Author Topic: Led to believe  (Read 970 times)

Offline Platano

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2008, 01:05:32 PM »

It must have either been the timeing of us entering the arena or the wrong day or something like that because when we came into the AVA last night, There seemed to be noone setting up any ops, Bug had us hitting one base then as we were ingressing to that base it changed and we were told to hit a different base then on the way to that base it changed again. It didnt seem like anyone was incharge. No offense to Bug he is a fine guy it just seemed that there was no comprehensive plans or missions.We felt like we were chasein our own tails. I'll talk to the squad and see if they may want to give it another try. I would like to know who the CO of the allies on any givein day is. because last night i heard 3 or 4 different names out there but nothing certain. :aok

Isnt this what republic was talking about in his other thread?

Some other hard-core allies need to see this and realize it is a leadership/organization factor.
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Offline Stampf

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2008, 01:09:27 PM »
I am the CO for the Allies

However, my father suffered a heart attack a couple weeks ago and ive had a virus on my computer which has hampered my time in the AvA.  Last night was the first night i was able to actually fly and fight in about 2 weeks.  When im not on, 68Falcon, TheBug, Shifty, Odee or oACBo is in command.  If all of them are on at the same time, they decide amongst themselves who will lead the Allies for the night!

Yes, the allies have a lack of organization, lack of leadership, but we are trying to build on that.  JG54/11 have been flying in the AvA for a long time and know each other very well, most of the allied guys are new to the AvA and have never flown with each other.  That alone has given us a disadvantage.

Actually JG11 is brand new to the AvA.  And we don't know the JG54 guys that well, though we are enjoying getting to know them and working with them and the Avengers.  JG11 actually is playing a secondary role, and acting as back up and support for the 54th, and I am quite certain they could perform at the current level without the 11th.  The 11th was invited by the allies to join in the Axis cause when the Axis numbers were low.

Glad we did, having a blast in the AvA.

We don't mind being that "other JG".

Good luck with both the family\home issues and this stupid game Joe.  I feel that things will get better for the allies soon.
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Offline smokey23

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2008, 01:11:14 PM »
I am the CO for the Allies

However, my father suffered a heart attack a couple weeks ago and ive had a virus on my computer which has hampered my time in the AvA.  Last night was the first night i was able to actually fly and fight in about 2 weeks.  When im not on, 68Falcon, TheBug, Shifty, Odee or oACBo is in command.  If all of them are on at the same time, they decide amongst themselves who will lead the Allies for the night!

Yes, the allies have a lack of organization, lack of leadership, but we are trying to build on that.  JG54/11 have been flying in the AvA for a long time and know each other very well, most of the allied guys are new to the AvA and have never flown with each other.  That alone has given us a disadvantage.

Thanks for the heads up on this eagle, that makes it alittle easier to understand what was going on i have 40+ members in 3 wings of my squad and we are more than willing to give the allies a hand in AVA. Im real sorry to hear about youre fathers medical problems i hope he gets well soon and youre able to get the Virus out of youre computer hopefully we will see you in AVA  :aok

Offline TheBug

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2008, 01:21:18 PM »

It must have either been the timeing of us entering the arena or the wrong day or something like that because when we came into the AVA last night, There seemed to be noone setting up any ops, Bug had us hitting one base then as we were ingressing to that base it changed and we were told to hit a different base then on the way to that base it changed again. It didnt seem like anyone was incharge. No offense to Bug he is a fine guy it just seemed that there was no comprehensive plans or missions.We felt like we were chasein our own tails. I'll talk to the squad and see if they may want to give it another try. I would like to know who the CO of the allies on any givein day is. because last night i heard 3 or 4 different names out there but nothing certain. :aok

Just so you know I am not the Allied CO, Joedog31 is.  Stampf's advice to join the Allied forum is very good and will help eliminate some confusion.  I was attempting to have some global organization on my squad's regular squad night. 

    As for last night, you have to understand you came in right in the middle of our operation.  The plan initially was attack 43 and 28 with 28 being a diversion and 43 the main attack.  Well right from the beginning our main bases of operation were porked forcing us to fall back on the vehicle bases for Ordnance.  I initially asked you to help with the assault on 28, but when I heard you had rolled Spit 9s out of a base with no ordnance I thought you had no interest in base attacks and directed you to help keep fighters down at 43, which were preventing us from taking 43.  At the end of the 43 attack I moved my squad down to attack 70, where we were thwarted in our attempts and directed the other Allied to press 28.  Just prior to 43's capture Joedog had come on and began directing the Allies.  I am not sure who directed you or where other than what I've stated above.

     But you must understand most of the confusion stems from your lack of familiarity with the arena, that map, the command structure and the objectives.   
All things many are willing to help with, just ask.  The good very much out weighs the bad in the AvA at the moment, just the bad has better PR. <S>
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Offline justguess

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2008, 01:29:13 PM »
smokey the allieds have suffered from poor organization since the first day of "the war".  it really doesn't matter what the reason is, it just is.  what is needed is someone who will lead and others that will follow.

that leader needs to understand the dynamics of the game the pros/cons of his equipment vs the pro/cons of the adversaries.

JG54 knows most of the rides in the game well and our rides intimately.  in TK we have a CO who is savvy and a surprisingly good tactician for one so young.  his instincts have been spot on and his decision making process validated.

