since we get so many visitors from the MA into the arena and they often run into other MA visitors doing the exact same thing they do in the MA I think it is a good idea to periodically post what the differences between the MAs and the current AvA are.
there are some distinct differences between the MAs and the AvA and they are noteworthy.
starting tonight after midnight eastern US time making it tomorrow march 28, 2008 the AvA will begin it's third period of the war.
there are two teams, the allied team and the axis team.
each team has aircraft and vehicles that correspond to the particular combatants representing the time period featured. each frame remains for a period of seven days and there is a five week long war to determine which side is the winner.
march 28, 2008 is the commencement of the third five week war in this series with the battle of britain as the scenario. the aircraft will be early war british and german combatants. the staff selects the planes and vehicles to be involved in the scenario.
each team elects a CO and the staff sets objectives for victory. each team has a forum that only team members may subscribe to.
at the end of the week the winner is determined by tallying up the scores and the CO for each team will select which aircraft or vehicles will be in play for the following week.
the winning side selects four aircraft and the losing side selects three. this provides incentive for the teams to compete well and to win.
the AvA has some very interesting maps that you will never see in the MAs the AvA staff are all volunteers and players themselves. these staff members run the arena and it must be a taxing, often thankless job. the result is that you have an arena designed for the player by other players who have a finger on the pulse of the place.
there is no other arena which offers any of this type of play 24/7 discounting common aircraft and vehicles, their respective modelling and human nature there are absolutely no other similarties with the MA whatsoever.
lastly in my opinion the greatest difference is that in this environment you will find a much better average player base than you will in the MA. if you are a player that is interested in playing aces high well you will find no better training ground than here.