Author Topic: General Gun Discussion  (Read 15044 times)

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #675 on: August 15, 2008, 06:44:51 AM »
Here we go again. Another citizen of a socialist foreign country turning the gun discussion into a "US society" thread.

I was going to type a lengthy response but I figured it would just encourage you. In many ways Canada is just another American state anyways. We pay for you defense, "your military is a bad joke", and you are completley dependant on the economy of your powerful southern neighbor. Eh?

If I was a citizen of the USA, I'd be screaming for my local congressman to start properly funding welfare, abortion, mental health, job training, and other programs aimed 100% at the poor.  And you guys also need health care for the poor too - 100% free health care for anyone unemployed, homeless, single parent and lower income families. 

I go to work everyday and I see thousands of 19yos with 3 babies from different daddies, on link cards and welfare for life, and with all the free health care they need. But Ive only been living here for 50 years as a citizen so what would I know?......Eh?

But what does any of this have to do with guns? And do you Canadians every talk about Canada up there in Canada? Eh? Or is all you do is obsess about America?
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Offline lazs2

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #676 on: August 15, 2008, 09:39:38 AM »
mister fork... that all sounds pretty good until you realize that the more we have spent on social programs the worse our crime got.

I would also point you to lovely vancouver BC and their crime.   

Apparently, it is something else.. I would say that the war on drugs and the high profitability it caused and the illegal alien problem along with the dissolution of family caused by the welfare state have caused most of the problems.

In the US.. the sad fact is that you can almost certainly avoid any violent crime against you by not being in the large welfare cities and not hanging around areas that are filled with minorities.


Offline soda72

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #677 on: August 15, 2008, 08:44:45 PM »
Guns for Texas school's teachers

Anyone see this?

Offline lasersailor184

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #678 on: August 15, 2008, 09:59:06 PM »
I spent 10 years in the military.  Combat veteran. Two special service force tours.  Yet I don't own a gun, rifle, slingshot,  bow/arrow... heck, I don't even own a knife anymore.  I know to respect and fear firearms at the same time - I've seen what they can do from personal experience.

In Canada, our firearms crime is a mere fraction of the USA.  Yet we own almost as many weapons per civilian as our southern neighbors.  Why is the USA's firearms crime rampant?  Could it be a simple lack of social programs to help the poor? Is poverty the #1 killer of our kids, and the #1 feeder for gangs?

Guns and rifles are just a weapon.  A butter knife can be a lethal weapon (well, maybe in my hands - but u guys get the point).

If I was a citizen of the USA, I'd be screaming for my local congressman to start properly funding welfare, abortion, mental health, job training, and other programs aimed 100% at the poor.  And you guys also need health care for the poor too - 100% free health care for anyone unemployed, homeless, single parent and lower income families.  Some of you are probably saying 'we got welfare programs, wtf are u talking about fork.'  Compared to Canada, the USA spends as much on social programs as a % of GDP as we do on our military... and that's pretty sad.  For those of you thinking about the word 'Socialism' - WFT is wrong with taking care of your people?  Canada's figured it out - we're a capitalistic country too but we've managed to balance the needs of our people first, business second.

Canada is in the top 5 for spending on social programs and we have some of the best educated kids, one of the highest age for life expectancy, top five for the lowest deaths of infants and by the UN, considered one of the safest, best places to live in the world.

The US is near the bottom of the top 20 list for industrialized nations. How is that possible for the most wealthy country in the world? Because taking care of your poor has slipped off the radar.

So when one of my Canuck friends starts pointing too many guns and rifles as issues in the USA, point them to the missing social spending.  Guns and rifles are just a tool for hunting, for others a hobby for collecting.  They are not the issue - poverty is.

BTW - I'm breaking my 'no weapons' rule and getting my Firearms + Restricted license.  I'm being given a scoped 308 & a 303, a 12 gauge, and a 16 gauge from my in-law.  Hunting season is coming and I love deer and moose meat. :D


Well Mr. Fork.  Social programs may fix the problem we have with our minorities.  However, a good bit of us believe that it was liberals and the social programs that caused the problem in the first place.

One of the main pieces of evidence of this was Liberal Social programs ruining (mainly) the black family unit.  In a progressive move back from the 50's on, the liberals decreed that single mothers shall receive a lot of welfare money.  At first this meant mother's bearing out of wedlock.  However, the social workers soon began to check on the families.  If the father was around the house when the workers came, the benefits for the mother instantly decreased.  Soon the father's learned to skip the days when the workers came.  Soon after that the fathers didn't come home as often.  And not too much later, they didn't come at all.  All of this was so that the single mother could receive the best benefits. 

