Author Topic: new AVA rules of engagement  (Read 4280 times)

Offline captain1ma

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2008, 02:50:52 PM »
Seriously ... you're bringing this up but discouraging debate, counselor? If someone other than me has more opinion to express than a simple yes or no (along with their yes or no, implied, plainly stated or not) are you unwilling to discuss and reassess the merit(s) of your suggested community chivalric code enforcement? Respectfully and maturely ... that's not a reasonable request.

Now, having said that, I'll gladly step aside at this point as you demand one syllable responses to your recommendation.

i would love to hear someones opinion other then yours, youve been heard from. now make way for someone else and stop hogging bandwith and creating greenhouse gasses.

Offline OntosMk1

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2008, 04:37:51 PM »
Here's my Nickle,

 I'll get right out with it then. The AvA should in no way, IMO, be an extension of the DA. Which, if you add ROE, disable base captures, and lower flak ratings, will most definitly make it just another DA with the addition of a rolling plane set. Too many times in the old AvA have I upped from a base saw a fellow pilot being ganged by two or more enemy planes and jumped in to help just get get "yelled at" by the very guy i was trying to help for "butting in".  :mad:
I fear that this is where the AvA is slowly reverting to. There are too many hot sticks out there that souly want a their very own play ground to do as they please. To attract players into the AvA you need to have a set goals to work towards. Keep a specifc strat porked until a certin date or to capture and hold a series of bases for a set period of time. [font=redSo what do YOU the player want the AvA to become? An extension of the DA, where the only difference you get is a set plane set and different terrain? OR, would you rather have a Areana where there a specific goals that you must work toward? Yes, the later is like the MA, BUT you have a set plane set for that time, and a better way to "tweak" the settings to better enforce the arena. I for one do NOT want another DA. I dont play in the AvA to "duel". There are or were rules or guidelines that were set to prevent players from "ganging", like asking BEFORE you jump into a 1v1. If I see a squadie getting in trouble with a enemy I will ask if said sqaudie is ok, if he/she needs help I will engage. If not I will orbit and await the outcome. If another enemy plane shows up i will engage THAT plane in order to protect my squadie. As far as Head on attacks, it happens, I don't make HO attacks simply because i lose them all the time. It's a crap shoot. 50/50 at best. When i fight i want the advantage to be on MY side.  Lower the Ack rating to try and solve the ack hugging dweebs, make it a rule that vulching is a no no, post the rules in the MOTD so that there is NO question as to what those rules are. MOST players when politely told "we dont do that stuff in here" will accept it and move on, this applies well on the HO subject. Now if you start dictating specifics like no HO on the merge or if you run 1 sector, you cant return to the fight then your hosed. You cant enforce these rules and trying to do so IMHO is a wased effort. I do believe that a "code of conduct" should be posted up. Stuff like "asking before you engage into a 1v1" and"Vulching is not accepted" and "Head On attacks are frowned upon in this arena". These are guidlines that are simple and effective. If you try to add more your just asking for trouble.

The "AvA war" worked! it attracted more pilots into the arena, although a little green, but in time they will improve. The idea just needs to be tweaked a little. Sick of Ack huggers then lower the Ack rates but not to the point where you can simply come in and vulch as you please. There is a middle ground there I believe. You wont stop people trying to take the HO. It will happen, you can just inform people that it's not accepted in the arena. As far as chasing a player for a sector...dont go there, its a can of worms and really has no bearing on the Arena as a whole. I have many other ideas but this freakin post is getting to look like a novel.  :O

See you in the air  :aok
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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2008, 04:41:46 PM »
you will never be able to enforce any rules.  there will always be people like me who will break them just for the breaking's sake.

Offline lutrel

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2008, 06:46:25 PM »
The official Avenger stand on this is NO.  I will not tie my guys hands behind thier backs with some silly Dueling Arena style ROA.  We do not believe that HO'ing is a good tactic, as it is pretty much a coin toss and no skill is required.  We also do not go and vulch just for the fun of it; it is only used by us during a base capture to get the troops in, but on the other hand we don't normally roll from a capped base either. 

Too many varibles here to even try to police; in who's eyes was it an HO? What alt does he have to be at to not cry Vulch?  No thanks, we will do our best to stay alive by using ACM instead of ROA that can not be enforced anyway.
Lutrel AkA "Lut"
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Offline oakranger

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #49 on: April 11, 2008, 06:53:05 PM »

56th Fighter group

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #50 on: April 11, 2008, 06:58:11 PM »
I did have one of my guys fly his C-47 into a gv this week; he was emediately counseled on the matter.  Feel free to private me or my XO, OldBull, if you see any of my guys doing this in the future.  <S>
Lutrel AkA "Lut"
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Offline araiguma

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #51 on: April 11, 2008, 08:21:26 PM »
Well the invasion of Normandy scenario is going pretty good.  Number ballance is a problem and I don't see any solution that everyone agress to.  I must admit that I am not a fan of side swapping, as I think it leads to mistrust among players.  I pick a side, usually axis, and fly it to the end regardless of numbers.  I don't mind going into a fight 6 vs 1 but others do and I can't fault them. 

I don't like bardar and I think the flashing base warning radius should be shortened, but I can live with it.

Being a new player I'm still trying to learn the tactics associated with attacking a base.  For example if I kill all the ammo bunkers at a base what is the effect, how long does it last, what can the enemy do to rebuild the ammo bunkers faster.  A sticky on those might help some of the new folks out and encourage more participation.

Otherwise, I having a blast, more fun than I've had in Warbirds in a long time. :salute

Offline Tango

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #52 on: April 11, 2008, 08:56:55 PM »
I'm JG11 squad on this.

