Author Topic: Allied discussion thread  (Read 1348 times)

Offline Odee

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Allied discussion thread
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2008, 10:34:49 AM »
Better check your timelines on Aircraft availability.  The A-20-G was more widely in use.  The B-25 would only be the glass nose available so forget the strafer.  However, if you want to keep things on the up-n-up, I'd suggest...  The Boston, better known as the A-20G or Havoc.  Ioffer the following info;
at the end of 1941, British Havocs and Bostons had already performed well for most of the year against German targets in North Africa and Southern Europe...

Normal loaded weight:
 24,000 lbs.
 Wing span 61'4"
Length 48'0"
Height 17'7"
Internal fuel:
 725 gallons
 8x50 cal M2
250 lb bombs
500 lb bombs

Some of you guys have been saying the F4F is not up to tangling with the 109, A6M2, or even the 110. WTF-over???  I been killing far more of those Axis planes in my silly F4F than they have of me, so the problem there must be the pilot.

Would I like a nice cannon armed plane for the Allied?  You bet I would... but then only cannon dweebs will be flown and the cries of Mini-MA! will abound!  With the rare exception of my squad and a few others who prefer MG's to a small clip of boom-booms of course.

Originally posted by Mister Fork
The Commander of the Allied forces is...
CHAPEL. Congrats!
Please God say it ain't so!  Nothing personal, but you have to be able to lead and rally the troops effectively.  And I haven't seen Chapel (Shaw-pell?) do that yet.   And NO, I am not asking for the job either!

There's my USD $0.05 on the topic
~Nobodee~   Get Poached!
Elite: Dangerous ~ Cmd Odeed

Offline waystin2

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« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2008, 12:10:39 PM »
Hello Odee,

In beginning this discussion I was only focusing on the planes that AVA staff was going to make available to us.  I agree that the A-20 is a great bird.  Good point on the glass nosed version B-25.  I did post a question about this to the staff, but still have not seen a reply. I am not sure how they are deciding which planes will be available and when, but it certainly would be of interest for historical reasons.  As far as the choice for Allied Commander, he's got my support until he proves himself unable to handle it.  Nobody else was willing to step up (myself included), so it is what we have to work with.  Let's give him a shot.

CO for the Pigs On The Wing
& The nicest guy in Aces High!

Offline Phil

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SPITV ....
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2008, 12:24:55 PM »
Gents !
Congrats on selecting Chapel for allied c.o

The SpitV will destroy a set of 88's in 3 passes...
PATIENCE is a must, combined with altitude and I will still have rounds for a scrap with an enemy plane....

The SPITV will intimidate many ZEEK pilots especially with the turn ability and the cannons for a snap shot !

The axis at this time is stopping us with the A6M equiped with cannon rounds.
They will do the same to the B25's goin' in....

Neutralize the fighters and the SBD will nail the VH with no problems.

Anyway that was my opinion....:aok

I'm havin' fun with whatever decision is made !

Phil / OPP7755

Offline XAKL

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« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2008, 12:38:39 PM »
Concerning B-25C, here is my .02 cents.  It can carry lot more bombs, but since the airfields are so close together, I don't know if it will be that effective.  With SBD I can carry 1 1000lb, but if engaged by enemy fighter, I can easily drop my ordinance and give a decent fight.  

Spit V has cannons, but with limited rounds.

So I vote for P-40E.  IT HAS 6x .50 rounds, which can decimate 88 and ground targets, can turn fight against 109, and carry a 500lb bomb(I think)

In the beginning of the WWII 1939-1941, allies were strictly in the defensive.

Mugadai of the Mungadai Warriors

Offline Odee

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Chapel My Apologies, but NO B-25
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2008, 01:03:46 PM »
Didn't mean to sound cold hearted about your selection.  Congrats, sir.  I look forward to your successfull tenure as CO. :aok

 NO! to the B-25 for the simple reason that we all know there will be pilots not reading the MOTD, and even more that will take the No Bombsite Gun-nose version than the glass nose.  Putting the 25 in will be a death knell to what's being attempted in AvA.

If we're going to keep this at least semi-historical and balanced then I suggest the Allies go with the Boston.  It was available at the time and will fill the gap of no bomber nicely.

The SBD is a great bomber when flown as it was meant to be flown.  Missions or by squadron.  If you take it in solo or piecemeal you're just begging to pad somebody's score.  As was mentioned before, you give the SBD some CAP/Escorts and she'll do us fine.
~Nobodee~   Get Poached!
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Offline FiLtH

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« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2008, 03:23:42 PM »
I suggest whatever bomber you plan to put in, you allow it only at rear bases so it entices folks to mass for an attack instead of b25s out there hosing everything.

  That also goes for any improved versions of fighters. Set them back a couple of bases.

