i dont believe all allieds are slimeballs, the axis has its share of slimeballs too. i think its getting to know someone that makes a difference. there are people who would say that certain members of my squad are slimeballs. by their definitions, they're probably right. but i know the guys i fly with and they are a great bunch! all of them. now some are a bit more vocal then others. some have something to say when then probably shouldnt. but thats called personality. get to know your mates, get to know the enemy. we're not all bad people. we people of different walks of life. we're doctors, lawyers, bankers, computer geeks, miners, construction workers, even invalids. the point is we're all people and should treat each other with respect.
yes there are always those people that will hide behind a name and a computer screen. we have to deal with them and there probably isnt any need for their actions. but even they can be made the object of our affections, until they get tired of us or conform.
side-switching is only bad if someone is spying. if they are truly fighting for the other side, wheres the problem. i did for awhile and had some great combats with my squaddies. i also managed to piss one of them off and apologized for it and all was forgotten. but i got to play with some of the opposite players. it was fun. again they're not all bad people, just a few bad personalities.
get to know your enemies. its not the worst thing in the world and you might learn something