It takes 2 to HO. If you don't want to be then don't fly straight at them.
78th Razorbacks
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Offline captain1ma

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #53 on: April 11, 2008, 09:14:33 PM »
  would you be willing to limit HO'ing to second or third pass. NO HO'ing on the first pass. second and third pass are fair game??

Offline Tango

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #54 on: April 11, 2008, 09:33:01 PM »
As I said before, it takes 2 to HO. I try to never put myself in position to be HO'd, but I also don't whine if I do get HO'd.
78th Razorbacks
Historical Air Combat Group

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #55 on: April 11, 2008, 10:25:20 PM »
Seems to me these "rules" worked most of the time in the old AvA because it was a small crowd that knew each other and they were followed out of respect for the other guy.  That is gone. (the small crowd and the respect of other payers)  Don't think it would stand a snowballs chance in hell anymore. 
    This is one of the reasons I don't vulch and try to maintain fair fights.  I would feel bad if I vulched a plane and system told me I just killed someone I have gained a lot of respect for and who has helped me try to become a better virtual pilot.

Offline Slash27

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #56 on: April 12, 2008, 01:53:16 AM »
I look at the AvA as the axis=republicans and acklies=demonocrats, why is it the axis always having to cave and step accross the isle to work with the acklies? I don't ever see it the other way around, just the demonocrats shoving it down our throats take it or leave it style.

Kinda like the CM staff, how many axis players are on it? Maybe 1 whom I can't remember when the last time I saw in the AvA actually flying. When primarily one side (acklies) are in charge it reminds me of a demonocratic house that just shoves anything and everything down our throats like it or not.

I say, mid war MA is the place to be!

I think you read way to much in to a video game if this is the conclusion you have drawn.

Offline BarryBD

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #57 on: April 12, 2008, 03:39:17 AM »
My 2 cents...

1. I'm very new at this game (3 weeks).  I like the AvA arena the most.  But it bothers me that you Axis-guys claim that the allieds are ACK huggers (you refer to us as acklieds) there were I personally have been killed (or made me crash, or bail, you get the point) more by axis players, then I've seen alliedplayers do...
2. I see people in this forum stating that it's not done to run into ack, but I know for a fact that that same person ran into ack every single time he lost advantage in the fight (i.e. me getting him of my six, and getting on his six), and yes, he even posted in this thread!!!!  I can give you the name if you want, but not in public...
3. telling me I'm a democrat because I choose allied side, is the biggest BS I've ever heard.  I don't live in the US, and I don't care how YOUR politics is done.  I don't even know what those terms stand for...  To me it's a simulation game, not more, not less...
4. rules... more rules... hey, it's my personal opinion that vulching, running into ACK, gang-banging (i.e. more than 2-1) is not done... There's no honour in that.  I can guys from your site vouch for me on this one (RMrider or something...) I let a 109 get up from a Vbase, just to get a fair fight...  Mind that I'm the guy that doesn't shoot bailed pilots, bail myself if I'm crashing, .... I mean, if you don't have the decency of getting some values that, without a doubt, you trie to live up in real live, projected into the game (you don't shoot your guns at defenseless people don't you?), stay out then...
5. HO's, I'm 100% with Onthos... It's gambling, where the odds are 50-50.  I don't take that risk, the other guy should make the same reasoning for himself...

According to me, it's a mather of respect for the opponent, the player on the other side, the guy who could be your best friend, ...

For your opinion captain1ma, I salute you,
For your idea of enforcing rules of engagement, I oppose...

Offline stegor

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #58 on: April 12, 2008, 05:07:59 AM »
before writing any rule we need to plan and understand very well what will be the new AVA.
Othervise everyone will intend HIS own way to act and justyfy it.
For example, if AVA is a war like scenario I'll occur anytime I see a friendly attacked by a red plane; maybe in the intention of the other player I'm not correct cause he thinks he's in a sort of DA.
Other examples of vulching, ganging and so on has just been made , all are related to how anyone interpret the arena.

Moreover, the rules are in you, in your behaviour, in your are a class acting or not its in you.

 I fly the AVA after 8 years of AH, and actually I have forgotten all the statistics; I fly in the intent to defend the territory, throwing myself in every desperate  situation dying repaetedly without problem.....I've been ganged hoed vulched, well problem at all, maybe I'll not <S> who don't deserve it, but in the end is still fun

Yesteday at the end of a battle my opponent was losing pieces, his engine was burning, he was slowly going down; I decided to follow him and when his engine dead, decided to let him land and passed waving my wings...well he upped his nose and shooted at think he can respect any rule in the future?? :confused:
« Last Edit: April 12, 2008, 05:09:56 AM by stegor »
4° Stormo C.T. "F. Baracca"

Offline BarryBD

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Re: new AVA rules of engagement
« Reply #59 on: April 12, 2008, 06:09:43 AM »
Yesteday at the end of a battle my opponent was losing pieces, his engine was burning, he was slowly going down; I decided to follow him and when his engine dead, decided to let him land and passed waving my wings...well he upped his nose and shooted at think he can respect any rule in the future?? :confused:


Yesterday, Araigama and me had a number of fights (we were there alone ;))

I shot him, he was wounded, I'll let him go.  Twice it was like that.  We had a friendly conversation on the 200, nice fights, no vulching, no Ho'ing, and respect for each other

I know that the most out there are like Araigama, Stegor, ... 

Hey, even a heavy bomber squad that dropped its eggs, why hunt it?  There's no use...  It's no danger anymore.  Besides, if you shoot it, the one flying will up a new bomber (or fighter) sooner.  So let it fly, he's out of the fight for that moment ;)