would gave immediately put you at a disadvantage, considering that there were two guys.

Only one punched me. The other was 4 feet away, so I wouldn't consider him an immidiate threat. He was hanging back, so I wasn't worried about him.

As to the knife, once more, he didnt notice. The time elapsed between my pulling the kife, and thinking better and putting it away was mere seconds. This wasn't a prolonged struggle, after all, it consisted of my taking only 3 punches.

Offline SteveBailey

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Originally posted by Serenity

As to the knife, once more, he didnt notice. The time elapsed between my pulling the kife, and thinking better and putting it away was mere seconds. This wasn't a prolonged struggle, after all, it consisted of my taking only 3 punches.

You are trying to tell me that a guy didn't notice you pull a knife and hold it centimeters from his throat?

Offline AWMac

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:rofl :rofl :rofl

Oh my sides... Ohhh GAWD I think I'm peeing....

Serenity please tell us another one!!!! PLEASE!!!!

"What Would Serenity Do?"

Ohhhh my sides...I can't Breathe...Ohhhhh...



Offline Serenity

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Originally posted by Golfer
Other than being a dumb thing to do?  You don't shake strangers' hands.  You don't accept candy from them either.

Seriously unless I'm expecting to meet someone or am being formally introduced I'm not shaking your hand.  You will get a head nod, a "how's it goin?" or at least an adknowledgement that you exist via eye contact.  I won't be touching you.  I won't be letting you touch me.

A little judgement goes a long way and also since it's been done to death on internet BBs' it is not our job to prove your story.  It's yours if you don't want to be put under the microscope.  These things can be tracked and researched.  If it happened it happened but your overglorification of your story puts it closer to the BS bin.  Just the thought of some skinny kid going up against a couple big hawaiian dudes and winning makes me giggle a bit.

Well, ive been raised differently than that. If someone attempts to shake your hand in a friendly gesture, you return it. Thats just how I was raised. I wouldnt take candy from him, but if he offers a handshake, I return it.

I'm not asking you to prove my story, but if you want to insist it's a lie, prove it is. If you just dont beleive it, then say you dont beleive it. But unless you can PROVE its a lie, dont come calling me a liar and telling everyone else to take it as a lie. I never said I won. I just didnt lose. I would call it a draw, as I walked away unharmed, but lost a few posessions.

Offline Serenity

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Originally posted by SteveBailey
You are trying to tell me that a guy didn't notice you pull a knife and hold it centimeters from his throat?

Apparently he didnt.

Offline SteveBailey

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Originally posted by Serenity
Did I not say he obviously had no idea what he was doing?  

Ya, you said this because he hit you in  the cheek, as if this somehow couldn't hurt  you:

he didnt realise that punching a guy in the cheeck would cause no pain, as it connects only with bone.

I'm telling you that, while your story had already unraveled, you need to change this line for future audiences.

Offline SteveBailey

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Originally posted by Serenity
Apparently he didnt.

Not a soul on this board is going to believe that, 'less they lack reason completely.

Offline Serenity

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Originally posted by SteveBailey
Ya, you said this because he hit you in  the cheek, as if this somehow couldn't hurt  you:

In all the fights ive been in, in all the times ive been hit, I have never been hurt by a blow to the face. So no, I don't expect it to hurt me, as I have yet to have someone prove me otherwise. Hell, Id invite you to knock me in the face just to prove my point!

Offline AWMac

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Draw me 2 Pineapples kickin a Crackers arse!


Ohhh my sides... Stop, please stop...yer killin me.



Mac<--- lived in Pearl Harbor '67~'70...

You must be an Old Hawaiian Legend from Diamond Head raised from Kihee Lagoon only to be washed ashore at Wianae and pushed out the Blow Hole.

Hang Ten Bra


Ohhh my sides.... Medic!!!!
« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 08:35:51 PM by AWMac »

Offline Serenity

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Originally posted by SteveBailey
Not a soul on this board is going to believe that, 'less they lack reason completely.

Well, I can think of no other reason for his lack of any reaction.