Author Topic: To Fork or who ever is in charge...........  (Read 884 times)

Offline Eldorado74

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Re: To Fork or who ever is in charge...........
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2008, 07:59:39 AM »
   Good to see the old storch back! lololllloooolllly :D :P

Offline Arlo

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Re: To Fork or who ever is in charge...........
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2008, 08:41:47 AM »
Two decades into the world having been enveloped in a spiderweb of lightning a person of high ego and low intellect will use an electric pen to publically vent their concerns and insights regarding a game of war that isn't war. They will make predictions based on the actions and ideas of others in a vain attempt to garner recognition from their peers. Oh, and the world will end.

- Nostradamus, 1565, after a night of binge drinking and eating seafood
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 08:44:57 AM by Arlo »

Offline araiguma

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Re: To Fork or who ever is in charge...........
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2008, 08:57:05 PM »
My prime time is not the same as a majority of the players.  I often log in to find myself alone or with only a few players on.  Last night was no different but I did have several very good dogfights with a player name arctik and another (eldo something I believe).  It started out as an impromptu affair, but we quickly shifted to a more scripted setting.  We agreed to not HO, and set a starting alt, but that was about it.  I chose the zeke, they chose the F6F.  It was great fun and I gained a greater respect for the F6F's FM; something I did not have for the F6F in warbirds.  I would also enjoy doing something like this another time.  Both of the guys were challenging to me (I freely admit to not being very good)  and we would do post engagement debriefs,  discussing each others moves, and tactics.  I'd met two players that I had previously never met before and established a rapport with them that I'm sure will carry over to future AVA events whether we are allies or not. 

However, the DF was also something which I expect could be found in the DA, or any other arena for that matter, on a daily basis and I really don't think this sums up why the AVA was created separately from the DA.  A happy medium is going to have to be found that allows limited base capture or ship sinking to satisfy those players who desire to do so, while not allowing a "not during prime time" milking of fields that creates unballance or worse animosity.

I would, for example, like to try to sink a CV and feel like I contributed to my side, but not to do so in a way that creates a negative impact on the prime time players who were not there to defend the CV.  Granted some might argue that the only major difference between that and what is setup now is that I don't get to see the CV tip up and go under.    Relocating CV spawn points, reducing the spawn time, or a combination of both may be feasable. 

Naturally, it is human nature to find weaknesses within any game and exploit them.  I have yet to see any online game that does not have some percentage of players who seem to exist solely to the detriment of others.

In response to the comment that 2 weeks of this will cause the allies to stop cooperating; to essentially atrophy as a coordinated unit - I just don't see it affecting them anymore than it could the axis.   
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 09:03:07 PM by araiguma »

Offline Chilli

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Re: To Fork or who ever is in charge...........
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2008, 04:18:54 AM »
and it continues.  we have snuck troops in to capture bases with defenders COVERING the maproom.  we have snuck goons in with defenders all in the air.  we did it routinely, squad night after squad night capturing bases is easy the problem is the bandwidth wasters aren't even good at toolshedding.

up the troops required for a capture to be 50 or 100.  this will provide what everyone wants, well everyone except the weakling who only want teh rib bons for teh sigline.  you will have the ability to take a base for the tooltardlings you will have to fight to get it though, this will keep the mass murderlings happy.  leave the building downtimes at lengthy periods but provide for resupplying allow the bases to be fully up with four loads of base supplies.  this will keep the supplylings happy.  everyone will have a job to do and they will require co-operation and SKILL to get anything accomplished.

I know the staff is denser than plutonium so go ahead read this see if it penetrates then in about two years call it your idea.  it will just be our secret.

 :confused: What?  Why was I quoted?  This is a game isn't it (so I really am not taking any of the colorful names in the post personal - especially since none of them fit).  Which adds to my confusion over why I was quoted. 

If folks would take a deep breath and wait to see before passing judgement on everything, I believe their suggestions will be given more consideration.  Insulting folks who are far more dedicated to solving AvA issues than either of us is, let's just say not smart.

My quote below: :uhoh

Sorry Chapel the problem with base capture in my opinion goes far beyond milkrunning.  When you up the number of troops you increase the blood pressure of the combatants (so to speak).  Troop carriers are very lightly amoured and mostly defensless.  In order to capture anything you would either sneak in to defended or non defended towns, or severely outnumber your opponent.  Which of the above components of base capture is promoting a 1 vs 1 dogfight?

According to your post you confirmed what I was conveying.   :aok

I will even concede that raising troop levels has its merits in some situations, but all it has done here is increased the GANG BANG approach to AvA play.  The only other alternative is to milkrun undefended fields.