Just something I'd throw out as I don't know how this could really be done, but have you ever wished you actually had friends or acquaintances that play Aces High?
I'll admit I have NO life, so AH is what I spend a lot of my time doing, but I'm the only guy I know that plays. There is a guy in the far south of my county I ran in to in the arenas that plays, or used to, but I just found him because he used our county name as his username.
I see many, if not most, people that post to the forums don't even include their hometown or even state. I did see one guy that was actually from my city once, and I left a comment for him to look me up but he never responded and I've never seen him in the arenas.
Would anybody be interested in some kind of list that showed the players by where they lived? It might be fun to actually talk face to face with someone about the game for a change.
I'm wondering how you could do it? I would think it would have to at least start here in the forums, or at least on this web site, since a fair number of players stop by here. Any ideas how some sort of location list could be started and run? Is anyone interested in something like this?
Oh, you're not? Oh well.