I bought a book on ADD and promptly lost it. Forgot it on a plane.
ADD or as it's known now AD/HD is a nuerological problem. People with AD/HD will present atypical EEGs and brain MRIs show a smaller than normal cerebellum in people with AD/HD. I've been told, but I haven't read, that the cerebellum has been shown to increase in size after a time on AD/HD meds. At any rate, it is real.
People with AD/HD are often bright, so they get labeled as lazy, or "gifted underachiever" As a result of these difficulties they often develope other problems such as low self esteem, depression, substance abuse, anti social behavior.
A hundred years ago somebody with AD/HD probably would've gone though life without much problem. We live in a much different world now. Five thousand years ago when life was just feeding, fighting and mating a person with AD/HD would've probably excelled.
I wish they had known about this when I was a kid. My father was a narrow minded sob, he thought there wasn't any child problems that couldn't be solved with a fist. Which compounded my problems, because teachers just sympatetically wrote off my performance to abusive home enviornment.
People with AD/HD are often good at high stimulus work. I knew a couple SF medics who, looking back, I'm sure had AD/HD. But none of daily civilian life is highly stimulating. For me medication was a godsend, it was as you will often here people with AD/HD say, like turning on a light switch. Bio feedback treatment has shown to be promising, but so far it's availability is limited.
Lazs if you can do things like build hot-rods, I would be surprised if you have ad/hd.