Agreed there is just some things that never can be really factored in and some we don't want to. Such as restricting one side to older planes to such a degree they don't have a chance against the newer models.
As for Pearl Harbor .. yes, I can see how you would think it could be tacky. If it was setup under the exact same historical conditions I would agree that it would not only be tacky but not very fun (nobody wants to be massacred).
However, there were so many mistakes made, such as the Radar operators contact being mistaken for the B17s, that if just a couple of them did not happen the Japanese could have found it very different at Pearl Harbor than what happened historically.
Even with 20 minutes of warning all the ships could have been ready and armed. The AAA thrown up the USN during the first wave attack was very ineffective and organized. The AAA during the second wave attack was very fierce and organized.
Also the few planes that did get up off the ground did give a good showing for themselves. They were not just simply swepted out of the air. If there was more of a warning more planes could have gotten up from the U.S. bases and I think the Japanese would not have had such an easy time of it. Actually that was there biggest fear .. being detected and the U.S. getting its forces into the air.
Remember there was a radar contact that was ignored by orders of an officer and there also was a midget sub that tried to enter the harbor and was attacked by a U.S. destroyer (favorite site for some history is
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/pearlharbor). So many little things happened that if somebody just put two and two together or was more suspicous we could have had just a little more time to get our planes into the air and get the ships ready. I have read accounts that simple said that people thought we were going to go to war with the Japanese but they never expected an attack at Hawaii.
A Pearl Harbor "what if" scenario could be constructed around these things and was in AW. Basically if a patrol plane had spotted the enemy, if the U.S. forces when the sub was reported had been put on alert for possible enemy action, etc.
You might still disagree and find it tacky but I think a "what if" scenario of what if the U.S. forces had an extra 15 minutes to get airborne and prepared would be interesting.
Then again as Rocket says until we get more of the historical planes (P40 - probably would never get P36, F4F, and the Vals and Kates) this is really an academic discussion.