Originally posted by texasmom
So that's a TV show where they show people getting tattoos? Reality type of a real tattoo parlor?
Yeah. The first was Miami Ink.
That is where Kat was first aired along with Ami, who is a well known tat artist.
Ami and Kat had a blow out due to Kat POing Paul Sr.
Ami stuck his foot in his mouth with some pretty smack down type comments about Kat.............all on national television.
TLC took the lead and used it, started another show , LA Ink. Kat is the owner of this parlor according to the show. (In actuality I`m sure TLC put up the funding)
Great publicity stunt all around.
Both Miami Ink and LA Ink shows are dramafest, but if you can get passed that, their is some awesome artwork shown on both along with some big name and well recognized tat artists.