OK one for the Air Force.
Air Force people always stay in hotels. No, tents were the norm at FOB’s.
Air Force treats officers better that enlisted. I’m going to say differently, not necessarily better. They lived in the same tents and they are family.
Air Force has the best chow…. Bull S…..
Not as military as the other services, That’s crap.
The best bases, you bet. Lets not put 80 million dollar assets in a cornfield.
Pilots treat the ground crews better that most other officers treat there enlisted force in other services. You better believe it, where I have seen crews have bad days, most of the time these people are professionals.
Crew dogs own the aircraft, not own, they are responsible for it’s upkeep.
My life in the Air Force was long days and nights, bending wrenches, 12 hours in a gas mask, endless alerts and exercises, sweating bullets during FCF flights, school, repetitive training, testing, strange medical exams, bosses that were down right mean, not seeing my family for months even years at a time, such pain when a friend is lost, packing up and moving every four years or so leaving all your friends behind, watching everything you do so you don’t cause harm. Blood, sweat and tears by the bucketful. War.
But is was also, gut renching laughter, travel to places that are not even on a map yet, friendship that reaches beyond even your own blood family, watch young people go above and beyond the call of duty, then blow it off like it was no big thing. Heroes around every corner, getting you butt wiped in a football game by the 82nd Airborne (it still hurts) and so many other thing I cannot explain.
The worst day was my last day.
What ever service you chose, you must finish school first. Go to college if it is possible and get a commission. Do not feel any less if you decide to go enlisted, we are the backbone of the armed forces. For now, be a young person, look at everything we have in this country and remember that is was the GI that made it all possible and keeps it that way.
Oh forget, there are girls in every country! You'll have a steady job and income. They are looking for guys like that. BE CAREFULL!