Author Topic: ALLIES AARs  (Read 690 times)


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« on: October 30, 2000, 01:29:00 PM »

I have already been working on allies scores using the event log, but i still need ur AAR, especially from the Typhoons, B26s and P38s..

Post your reports here!

Please include the following info for the scoring:

Squadron reports by the squadron CO:

Squadron name, CO:
Fighter kills:
Bomber kills:
Strat targets:
Airfield captures:
V-field captures:
Available airframes:
Available pilots:

CO's: If possible, submit also the scoring info for each pilot that flew in the

Pilot Reports

Pilot name:
Fighter kills/assists:
2-Engined Bomber kills/assists:
4-Engined Bomber kills/assists:
Airfield targets destroyed:
Strategic targets destoyed:
Field captures:
Status: RTB/KIA/Bailed/Captured...etc....

Once again, thanks   BuSc

Offline Fatty

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« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2000, 08:01:00 PM »
5 Typhoons under Manedew took off from 15, but circled back and landed pending resolution of the confusion.  Once sorta straightened out, we took off again on an uneventful flight to A9.

Landed and refueled at A9, we took off to hit A6 ack (we were loaded with 2x500 bombs), but we encountered SUPER HIGH 35K ULTRA..

...err sorry, got carried away.  Anyway, ran into some 109s about 15k, so we dropped our ordinance and took off north to get a little speed.  4 109s followed, somehow we managed to get all 4 I believe dragging them down to our altitude.

Recovering, we headed east to regroup, when we ran into 4-5 more 109s (think 4).  This one didn't go as well, I got 1 109, but lost engine to another.  Bailed eventually, as area was still hot and being a sissy I didn't want too die, Hamish lost his bird and bailed as well.  Manedew was killed too I believe, but a big hill was in the way.  Dudule and Suave were able to get away, and RTB'd.

Suave eventually came in c47 to rescue Hamish and I, who sat patiently drinking our beer rations.
(Not positive on squad totals, so just posting mine)

Fighter Kills: 2
2 eng bomber:0
4 eng bomber:0
Airfield targets destroyed:0
Strategic targets destoyed:0
Field captures:0
Status: Bailed


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« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2000, 06:28:00 AM »
rgr fatty   thx waitin for more stories allies ..


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« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2000, 08:23:00 AM »
After Action Report
319th. Bomb Group - B26.

Bone, October 28th. 1.94?


319th Bomb gathers for briefing at Tunis Tower. Our orders are as tough as usual. Deack Port Terrez (A33). No cap. Lo flight.
Great! Another suicide-to-be mission! I always wonder what these pilots have inside, accepting these kind of missions. <S> to all.

While I was briefing my Squad, axis intelligence agents scored his side's first goal. Our assignments orders messed up. Our ground crews assassinated and imposed. Our loadouts and rnwys totally unappropiate for our orders...Even we lost our own CM (the name of some StSanta comes to mind...   We MUST get rid of snapiers).

All allied CO's had a storm radio call to decide if our goals were achievable under that harsh conditions. Bravery all over, we decide to have our jobs done!

One after another, all allied squads get airborne and proceed to their assigned targets.

319th. is NHFoxtro, Beefcake, Skyman, Sansal, Gadget and me, pepino.


We take off and head 000 to our first waipoint, at 10.9. Close formation 150ft. high. Hmmmm! this salty breeze  

At waiponint #1, we turn left to hdg 270. #2 is 7.9.3.

Wp #2, turn right to Hdg 000. Close formation 150ft. high. No cons in sight. Sights of sea, dreams of bar nights...

7.10.3, start climbing to I.P. (thks for advise, Beefcake). Plan is making a quick first pass Hdg 000 lvl at 12K, and a second one Hdg 180 to finish off. Ahh, plans, plans....

7.11.3, 9k alt, climbing....the fearsome cry arrives: "Dots 3oc. high". Leveling at 10k,  6 B26 rush for the target, hoping speed will give time for at least the first drop. Voices on the intercom say "Dots are 109's, 4 of them, moving to our 1 oc." hmmm. bad, bad,

Finally we have sight on our target.

IP. Target assignment is Sansal, Gadget & Pepino, West side. Beefcake, NHFoxtro & Skyman, East.

