I had a piece of scrap paper with all the details on the schemes I'd found that stood out from the rest, but I think I might've misplaced it.. From memory:
There's a green on green scheme that's pretty common, which TrueKill already has in game with "Green 9", WN 168.
There's a brown on green type which Waffle has done as "Green 4":
There's "Yellow 1", green on green with some of what looks like some 81 where the top half of the german cross should be.
There's this profile of a numbered scheme (so it was operational, as I understand it) with some sort of very dark color on a pretty light one.. Like 82 or 80 on 78. The profile is pretty sketchy:
One way it could make sense is if it was a prototype put to use (as V4/WN004 was) with its prototype paint scheme for a while, before getting repainted as something else in regular operational colors at Rechlin where Stolle flew it... Another "Fw190D9 & Ta152" book published by Japo has WN 003 in 81/83. Mostly 83 on the fuselage.
There's a few pics that add even more confusion (IMO), of WN003. They show it fresh out of the factory (one book says Langenhagen, another Cottbus), one picture taken from the left, the other from the right. The left hand side of the plane has a visible contrast between upper and lower fuselage camo at the german cross' level (contrasting the same way e.g. Yellow 1 does in that same spot)...
while the right hand side picture is nowhere near that sharp a contrast..
But the picture of the right hand side looks like that Black 14 profile. They both have the same mottling pattern. The picture of the left hand side of the plane would be WN003 after it had gotten a normal operational paint scheme at Rechlin. It would match the profiles in "ModelArt Fw190D9 & Ta152" (p.149) that're labeled as WN 003 and "75/74(83?)". One of these have it as "Green 4" with a white on black hub.. although it looks like that same book lists this same WN003 as the one that ended up at the NASM as FE112, which would kill the book's credibility.
There's a few oddballs in the japanese publication "ModelArt":
A "Red 9", WN 168, the same WN as green 9 which (unless I'm mistaken) is what Reschke flew as Green 9. This one has a white on red prop hub, and full green engine section like other birds with a replaced engine have.
WN 168 shows up in "Monogram 24" as "Green 9", there with a white on black prop hub, and a full dark or olive green replaced engine section.
It's also in that same ModelArt, in a profile that has 81, 82, and 83 RLM colors, with a note next to the RLM82 area of paint on the profile:
There's no caption that I can read to say what the prop hub color is.
Also in ModelArt, a blue 15, colored and labeled as an RLM 83/75 scheme. White on black hub, full 83 engine section, with some 83 high on the fuselage from there to no further than about the end of the canopy glass. The rest of the fuselage has 75 on the upper area and 76 or whatever the usual lower paint color is. It has 301's reich defense band with a red horizontal bar through it.
It looks like there's a top view of this one on page 146, but I can't read Japanese so that guess is as good as any.
And there's a profile and color schematic for V30/U1, WN 055, dated August '44, in RLM 74 and 75. It's a prototype, but it might have served in Rechlin's Ta152 squadron of prototype and evaluation planes put into combat, although I've seen no mention of this WN anywhere else.