Again the Axis are dealing the Allied side major blows. This weekend, with razor precision, JG54, JG11 and company devastated bases 73 and 35.
The allied resistance was futile at best. The Allied dogs could do little when face to face with the ultimate war machine.
JG54 and JG11 are almost unstopppable when the game plan is made. the planes are far more superior, the pilots, far more capable.
On a regular basis the Allied pilots are seen running home to their bases crying "mommy, mommy, they dont play nice!!".
Our Third Reich hero's are doing the finest job they can for the motherland!! faced even with spies and low life Pilots from the other side, they manage to pull off victory after victory against the Allied dogs.
Will they ever learn that we are only defending our soveriegnty. we mean no one any harm. If they would like to fly with REAL PILOTS, Axis is the way to go.
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