First bomb run starts among roaring sounds of 109's diving on us. First yells on the radio "Sansal 6!!!"...first blood for the 319th. but not before he can badly damage one enemy fiter...1 kill probable. Skyman have critical tech problems and suddenly we lost vis contact. He vanish in the air, and we take our 2nd casualty.

Bombs away and 4 remainging B26 extend North trying to disengage Port Terrez CAP. Results of first pass are East side ack all but 2 down, West side all ack destroyed (WTG, Beefcake, NHFoxtro & Skyman). some 20 miles away Port Terrez one 109 is badly damaged, and disengages with a black trail of smoke behind him. I can't tell which crew is to be awarded. Now we have room to reverse and close formation again.

To be continued...


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« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2000, 08:24:00 AM »

2 dots still in vincinity, we head 180 for 2nd pass. Close resemblance of the first one, 109 bouncing us from above, we manage to disable 2 Hangars, all but one ack and some minor building (fuel depots and barracks). 319th. shines over Port Terrez, but the toll is high. NHFoxtro loses a wing to one 109 and spirals down in flames. He bails and is presumed captured. We dive to the deck trying to gain some separation, but Gadget is badly hit and loses one engine. His speed lowers critically, lagging behind Beefcake's and my plane. Attempts to cut power are in vain, and soon he is 1k away. One 109 is on his 6 closing fast....last image is a big orange fireball   ....Text buffer says...Victory #1 awarded to Gadget!! WTG!...but what a prize!. Now only Beefcake with holes all around his wings (thk God these autosealing tanks) and me heading back home. Sad, sad day for the 319th.

All enemies gone, we fly fast and level at 150ft.  back to Tunis but OMG! Tunis has been taken by Axis forces! Too bad. We divert to A4 asking for sitrep. No cons believed over the area is the answer we have. Some good news, nice to have some diversity.

Climb to 1000ft., final approach to A4....home, sweet bar!.....DOTS!!!!....WTF!?!?!?!?....ANYONE OVER A4???? (Crossing Fingers).....Busc: "I have just taken off in Goon"  wheeewwww! <This is definitely bad for my heart!> Ok. 900 ft., 1000ft. level for final descending path....¿!?¿!?¿!?!¿¿¿?? "BEEF, 109 12 oc HIGH!!"....."2xJU88 12 & 2 oc. HIGH/COALT"..."109 IB!!!!" ping ping...CTRL+D (no damage) this WAS good luck! ping ping! F3 view all around ...Damn! Ju88 6 lo d500 closing....JUMP to tail gunner, open fire like crazy...WHEEEE! Vulcan Shot Down!   . Now If only I could land...!

Jump back to pilot position....hard turn ping ping ping CRAACKK!! (TM Crabofix, I think), 109 had his job done nicely, and I spiral down without my right wing...bail, bail, bail...200ft. going down last sight is some Sheeps' undies...Is this heaven or hell?  .

At this point I don't know the whereabouts of my fellow comrade Beefcake, but my faith is low....

Results of 319th. raid on Port Terrez are:

Skyman:   MIA
Sansal:   KIA
NHFoxtro: POW
Gadget:   KIA
Beefcake: Unknown, presumed Bailed over friendly land.
Pepino:   KIA (Now happy in Sheep paradise, pleasantly surrounded by a zillion sheep)

Damage to Port Terrez
All but one ack destroyed
2 FH burning
Minor buildings destroyed

Damage to Axis Air Force
2 109 killed (1 confirmed, 1 likely)
1 109 damaged (confirmed)
1 Ju88 killed (confirmed)

NOTE: These results subject to Air Reckon confirmation, due to overstress in CO. Conditions not ideal for an accurate evaluation.



Who is sorry for the long post, but lazy at work and looking forward Wednesday (Holiday in Spain)  

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2000, 11:39:00 AM »
Tried to connect to med league at 11:20 my time..

no response from server.....

again at 11:30..
same result..

again at 11:40
same result..

again, again, again, again, again,

every ten minutes I tried...

