512 ram has run all aps I have reliably for well, as long as I've had this comp (just after AH1 was changed to AH2) and AH has run perfectly up to this patch. I can and will test 1G ram in a min (wife has an extra 512 I can grab for test) but I'll bet it doesn't do any good..
EDIT: Just added another 512 ram and tested with the same results I have at 512 ram, so ram is not the issue. I have in game screen shots with the the ram info up if that would help..
I uped a wirble and had a fr of 24 looking out over the terrain and when I fired it droped to 12, then 4.. Looking directly up at the sky its better but not all atacking planes fly right over head so thats no good.
So now that I have tried with 512 ram and 1G ram and had the same results I'm again thinking that AH has suddenly hit my CPU hard or my particular vid card.
So far I have.
Dropped sliders all the way down in game and had little change.
Updated vid drivers with little change.
Droped texture resolution down to min and had no change from 512.
Added another 512 ram for a total of 1G and had no change.
Skuzz if there is anything you would like me to do just ask and it will be done OH great master of technical issues! I will do all that I can.
EDIT again: Has the way sound is played changed at all? Just a thought in case it is somehow using more resourses then it did befor.. Again just a thought.
Oh and if you would like I'll call you if you have some things you would like me to try. Monday ok or if your willing to work over the weekend I can call then also:P .... Now stop thinking dirty.