Originally posted by storch
great fights, with respect to clean, what's that?
Cant say this for everyone, but I, for one, was not a victim of a single HO. One guy made a hell of a deflection shot on me, but whereas many jerks call that an HO, in my eyes it is a great tool that should be used to win a dogfight.
There was, however, lots of gang banging on both sides but hey, with in flight dar, it is the pilots choice to dive into a gang bang situation so all is fair game. Me? I winged up....and the one time I saw a potential gang bang situation, I circled and waited for my wingmen.
That, my friend, is what I meant when I said "clean".
By the way, yes....Trukill is a heck of a talented stick in the arena...betcha he is good at pacman, asteroids and breakout as well!:cool:
Cya's tonight.
Raptor 33