Author Topic: Re: Buzz Bombs please!  (Read 247 times)

Offline shotgunneeley

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Re: Buzz Bombs please!
« on: May 20, 2008, 05:52:11 PM »
Based on Zuii's statistics, The V-1 could be programmed by a targeting system where you have to enter in the right numbers to get it reasonably within the ball park, like the german rocketeers did back in WW2. A player would have to figure out a flight plan (ex. Distance to target from launch base, amount of fuel needed, warhead size, target altitude, etc.) and enter it in to the targeting system. then all he/she would have to do is "fire and forget", but this way it makes firing a V-1/V-2 very challenging and along with being a perk vehicle, more delibrate to fly.

Maybe making it so you could only fire one at a time and you had to wait in the tower until it is destroyed would help keep the targets reasonably close to the launch base and swarms of V-1/V-2's out of the sky.

BTW, if the V-1 had a level flight speed of 350-400 mph shouldn't that be faster than any plane could possibly catch it? I guess diving in from above it or making a lucky HO pass is the only way to destroy it from the air. And if I remember right from the History channel it was near impossible to hit from ground fire either. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 05:57:23 PM by shotgunneeley »
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Game ID: ShtGn (Inactive), Squad: 91st BG

Offline SD67

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Re: Buzz Bombs please!
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 10:38:12 PM »
Typhoons, Tempests and Meteors were fast enough to tip them over by placing their wing tip in front of the Fieselers' wing. The tip vorticies destroyed the lift and the primitive autopilot had no roll correction so they spun into the ground.
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