It may be a lil tough at first Masherbrum because the moment a man arises who profoundly understands the distress of his people and, having diagnosed the evil with perfect accuracy, takes measures to cure it; the moment he fixes his aim and chooses the means to reach it – then paltry and pettifogging people become all attention and eagerly follow the doings of this man who has thus come before the public gaze.
Just like sparrows who are apparently indifferent, but in reality are firmly intent on the movements of the fortunate companion with the morsel of bread so that they may snatch it from him if he should momentarily relax his hold on it, so it is also with the human species.
All that is needed is that one man should strike out on a new road and then a crowd of poltroons will salamander up their ears and begin to sniff for whatever little booty may possibly lie at the end of that road.
The moment they think they have discovered where the booty is to be gathered they hurry to find another way which may prove to be quicker in reaching that goal.
As soon as a new movement is founded and has formulated a definite program, people of that kind come forward and proclaim that they are fighting for the same cause.
This does not imply that they are ready honestly to join the ranks of such a movement and thus recognize its right of priority.
It implies rather that they intend to steal the program and found a new party on it.
The line has been drawn.
I have said this over and over again for 3 Years.
Vote Mac/Mash 2008