Author Topic: TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...  (Read 635 times)


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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« on: February 11, 2000, 11:20:00 AM »
Some of the comments by players during the event:

Knfe: “Most fun I’ve had dying in some time.”

GronK: “My God!  It’s raining airplanes!”

   Buhdman (dangling from chute): “Damn!  Anyone know where I left my Focke-Wulf?”

   Unknown Gunner: “Here they come, here they come!…Oooohhhh SH….<static>”

As you can see, TOD Mission #6 last night was enjoyed by all.  My thanks for all the Rooks and Knights who respected our call to stay clear of this action, enabling the TOD pilots to experience the thrills and terrors we had hoped for.  My special thanks for Cobra and the rest of the OPFOR volunteers who manned the buffs and their escorts, without whom this mission would not have been possible.  

GronK caught most of the last climactic battle on film, and we’ll see about posting it on the Buccaneer’s webpage.  It’s awesome!  I don’t have a complete picture yet (AAR’s still coming in), but it looks like none of the B-17’s made it to target.  The cost was high, however.  Jarbo, Knfe, and Camel (all Buccaneers), were listed as KIA – Jarbo took one right between the eyes, the proverbial “golden BB.”  Two other Luftwaffe pilots bailed successfully over friendly territory (that’s why the TOD boys didn’t cross into Knightland, but orbited over F5 per GCI instructions), and the rest RTB’d safely.

This scenario wasn't without problems. Quite a few Knights organized their own flights without checking in with me, then went hunting for the buffs on their own.  As a result, they struck the bombers well inside Knight territory, before they had time to climb to their max allowed ceiling of 25K.  Several lone-wolfs also attacked the buff formation while it was still over Knight territory, shooting down several buffs and pulling a lot of the escorts away.  This was very disruptive to scenario balance, and I ask that in the future people try to be considerate of the rules of engagement (ROE). Nonetheless, some still managed to make it into Rookland, where the TOD boys completed their annihilation.  The point was to allow the buffs a "safe-zone" to reach altitude and get formed up tight, THEN proceed into indian country. Unfortunately, it didn't happen quite as hoped.

The primary purpose of this mission was to set up a classical Luftwaffe intercept over Germany for the TOD-registered pilots.  We weren't asking non-TOD pilots to stay away, just to cooperate. Unfortunately, it didn't happen as planned.  This is my fault: tho I made a number of posts on the BBS here to explain how this was supposed to go down, I fear there was still too much confusion as to the plan and purpose of this effort. I didn't realize until it was too late that we had so many other players out hunting for the buffs that weren't aware of the rules of engagement.  To those who honestly didn't know there WERE ROE's, no hard feelings. I'm glad you enjoyed the event. I'll try to do a better job next time of communicating them ahead of time. To those who KNEW this was an attempt to create a balanced engagement but chose to ignore that fact for their own personal gratification...well, major loss of cool points, dudes.

If I can climb up on my soapbox for a moment, this mission more than anything else illustrates the pressing need for a special events arena, now that AH is pay-for-play.  I’m also quite disturbed by the notion that we’ll have to pay extra to participate in special events in AH, according to HtC.  Special events are what I live for (virtually speaking  ).  I’m barely able to justify $30/month as it is; if special events are going to be extra, I may be forced to seek other avenues than AcesHigh to satisfy my addiction.

Well, that’s enough whining for today.  Thanks again for all who participated last night.  It was incredibly exciting to watch, even if I wasn’t actually flying (tried this time, but kept getting disco’d).  Stay tuned for TOD mission #7, this Saturday at 5:00 PM EST.

Sabre (a.k.a. Rojo)
TOD Minister of War

Offline Ripsnort

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2000, 11:33:00 AM »
"This was very disruptive to
                      scenario balance, and I ask that in the future people try to be considerate of the rules of engagement (ROE).
                      Nonetheless, some still managed to make it into Rookland, where the TOD boys completed their annihilation. The
                      point was to allow the buffs a "safe-zone" to reach altitude and get formed up tight, THEN proceed into indian country.
                      Unfortunately, it didn't happen quite as hoped."

Alot of this we be eleviated when we get a Historical arena. Ya gotta expect some of this.  Wish I coulda made it, sounds like fun!

