The point.. that bingie and RPM seem to have missed is that Montana entered into the union in 1889 this was a century before some aclu liberal and a few professors at some liberal college came up with the term "collective right" or.. no right at all.. it was also decades before any kind of national guard act existed. that part is for bingie.
In essence.. Montana, and every other state.. joined the union willingly and with a contract. part of that contract in almost every case was that the constitutions of said states that were in place at the time would be honored.
Most of the states right to bear arms were written so that even bingie could not twist the meaning.. not even an aclu lawyer could. It was clearly an individual right in every case.
The US accepted these terms and was a signatory to the "contract" (or compact)
This means that no matter what.. the SC can not take away a states right to give the right to keep and bear arms to it's citizens.. that the understanding was that the state of Montana's constitution was not in contradiction to the constitution of the US. Calling it a "collective right" or, no right at all.. would mean the Montana's state constitution was could be overridden by the feds..
This is impossible since the feds agreed in the first place and were fine with the wording of the Montana constitution when they signed em up.
You really can't have feds making gun laws based on some bogus "we were just kidding about the "people" part" and those laws running contrary to the states constitutions.
You have to base it on what was in place at the time of the contract. The Montana constitution and most other states is quite clear. If the feds had meant to take away the individual right to keep and bear arms.. they should never have allowed the states to retain their constitutions worded the way they were.. that being.. an absolute individual right.
Mostly.. the states have more clear rights called out because the style of giving reasons for protecting a right went out of fashion.. the states just left the flowery part.. the fluff... out.
For RPM.. the Bush SC judges will do the right thing.. the left wing ones will not. The left wing ones will simply tell us that the constitution is toilet paper and was only ever a suggestion.