The saga continues.
It turns out that any 3d game hangs. I believe my video card is overheating.
If I minimize the 3d game and the video is displaying my 2d desktop it will run indefinitely.
If I run a game when the video card is cool it will run for up to 3 minutes. If I immediately reboot & fire up the game it will go for a few seconds, if at all.
When I set the BIOS RAM speed from Auto to 200mHz I can fly AHII indefinitely (I think).
My next step is to step up the RAM speed in the BIOS until it starts hanging again.
I installed Catalyst Radeon Package and had to uninstall it - I couldn't get the right .Net Framework dll's apparently. I am not alone. I had to settle for the updated driver instead.
I'd like to figure out how to monitor my vid card temp & cpu temp. How do I do this?
I have a Radeon AGP 9600 with 128 meg of ram and I just added 2 Gig of 800mHz DDR2 system ram. I think the video card is straining to keep up.
I'd be happy to hear any opinions or suggestions - I don't want a new vid card, tho as that means PCIe , new MOBO etc, that I don't have $$ for, unless it's in the $50-$75 range...