Brian "Ripsnort" Nelson
++JG2++ ~Richthofen~ XO
(Formerly VF-101 Grim Reapers~Rip1~Warbirds~)

"In training, upon being told it was time to
solo, the instructor said, “You tried to kill
me enough times, now try it with a check pilot.”"

Offline Cobra

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2000, 11:58:00 AM »
To all OPFOR pilots....well done and a great effort vs. the odds.  Thank you all for pitching in and helping to make this fun.  I know we got blown out of the sky, but it was still a great rush.  I will try to plan better for the next OPFOR mission in this TOD.  Hats off to the bomber crews and to Hang and his pony, too many bandits to count or even call out on the radio!

Like I said last night, I now have a small taste of what it must have felt like to the crews in the early days of daylight place to hide and you can't run, the luftwaffe knows your coming...just try to bull your way through, and watch Forts fall from the sky.

To bring morale back time we hit the subpens in France(i.e. milkrun, hehe).

I agree...we need the HA.  Also last night got me to thinking (always dangerous according to my wife).  Maybe we could have an Allied/Axis TOD so that there will always be an organized OPFOR.  

Sabre, after this TOD finishes out, let me know what you think about this.  I can already see the excitement that this TOD is generating.  The Wrecking Crew are setting up mini-scenerios now, plus Rip and Kieren...I think the community can pull this off.

Member of the Flying Elvis's...AH's most elite parachute team...

Offline Udie

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2000, 12:57:00 PM »

 I was the one who took the 190's into knight land.  I was under the impression that thzone was leading the LW forces, he was the only person to answer my many questions on where the LW was forming.  I felt bad taking the flight into Knight territory, but I had about 15 pilots w/ short fuel. I didn't want to waiste that many people's time.  Sorry    Although we didn't find the buffs until they were crossing the canyons, so it didn't work out too badly.

 Next time I'll pay more attention to the ROE and try not to screw things up.  Sorry for the foul.....


Offline Swager

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2000, 01:06:00 PM »

That is so cool!  


Damn Ghostrider!  This bogey is all over me!!
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline Ripsnort

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2000, 01:07:00 PM »
" I was under the impression that thzone was leading the LW forces, he was the only person to answer my many questions on where the LW was forming."

One thing that is helpful is, whoever is leading the entire squad, have everyone go to a different channel, announce this channel IN CAPS on your respective country channel periodically so as to catch anyone coming up late for the event.

Once on assigned channel, leader repeats the orders of what and where, IP, etc...IN CAPS, and repeat the orders every few minutes.

Most of this stuff is known, most practice it.  As Udie knows, it's tough to answer questions when you're giving orders, but if your orders are precise, and well planned, by repeating them over and over again IN CAPS , the end result will be no questions asked..get it?  

Brian "Ripsnort" Nelson
++JG2++ ~Richthofen~ XO
(Formerly VF-101 Grim Reapers~Rip1~Warbirds~)

"In training, upon being told it was time to
solo, the instructor said, “You tried to kill
me enough times, now try it with a check pilot.”"


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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2000, 01:44:00 PM »
All good points, Ripsnort.  Because this started out as a TOD mission, I definitely didn't pay enough attention to what was going on on the radio.  And Udie, don't sweat it.  As I said, I didn't realize the fervor generated for this before hand.  Jarbo offered to organize the Luftwaffe during the premission phase, but I was late getting back to him.  He did make an attempt to get some of the other non-TOD players to join with his group, but by that time the scenario had taken on a life of it's own. So we ended up with too many Luftwaffe, and the action taking place on the wrong side of the line. I've gained a real appreciation for all the great CM's we had in brand-W.  Planning is the easy part; execution is where the real pressure comes in.

I really can't say enough about the great job Cobra did of getting the OPFOR organized. They knew ahead of time they were cannon fodder, but agreed to do it anyway. And it was quite a feat just to get into Rockland, given the wave upon wave of 109s and 190s that hit them.  I definitely like his idea of a Axis vs. Allies TOD, with organized rosters for both sides.  Going to have to have a special events arena, though...and JUST SAY NO TO SPECIAL EVENTS SURCHARGES!

I really am glad this has generated so much enthusiam.  This mission alone resulted in a half-dozen new pilots registering for this TOD.  Pretty good when you figure it's now half over with already.  This is shaping up to be a great community.