JG11 is a great squad to have alongside because the leadership and the players are skilled and dilligent.  it doesn't seem to be in stampfs nature to be all chest thumpy, even about a game but I'll gladly thump for them.  without JG11 participation nothing of the spectacular axis team successes would have been possible.  

last but most certainly not least is the immeasurable contribution that lutrell and the avengers have made.  here is a squad that is completely new to the game and inspite of the hassles of transitioning to the much more challenging FM model that is AH are there in the arena night in night out performing missions in what ever capacity is needed in order to accomplish an objective.

the axis is nearly undefeated in this contest due to the excellent team work demonstrated by the members of these three squads and certain other key individuals such as easyscore and the newly formed JG77 squadron members.

Smokey, what the allieds need is something along the lines of several dedicated cadre of players.  perhaps you and your squadron mates will be part of it, for my part I sincerely hope so.  the makings for a great rivalry are there.

you guys have:

the 353rd with bug and shifty.
VF17 with snarlo guthrie
grits and the gunfighters
VF31 with joedog31

it seems to me that talent is not lacking just an esprit de corps.

join them it will make a better squad of you guys and ignore the 200 crap as that's all it is.

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2008, 03:06:37 PM »
Welcome to the AvA Smokey.

I think it's worth a second look at your first post in this thread. Clearly there was a difference in your expectations for your squad, but from the previous posts, I know you were in there while I was on. The Allies out numbered the Axis 2 to 1 from about 8:30 to 10:30 EST and most MA squads would expect to own the area in short order. As someone else posted in the forum, this isn't the MA, and absolutely everything is different. To succeed in the AvA, before you can direct your squad with any hope of success, you'll need to learn the terrain and do your recon offline each week when it changes. Even TrueKill, who made the clipboard tactical maps for the Axis side, missed a flack battery at A70 last night which almost spoiled the troop drop for 4 guys! :lol

As you can tell from the threads in this forum, the Axis side attracts the players (with biggest egos? :t) looking for a bigger challenge then your average player, and they bring a higher average skill set, but mostly they're old hands that have learned the value of working together. I flown Allied a couple of times, and while I know first hand there are some great sticks over there, I didn't see the willingness to stay out of a fight, or help out when someone needs it. You see that on the Axis side all the time, and when guys come in who don't cooperate, they quickly find themselves flying alone, denied help from the other Axis players. Some of the best know Allied squads have members who will pick-steel kills from other squad members without hesitation, denying their buddies the experience they need to improve. You don't see this so much on the Axis side, even between members of different squads and independents. Ok, maybe I exaggerate a little here, but hey. ;)

This willingness to work together on the Axis side, and their willingness to recon the terrain, makes them very tough for most MA squads to compete against. The Axis can be beaten, but only if the Allied players and squads are willing to employ the same work-together attitude.

hehe, snarlo guthrie, I love that!
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Offline Hamltnblue

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2008, 03:07:55 PM »
Something that has frustrated a few of us is the lack of information in the game. Last Night we watched as A VH was continuously flattened only to have it come back up 5 minutes later. Also there were vehicles spawning while all VH's were downed.  There's obviously a method to do this but we couldn't even bring ords back up on almost all of our bases and we were watching that.
If there was something documented on how to do this and a few other things people would hang around more.

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2008, 03:30:41 PM »
The good very much out weighs the bad in the AvA at the moment, just the bad has better PR. <S>

Heh.  I suspect this has always been true.  Certainly it's a good analysis of the current situation.

- oldman

Offline Stampf

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2008, 03:43:49 PM »
Heh.  I suspect this has always been true.  Certainly it's a good analysis of the current situation.

- oldman

Why should AH be dif then the rest of the world?


Thanks Storch. :salute
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Offline 2fly

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2008, 03:44:00 PM »
From what I have seen from maybe 10 times logging into AVA it seems to be the exact same thing as the MA only on a smaller scale with just a tad more coordination.  The BS on 200 is actually worse than the MA in my opinion.  But then my opinion there might be slightly skewed as it is mainly one individual who really goes to extremes.

I like the limited plane set and the concept of the arena a lot.  Perhaps if I just detune 200 the experience will be better.  

Offline Odee

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2008, 03:58:18 PM »
From what I have seen from maybe 10 times logging into AVA it seems to be the exact same thing as the MA only on a smaller scale with just a tad more coordination.  The BS on 200 is actually worse than the MA in my opinion.  But then my opinion there might be slightly skewed as it is mainly one individual who really goes to extremes.

I like the limited plane set and the concept of the arena a lot.  Perhaps if I just detune 200 the experience will be better.  

It'll be quieter for sure.

Welcome, whereever and whatever side you choose.  :salute
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Offline Grits

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Re: Led to believe
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2008, 04:08:03 PM »
you guys have:

the 353rd with bug and shifty.
VF17 with snarlo guthrie
grits and the gunfighters
VF31 with joedog31

Actually its better than that Storch. For an unspecified, and temporary, time I have left The Gunfighters to join VF-27 and help the Allies. Fork will take over for now, and the other Gunfighters, like Oldman, who wish to stay with the side switching pledge will carry on as they were.

I've played a few times during the "Wars" and I think the Allies need some help. So, for the time being I will not be side switching unless things get really really out of balance, and maybe not even then.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 04:10:18 PM by Grits »