Waaa my heart sank when you walked out today Flossy, you know I'm in terrain team not events. Daddog wrote Black-Devils when I offer to fill in for CM events guy, it needs to go the way of the write-up..
Wrote that post yesterday assuming if we using Russian.. either of them.. They both designed for tanks. Dad and them be talking about using tanks for upcoming TOD.. SnapShots a good place to test. So yes Flossy I take full responsablity for for being misleading.. Looked at write-up saw it was g6's vs yak9ts.. g6's sposed to bomb vh hangers..
I would suggest using the sgrad map and V9 as German base to capture.
No cargo planes.. this has to be a ground capture.
Watch out! theres three ways V9 can be attacked by ground. from spawn points from V23, A10, and P8.
V9 is protected by guns (all types from nearby city)
Lots of rubble for tanks to hide behind.
Each spawn point has an assemble area, er that is a landing pad for tanks.. In case a wounded tank can get a successful landing, or CO decides to move attack to other location.
Flossy, Sundog need to convince DadDog to change one-life rule. So the event starts, you go into the map room theres two missions, one for tanks the other planes. You get blasted in tank.. you can join plane mission. Get greezed in your birdie... you become tanker.. Something like that.
But that takes a bit of time to kick around ideas post rules on board, convince guys like Funked and Rip.. oh ok we can have fun if its an organized type thing. Big bellybutton tank attacks are cool!
Again I appoligize for being misleading.. Don't worry you gonna get your tank battle
Say.. whats wrong with 109g6 vs yaks anyway?.. was fun fight.