Author Topic: My honest first impressions of the game  (Read 2078 times)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2008, 10:08:13 AM »
Below is the picture on the main page.

The flashing "Click Here" should help people find their way.

The information is easily available, to those who really want it. For those who are looking for the "quick way", sorry, even the most helpful of gamers are a bit too busy trying to survive or fly to be as accommodating as some might like.

Offline EvlPrsn

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2008, 10:09:06 AM »
As many have stated, this is a sim (yes, it is a type of game, but it is a bit different fromt he average game) and if someone is interested in playing an online combat flightsim, they should at least know how to setup controls, fly a plane, and read.  While this may seem harsh, its not that much.  I learned how to fly on "Aces Over Europe"  when i was 5.  the game crashed constantly, and i could never land decently, but i learned the basics.  No help File, nobody sitting over my shoulder, just sat down, took off, and shot at stuff.  I do believe that the help file is good to have, and is more than visible enough.  However, there should be a notice on the download page that this is NOT a push button to fly game and that little gamer kids should go play halo, not AH2.
If i said anything to offend u, plz ignore it.

also, if i say anything stupid or rude, it was probobly too late at night and i was half asleep, so ignore that too.

oh yeah, its all just my opinion, so if ya dont care, just keep it to urself, cuz if u dont care, i sure wont!

Offline Widewing

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2008, 10:10:26 AM »
When I first installed Aces High way back when, I already had been flying boxed sims for 6 years. I had a joystick. I read the help files, set up my stick and practiced offline for several hours until I knew the basic controls and functions.

I viewed Aces High as combat flight sim. I recognized that to have any success, even to survive, I had to be prepared.

If you jump into Aces High thinking that this is nothing more than an online video game, you will be very disappointed. This is not for the casual gamer. It doesn't support gamepads, nor even the mouse (you can use a mouse, but HTC offers no official support for it).

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2008, 11:03:58 AM »
It doesn't support gamepads, nor even the mouse (you can use a mouse, but HTC offers no official support for it).

I just had a look at the Getting Started button and the info it provides.  I do have to say it will get a new player  rolling in offline mode only if the new player follows the instructions provided.  I'm sure that most new players will jump right into the online arenas and skip the offline mode.

A lot of good sticks do use a mouse and HTC provides a section on how to set up a mouse in the getting started section, in my experience if you provide instruction on how to use a device in game you do officially support it. If it is not supported it should be stated right up front.

Most of the information needed to fly is readily available on the trainer's page, however, I don't believe new people are specifically directed to the trainer's page nor are they advised to start in the Training Arena.  Instead the jump right into the MA's as they would in any online game and ask questions there.  Some will get good answers but we all know many will get the ALT-F4 answers.

IMO new players need much better direction to get information on the home page without having to hunt for it.
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Offline Widewing

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2008, 11:48:47 AM »
A lot of good sticks do use a mouse and HTC provides a section on how to set up a mouse in the getting started section, in my experience if you provide instruction on how to use a device in game you do officially support it. If it is not supported it should be stated right up front.

The Mouse set-up instructions were provided by the Trainers. HTC specifically states: "The game is generally easier and more fun to play when a joystick is available." A mouse is the minimal requirement, a joystick is recommended.

I hope the original poster goes to his nearest Walmart or Best Buy and picks up a basic joystick. He should try setting it up on his own. If successful or not, he should then head to the Training Arena and get together with a Trainer. He can contact the Trainers via email and set up an appointment. We can get him flying in about 5 minutes. He'll be having fun within a half hour.

The good news is that flygreen made an effort to get set up. Unfortunately, he has the wrong hardware and doesn't seem to understand the complexity of Aces High. That can be corrected, if he decides to return.

You would be amazed at how many people come to the TA and ask for help flying with the keyboard. Or, how many people log in demanding a Trainer stop whatever he is doing and "teach me how to dogfight." If you are busy with someone else, they often get strident. "I need help NOW! What do they pay you for?" When asked if they went through the help files, they say "no", or "isn't that what you're for?"

If you want to learn to drive, you study the driver's manual and have some sort of instructor. If you want to learn to fly, you must attend ground school and learn under a flight instructor.

This is a complex sim, with a complex environment. It takes considerable effort to become even basically proficient at flying the aircraft.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline SIK1

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2008, 12:03:55 PM »
I just had a look at the Getting Started button and the info it provides.  I do have to say it will get a new player  rolling in offline mode only if the new player follows the instructions provided.  I'm sure that most new players will jump right into the online arenas and skip the offline mode.

Hmmm, following instructions what a novel concept.