Sabre (a.k.a. Rojo)

Offline DoctorYO

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2000, 04:18:00 PM »
DocYO tells crewchief to put 2 kills below his new plane's canopy while recovering from broken ribs/leg...(Udie and Wingman destroyed last plane)

2 confirmed kills, 1 unconfirmed (wing ripper)

plane reads the following:
XXX 109 unkown variant(thzone)XXX

XXX 190a8(Camel)XXX

"DoctorYO also ordered syops to launch a weather ballon to drop propaganda on LW headquarters declairing himself their killer"

(off the record:  Stirring the pot for next mission.)

as far as paying for a event; my opinion is as follows...

players should not have to pay for a player organized event.  

If HTC runs the show then maybe a surcharge if its really done to the hilt.

Exp:  fake mission letters, maps, serperate stat boards, the whole nine yards.

Just my 2 cents,  Again great fight; Camel/Thzone no bashing I was good as dead and was saved by a rogue 190.

And Thzone I could see you take that tail section of that B17 was real cool to see live, I think you vaporized(really I mean nothing left) my squady Propnut too.


JG 2

Offline bloom25

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2000, 05:09:00 PM »
As a member of the ill-fated b17 force, I must say it was a lot of fun.  The first attack occured when we were at 17k, just as we were beginning the turn east.  (The screenshot I posted in the other thread shows the aftermath of this strike.)  The next wave of approximately 6 109's intercepted us at an altitude of 20k just before we reached base 15.  Unfortunately our escort had not yet reached a favorable altitude or position to repel them.  We took heavy losses from that wave.  (I personally lost an elevator.  Even more damaging, I was nearly out of ammo.)  Fortunately the escorts were able to destroy some of undamaged planes before they could make another pass.  By now, we were down to just a couple airworthy b17s, and not long after another wave of 190s and 109s struck.  Despite heroic efforts by the remaining escorts and b17 gunners, all was lost in the end.  It all ended for me with 2 bogeys gaining on my 6 and I with no ammo left to throw at them.   Just then I heard a crunch as my rudder was destroyed.  After this point I was in a slow decent to oblivion, being unable to regain any altitude.  Thzone delivered the knockout blow, separating a wing from my poor b17.  After this point I began the death spiral to the earth, successfuly bailing at 5000ft.  I believe I was the last b17 to go down, although I may be wrong if others got separated from the formation.  (My total score was 5 assists.)

My thanks to all that put this event on, it was a blast.  I hope to do it again soon.


Offline Hangtime

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2000, 05:15:00 PM »
Gents.. It's frankly impossible to put into words how utterly hopeless the escorts & buffs position was.. I hope that next time we will have more escorts, (a total of 3 for each buff would be reasonable.. not three buffs per fighter) and we will be in position; and fully briefed before the buffs roll.

Of these escorts; several will be assigned as outriders; to cover the point and threat flanks as well as a strong escort high cap over the formation itself. We will not be caught again like we were last night. My apologies to all; buffs and escorts alike for making so many mistakes on this mission.

On the plus side; the escorts (The good DoctorYo, PhantomPV, Blitz, and one other, who's name escapes me) fought like tigers in an uphill battle. I saw no enemy below; or even co alt. All were above us from jump street. Of the entire force; the only AC to RTB was mine.. riddled with holes; trailing smoke. And I felt awful. Still do. What a dismal performance.   I know what went wrong.. and I should have anticipated it.

Extra note should be given to the buff pilots themselves.. they did the best they could, but no one man, nor even two crewing a buff can man and train the guns in an appropriate manner to make a defensive box formation work during a multiple zone attack. Some thought needs to be given to this.. and an inner defense strategy formed to reduce this handicap.

Once again.. Salute; all who flew!

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Kieren

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2000, 05:41:00 PM »

There is nothing to regret on your part. As you and others have stated, it was over before it began. We will all learn and get better at this as time goes on.  

Offline Hangtime

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2000, 08:43:00 PM »
No regrets! Was something to see.. and I did learn a lot. A whole lot in fact.

My new motto, learned it in church when I wuz a just a dwarf. Learned it again last night grabbin up to the cons.... "tis better to give; than to recieve"

Next time I'm given 'em hell from the top; down.  

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline blitz

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TOD Mission#6 AAR: What a way to go...
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2000, 09:22:00 AM »
Mini scenario was really fun,although a bad day for allies.

thx to everyone who joined it and the guys who worked it out.

to hangtime

Thx for guiding us :-)