At one point actually got to see the log on screen for picking med league..
saw 72 people in there...

got a "could not connect to server" message..

kept trying every ten minutes untill 14:30
gave up went and played Delta Force 2

ran tracerts several times..

everything fine till it hit savvis in FW....

everything dead past that  

Life suked on sat. AM


GreyBeard, Squadron Leader
Commander, "E" Flight, Aces High
Senior Staff Council
"The Skeleton Crew"
"Fly with Honor"[/i]
"Keepin' the Faith"

Offline Beefcake

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« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2000, 11:46:00 AM »
Hey Pep, I was the one who got the credit for the kill of the badly damaged 109 over Tunis. (It was Juuti) Then while you were fighting the Ju88, I saw a Ju52 coming into A4, so I made a bee line to try and stop it. I hit him bad, but not enough to stop him. Before I could turn around a 109 got on my 6 and hit me. I fired and hit him enough to cause him to drive into the ground.  However I lost my tail, and just before I slammed into the ground I bailed.


2 confirmed 109 kills (Myself and Gadget)

1 uncomfirmed (the one 109 that was smoking that I got the kill for)

1 Ju88 (Shot by you)

hope that helps   <S>
Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF

Offline BUG_EAF322

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« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2000, 12:01:00 PM »
39th Sqn flight existed of:

-BUG322 in P38-L

ordered target A6

Report target:

4 me 109 they chased me i chased them noone off us got killed and both left off

mission not succesfull couldn't get airsuperiorety only above 30K maybe  

report on the way back:

met some 205's got in fight with one as i gained advantage his wingie came bye i escaped too 4 and hugged the ack and felt pretty dweep against the overwhelming italian forces.

I winged up with RobS and could keep the skies clear at low level one goon flew into ack btw.
we both landed at A4 while the italians gave up and rtb'ed.

one airframe still operational and it's pilot ready for duty.

no kills where made.

I'm not commander off 39th  but this is the report anyway.

Offline NHFoxtro

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« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2000, 12:49:00 PM »
<S>319th WTG     This mission lasted a lot longer than our last 2 hehehe. Pepino I don't know if I will be able to make it either this Saturday but I will try.


[This message has been edited by NHFoxtro (edited 10-31-2000).]


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« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2000, 04:38:00 PM »
319th...Great mission and Great AAR...was beutifull and thrilling to read  ..WTG!!!

Offline -lynx-

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« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2000, 04:06:00 AM »
Just to correct busc's Score thing:

lynx - 1st Frame - 2 109s
       2nd Frame - 4 190s
       no damage at all taken so far

I know that 234th had more kills - camel had a kill in 2nd frame.

2nd frame 234th could only get 3 planes airborne - camel, Skyrdr and myself. Technical difficulties prevented nash and wolf37 from leaving the ground and I guess it was AWOL for others (I'm sure there was someone else on-line but he'd dropped off before we could even contemplate rolling).

After mucho confusion with moving between 15 and 18 and take-offs and landings we rolled 15 and followed busc on patrol.

I know I should have taken notes or something but I was too excited to remember where and what was happening - as soon as 190s showed up it was "I want to kill - I don't want to die" thing. I remember camel getting a kill but he had to ditch. Skyrdr bailed and walked back to base - there was no spare C47s to pick him up?

I had to refuel/rearm and as the only surviving plane of 234th joined kbman patrol towards 19/incoming bombers strike. We caught 2 190 climbing out of 19 (I guess) and killed them after quite a fight - kbman got 1 and I got the other.

After 17s unloaded on 19 I was getting low on fuel and ammo and decided to head back to 15 for another refuel. Enroute to A15 with 10 minutes until the end of the frame I got discoed and couldn't even get back onto AH's servers  . I don't remember being hit and there was no enemy planes in sight so I recon no-one could have claimed me as a "kill".

Anyway - 234th scores for the second frame should be:

rolled - 3;
fighter kills - 5;
planes lost - 2;
pilots lost - 1.

p.s. AFAIK nash is the second in command and he's in charge of 234th RAF now.

13 Sqn RAF

[This message has been edited by -lynx- (edited 11-01-2000).]


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« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2000, 06:49:00 AM »
1' Gruppo AAR:

We act as a cobelligerant air force.

Assigned to spitfires IX we capped 18 area and found 4 low Fw190 (0 kills) then we moved over Catania to escort a bombing run, no enemy spotted.
After the bomb run, was ordered to strafe and destroy a veicle base south of Catania.
Veicle base completely destroied and captured.

0 kills
1 veicle base destroied and captured

after that mission we was all executed for betrayal, this AAR was found on the trousers of the FL.

Offline Suave1

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« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2000, 08:16:00 AM »
Typhoons got 5 kills this frame and lost 3 typhoons .