Why does everybody have to jump right in, what are the advantages too that? Other than being cannon fodder for all the experienced players in the online arenas.

Truthfully people that jump right in make the gaming experience less enjoyable for others in the game as well. They are usually the ones that are wanting to know how to take off, how to drive a tank, etc.

Taking the time to at least learn to control the vehicle that they want too operate would make the game a whole lot more enjoyable for them as well , as the more experienced player.

I also think this is a troll, it has the same tone as a post from not too long ago.
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Offline bj229r

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2008, 12:11:26 PM »
No where in the original post did I glean where he'd even perused the manual---even printing out the basic commands and putting them next to your stick would be helpful---aside from that, one should at least try to learn basic flying skills before jumping online---at which point the 2 weeks start ticking away
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2008, 12:13:53 PM »
I think to some extent he has a valid point.  The first time I logged on I jumped into the MA and couldn't figure out how to start my engine.  I logged out, went to the TA and asked on text.  No one answered and, until I went there to do a little fighting with Widewing a couple of months ago, that was the one and only time I ever set foot in th TA.  I didn't really ever visit the BBs until HT split the arenas and dumped the big maps.

I remember my first few flights in AHI.  I had the key commands and dot commands printed out for reference but there were too many to remember.  I didn't know about auto-pilot and was trimming constantly to maintain striaght and level flight.  It took months before I figured out what the NE and SW things were on the clipboard.  I always took off from the hanger  :)

I think that a new player, one who has never logged on before, should get some sort of prompt explaining where to find information (web-site, netaces, etc.) and that there should be a "don't show this message again" tic box.

I also think that a key command and dot command quick reference guide should be available in-game.  It's pretty non-intuitive to have to open the clipboard, click preferences, map keys to find it.  How to open it could be the first thing on the new player prompt screen (or in-game pop-up).

A few very basic, simple changes would go a long way and wouldn't take anything away from the game as a sim.
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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2008, 03:12:52 PM »
I remember first starting this game. I didnt read anything i opened the control options and figured out the basic keys like E, shift +, and using a mouse to fly. But then again i didnt give up. Yes i got frustrated but i upgraded to a 20$ stick i got from walmart (i still use it and its 2 years old). This game is the best and so are the people you just need to give it a REAL chance.
just talk about random stuff but please stay on topic

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2008, 03:50:25 PM »
Yes, but we do need instructions in game for a new player to follow.

Even something as simple as:  "Press ESCAPE to open or close the clipboard.  Go HERE to read about how to get flying.  Go here to find more detailed help." which pops up on screen every time a new version is installed would be a good start. 
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2008, 05:59:52 PM »
I spent days going over all the info HTC provided. Setting up my stick, mapping all the buttons, learning the new commands available and so on. Even coming over from AWII which I had been flying for years I STILL took the time to get an idea of how things worked. Then after logging in, I made sure it was at a time I knew my friend from AWIII was on. He had been flying in the MA for a month before I got into the air, and he helped me over the rough spots as it were.

I guess you only get out what your willing to put in to it.  You don't want to spend some time learning a few thing, your not going to spend any time having fun.

Offline Bruv119

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2008, 01:02:32 AM »

It sounds like your used to (or want) either a 1st person shooter or MMOG with pixie dust and magic wands....

Ouch    :rofl

You said yourself your a smart guy so read the getting started section.  You say you had a "controller" is it a joystick?

In controllers you can double tap a button and it will allow you to map each one.  Just make sure throttle, X and Y are set to the right places and you should be able to get her up in the air. 

Once you can land and take off successfully you can start thinking about shooting something. 

I will agree the controller setup is a bit daunting at a first glance but there are various documentation to give you an "idiots" guide.  Now accustomed to the thing i could setup a new stick in double time....

If your into ww2 and planes, dogfights you've found the right place you just need to assume the position and ride that learning curve.

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2008, 08:13:00 AM »
Every day we are presented with choices and opportunities.
This is one of those...

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2008, 04:42:15 PM »
I don't believe I am alone in this experience, and feel that what could be an otherwise great game is loosing customers because of bad first impressions.

If only you had read the manual or followed the advise that was offered to you over the open channel and country channel and seek the assistance of a trainer.  HTC is not the one to blame for you not sticking it out. 

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2008, 01:49:36 AM »

Man, the guy does HTC a favour (yes, a favour) by posting his first impressions, and gets nothing but puffy ack in response.

Yes, there's good website help.  But a large percentage of new players will just jump in, because that's what a lot of people do with every new game.  Of course it takes many months to play well.  But the issue here is what happens in the first few minutes.

The take-home lesson is that AH needs a better in-game help / tutorial system for first-time players.

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