Author Topic: request for a tips while loading popup on german rockets and jetisonable rocket tubes  (Read 949 times)

Offline TUXC

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Originally posted by Viking
Oh? You think he's vindictive?

I dunno, but I bet if you sent him a case of scotch we'd get the jettisonable rocket tubes and R4Ms for the Me 262.


Offline Citabria

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the downside of taking the rockets is the slow climbrate and weight  and difficulty getting the plane in a position for the rockets to be fired.

with full throttle buffs doing 300mph at altitude... well try catching them in a 190a8 or 109g14 or 110g2 with rockets loaded.

it takes some considerable forethought to be in a position to intercept a buff formation in these planes with these weapons...

and then after all that effort 3 out of 4 times your going to completely miss anyways.

the frustration level is enormous.

no one uses the rockets. would be nice to see them used.
if you follow historical precident that says german pilots had a mechanism to jettison the tubes it should be modelled in aces high.
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Viking

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Originally posted by TUXC
I dunno, but I bet if you sent him a case of scotch we'd get the jettisonable rocket tubes and R4Ms for the Me 262.

I'm sorry, but I hate fanboyism. I am a paying customer and I insist on acting like one.

Offline Urchin

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I found the quote.  

Posted by HT on 11-25-02, directed towards Hazed.

"We try look into any VALID discussion of flight modling that could be incorect, and have responded to some like the rocket pod jetison before.

That question is a choice on our part to make them not jetisonable, because all players would just jetison after use, and that is not how they were used. The jetison was for emergancy only, and not disposable. There for in an effort to be more realistic we chose not to have them jetisonable. And now once again just this statment will lead to another heated argument."

I doubt he has changed his mind.  The rockets have a place in scenarios, but not really in the MA.

Offline Viking

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Being engaged in combat was considered an "emergency". A German fighter pilot who found himself in combat would jettison drop tanks and rocket tubes (even if they were not yet spent). Hitech may not be an idiot, but he is wrong in this case.

Offline Citabria

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ok so where in this game after firing the rockets do you anticipate not being engaged by enemy fighters?

that 190a8 is going to stroll on home in a scenario vs the 8th air force where the scenario designers stack the escorts numbers "because the buffs need more help"

i cant think of a better example than a scenario like der gush shlag where the 190 staffels were at all times engaged by mustangs while attacking the buffs.

The MA is one big emergency after another. soon as you kill a buff with a rocket better check six because an la7 just took off and is now at 10k on your 190a8s six and you cant out run out turn or out dive or out climb him.

sounds like an emergency to me.
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline hubsonfire

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If the weapons meant to be used against bombers have to have artificial "realism" constraints, how come the bombers themselves are free of any such hinderances?
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Offline Urchin

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I said all the same things you are saying 5 years ago Fester.  

It doesn't look like he is going to change his mind.

Offline TUXC

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Found this on another forum. Has links to several 190A-5/A-6 manuals:

"In an emergency, the launching tubes can be released by severing the carrier struts with explosive charges. To fire charges, activate toggle switch. . . To prevent accidental actuation of the toggle switch, it is held in the safe position by a spring-loaded plate."

pp32-34 are on the rockets (translated to English)

this one (in German) is also on the rockets

I can't see jettisoning rocket tubes so that you're not a sitting duck against an enemy fighter any less realistic than the regular use of landing flap settings while dogfighting and using Il-2s as fighters, both of which occur frequently in the MA.


Offline Nwbie

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INteresting discussion

Waits for the resident /owner/ now what was that term... oh yeah...idiot...

to respond....


Skuzzy-- "Facts are slowly becoming irrelevant in favor of the nutjob."