    Its still too early to put in the JU88 for the axis. But what else is there?


Offline Larry

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« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2008, 03:57:35 PM »
Originally posted by FiLtH
Its still too early to put in the JU88 for the axis. But what else is there?


Ju88 came out mid 41 so it will do when we win:p

I have a question, will formations be off?
Once known as ''TrueKill''.
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Offline waystin2

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« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2008, 05:24:56 PM »
Originally posted by Chapel
Thanks fellas!
Lookin forward to seeing how this turns out.

Seems like we're going to be taking the B-25C as our plane choice then.

With all due respect sir, I ask you to seriously consider the thoughts put forward by both Phil & XAKL before making a decision on which plane.  Both arguments have real positives.  If I have to offer a firm opinion on the fighters, I say Spit V.

CO for the Pigs On The Wing
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Offline Odee

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« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2008, 05:34:27 PM »
A20G    YES!
B25C  NO!

Originally posted by FiLtH
I suggest whatever bomber you plan to put in, you allow it only at rear bases so it entices folks to mass for an attack instead of b25s out there hosing everything.

  That also goes for any improved versions of fighters. Set them back a couple of bases.

    Its still too early to put in the JU88 for the axis. But what else is there?
Except for the B25 part, this is the best post so far.
You know there will be abusers of the B25C in that players will take the nose-guns version over the more historical glass-nose.  How can you not see this plane as bad for the Allies first bomber introduction when the Boston is the obvious choice?

Regardless, Bombers to the REAR please...  
OdeeI'd suggest... The Boston, better known as the A-20G or Havoc. Ioffer the following info;
at the end of 1941, British Havocs and Bostons had already performed well for most of the year against German targets in North Africa and Southern Europe...
No B25... please!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 05:37:14 PM by Odee »
~Nobodee~   Get Poached!
Elite: Dangerous ~ Cmd Odeed

Offline bustr

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« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2008, 05:45:56 PM »
If the axis gets the JU88 then we have an excellent interceptor for it. P40B stationed at alt over the pond and channel on the map. The Flying Tigers did a bang up job against bombers by diving on them. The question becomes one of reining in the allied side a bit and getting them to organise as well as it appears the axis have.

If we do in fact finaly have a command structur for each side, can that be updated to the MOTD to give legitamicy to their tenuous authority...hehehehe....:rolleyes:

As for allied tactics. I got some nasty grams on 200 last night becuase my squadmate Ainies flew perfict wing for me. We became a gang hoard of 2 by keeping it close and communicating on squad ch. I have been in green eyed jeolusy of some of the 2 man axis teams taking out up to 3x their numbers in the last few days. Kinda makes the whines on 200 the best kind of compliment for hard work to me and Aineis.......:aok

We need the Boston or B25C. The Boston has 6 .303 in the nose and I think is faster than the B25. SpitV has a tiny clip 60-20mm per wing. More of an expertin plane. We would have too many pilots returning home from feild attacks out of ammo too soon for it to be effective. Unless our fearless leader can talk the spitV heros into staying hi cap over the feild and not getting in the bushes.

Allies have the tools. It's just convincing our hero's to follow a plan. Fearless Leader where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....:D
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline bustr

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« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2008, 06:03:25 PM »
By the way......Fearless Leader....declair a tactical vox channel so we can have some semblance of an organised sheep ganging.............:O
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Chapel

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« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2008, 06:07:07 PM »
My previous post about the B-25C being our choice wasn't difinitive, set in stone, nor permanant. I was merely voiceing that it appears many allied pilots would like to see it as our next choice.

All considerations will be thought over, and everyone's input evaluated.
Those points suggested are definately valid and have thrown some weight to the fighter side of the choice. I do have some ideas for use on the B-25C though, so it'll be a tough choice.

As to weather the boston would be a better choice, i'm only working with what I have, when I have it. Perhaps it is more historical, maybe not. Bottom line is, it isn't offered to the allies, so we can't chose it yet.

As for abuse of a plane, again, nothing I can do about that. I hope that the allies will fly in a manner that is respectable regardless of what they're flying. However, there's always some bad apples and not much you can do about it except adapt.

See you in the skies!
Rolling Thunder

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« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2008, 07:18:24 PM » ys guess what?  The axis guys just complained about our secret whepon. They think we are F4F hoard driving dweebs. Keep up the good work guys..................:D
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline XAKL

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« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2008, 12:01:30 AM »

I thought the only planes available for the next round was SpitV, P-40E, or B25C.  I didn't know Boston was available.  Even with these choices, I still call for P-40E rather than SpitV or B-25C, for the reasons I've stated in my previous post.  Whatever you choose I"ll support your decision, and do with what we have.


Offline Geophro

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« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2008, 09:46:55 AM »
With the F4-F available, I honestly think the largest improvement would be the B-25C.
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