In an attempt to help the less fortunate, we have only helped people to game the system, and only helped the families to encourage the fathers to never come around.  Until the point where it was the norm that there is no father.

Now is it a freaking surprise that generations of kids grew up fatherless and are now causing problems?
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8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline Jackal1

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #679 on: August 16, 2008, 08:06:20 AM »
Guns for Texas school's teachers

Anyone see this?
Yep. About time. Some are finally "getting it".
It is my hope that this will start a trend across the state and carry over to , not only schools, but other establishments and
areas that have been designated Criminal Playgrounds. ( Read that Gun Free Zones)

North Texas school district will let teachers carry guns
Associated Press
Aug. 15, 2008, 4:27PM

HARROLD, Texas — A tiny Texas school district may be the first in the nation to allow teachers and staff to pack guns for protection when classes begin later this month, a newspaper reported.

Trustees at the Harrold Independent School District approved a district policy change last October so employees can carry concealed firearms to deter and protect against school shootings, provided the gun-toting teachers follow certain requirements.

In order for teachers and staff to carry a pistol, they must have a Texas license to carry a concealed handgun; must be authorized to carry by the district; must receive training in crisis management and hostile situations and have to use ammunition that is designed to minimize the risk of ricochet in school halls.

Superintendent David Thweatt said the small community is a 30-minute drive from the sheriff's office, leaving students and teachers without protection. He said the district's lone campus sits 500 feet from heavily trafficked U.S. 287, which could make it a target.

"When the federal government started making schools gun-free zones, that's when all of these shootings started. Why would you put it out there that a group of people can't defend themselves? That's like saying 'sic 'em' to a dog," Thweatt said in Friday's online edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Thweatt said officials researched the policy and considered other options for about a year before approving the policy change. He said the district also has various other security measures in place to prevent a school shooting.

"The naysayers think (a shooting) won't happen here. If something were to happen here, I'd much rather be calling a parent to tell them that their child is OK because we were able to protect them," Thweatt said.

Texas law outlaws firearms on school campuses "unless pursuant to the written regulations or written authorization of the institution."

It was unclear how many of the 50 or so teachers and staff members will be armed this fall because Thweatt did not disclose that information, to keep it from students or potential attackers. Wilbarger County Sheriff Larry Lee was out of the office Thursday and did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment, the newspaper said.

Barbara Williams, a spokeswoman for the Texas Association of School Boards, said her organization did not know of another district with such a policy. Ken Trump, a Cleveland-based school security expert who advises districts nationwide, including in Texas, said Harrold is the first district with such a policy.

The 110-student district is 150 miles northwest of Fort Worth on the eastern end of Wilbarger County, near the Oklahoma border.

Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline lazs2

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #680 on: August 16, 2008, 09:33:24 AM »
On the Texas guns for teachers thing...   I have said from the beginning of the school shootings that the answer was to allow those teachers who wished, to carry concealed.

I find it highly amusing that so many here will tell us what saints teachers yet.. will not trust em with a firearm.

It is the curse of the left.. they hate all people..  how could they not?   If you don't trust your neighbor with a firearm to defend himself and others...  How can you say you have a high opinion of people?


Offline BBBB

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #681 on: August 16, 2008, 10:11:51 PM »
 I wish my wife could carry on school property. She can not even leave her gun in her car. She has a GFL here, and has a little Ruger LCP she keeps in her purse when she is not working. She is a great shot and she has been lucky enough to have been trained by some of the best firearms instructors in the state. She can almost out shoot me. My years of training is the only edge I have over her.

 The two campus police officers that work at her school are both from the county police dept. I happen to be good friends with their range master. I have seen their qualifying scores and my wife could out shoot them with no problems.

 With the proper training, teachers with guns is not such a bad idea. IMO.

Offline wrag

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #682 on: August 18, 2008, 12:47:37 PM »
Seems the Dems still don't get it or perhaps they just don't want to?
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline Jackal1

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #683 on: August 18, 2008, 01:49:09 PM »
Seems the Dems still don't get it or perhaps they just don't want to?

I think this needs to be repeated here for the clickingly challenged.

"Barack Obama was a director of the Joyce Foundation, the primary benefactor of the Violence Policy Center whose goal is to ban handguns and assault weapons like the "deadly" Remington model 1100,(sarcasm intended)."
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Hornet33

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #684 on: August 18, 2008, 03:09:06 PM »
Seems the Dems still don't get it or perhaps they just don't want to?

Oh they get it, and they are more afraid of it than anything else on the planet. How can they instill their dreams of the perfect utopian society where everything is pink lemonade, satin sheets, and everyone is nice and polite to everyone else because they say it MUST be that way, when you have angry backwoods bible thumpers clinging to their guns and sense of personal freedom as hard as they do?

The average law abiding armed American citizen is the biggest threat to the Democratic party and their twisted view of the perfect orderd society, and they KNOW it.

Thank God for my bible, and God Bless Sam Colt!!!
AHII Con 2006, HiTech, "This game is all about pissing off the other guy!!"

Offline lasersailor184

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #685 on: August 18, 2008, 09:21:09 PM »
God made Man.  Sam Colt made them equal.
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline Holden McGroin

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Armed woman, 85, and Sam Colt makes intruder call cops
« Reply #686 on: August 20, 2008, 06:06:50 PM »
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 | 10:26 AM  POINT MARION, PA -- An 85-year-old woman boldly went for her gun and busted a would-be burglar inside her home, then forced him to call police while she kept him in her sights, police said.

"I just walked right on past him to the bedroom and got my gun," Leda Smith said.

Smith heard someone break into her home Monday afternoon and grabbed the .22-caliber revolver she had been keeping by her bed since a neighbor's home was burglarized a few weeks ago.
"I said 'What are you doing in my house?' He just kept saying he didn't do it," Smith said.

After the 17-year-old boy called 911, Smith kept holding the gun on him until state police arrived at her home in Springhill Township, about 45 miles south of Pittsburgh.
The boy will be charged with attempted burglary and related offenses in juvenile court, Trooper Christian Lieberum said. He was not identified because of his age.
"It was exciting," Smith said. "I just hope I broke up the (burglary) ring because they have been hitting a lot of places around here."
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Offline lazs2

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #687 on: August 21, 2008, 08:05:21 AM »
how dare she endanger that poor missunderstood youth.

Someone could have gotten hurt.   She should have hid in the closet and hoped for the best.   I have heard that in england now they just pile up all the good stuff in a heap in the living room and lock themselves in the bedroom.  much more "civilized".


Offline Jackal1

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #688 on: August 21, 2008, 09:46:33 AM »
how dare she endanger that poor missunderstood youth.

If she had just taken the time to talk to the lad and give him the numbers and locations of social programs in his area
that could have helped him understand his confusion and to heal the wounds.
Now he will be traumatized for life.......................bu t his  defense lawyer will have something to fall back on in case he
progresses from simple burglary to .......well.......say violent house invasion.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: General Gun Discussion
« Reply #689 on: August 21, 2008, 07:31:00 PM »
I spent 10 years in the military.  Combat veteran.

If I was a citizen of the USA, I'd be screaming for my local congressman to start properly funding welfare, abortion, mental health, job training, and other programs aimed 100% at the poor.  And you guys also need health care for the poor too - 100% free health care for anyone unemployed, homeless, single parent and lower income families. 


thank god your not a citizen of the U.S.!!
 if we did what you ask, why would anyone want to work? after all, i work my arse off every day for what i have, yet you would take all that and give it to someone who ,out of wedlock has a kid, or doesn't want to work because he or she can live off the money you take from me? no reason to get married if your going to pay me to sit at home and raise a child! can't go to work to try and make an extra buck because the gov. might think i want too contribute to others instead of living of there labor!
 this breeds a bad idea,
 i will explain,,
 i am disabled have been since i got out of the service, yet i own a pretty successfully business that i work at ,
 allot harder than my doctor ever said i should, and yes i could draw social security,, but i chose not too!
the reason i choose not too is because i can make allot more for me and my family by working as it is,
but if you raise taxes on me for doing so,,  then the incentive is gone,
 i could just stop working and go back on disability and why wouldn't i !

 capitalism works better if you tax those who produce , less! they in turn grow new jobs for others who wish to work turning the money over more times thereby taxing the same money over and over to gain more revenue!

now to be fair yes you should provide for your disabled, and single mothers who have been left out to dry, and social security is a very important thing as well!
 but you do not want to make the unemployed so comfortable that they would not want better than they have!!

 the first unemployment benefits were the best ones , they required you to work , if able, for the gov. I.E. building roads or other services for the people that paid you,,, "NO free ride", yet the ACLU and other groups got involved and said you cant make them work!it's not fair, don't you know they are unemployed
 sorry for this hijack i didn't start it but i could not just sit by and not respond!

picture of my latest piece,,, ruger hunter, i sure do like it
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