My apologies upfront because its been nearly 20 yrs ago since I worked on Navy Jets..but if I recall correctly the difference would prbably be the Flight Controls of the 14 were manual/hydraulic verses the Fly-By-Wire of the F18's.........if I am remembering correctly.....
If the older Tomcat pilots switched to the current F-18, it would be kind of like a real pilot here flying Aces High.....
we used to have competitions/bets on who could change out and install new engines
the A7's took use roughly 1 hr and 20 to 25 minutes to swap one out and install a new one.
F4's took us roughly 58 minutes...... and 3 of us could switch out a S-3A's engine in under 43 minutes.....
the most fun was when I got my High Power Turn Qual certification...take em out and get to set and start the new installed engines up and ramp them up to military power ( Military power is 80%, that notch and past it brought in the AfterBurner on the jets that had AB, which we wasn't allowed to do, I always dreamed of the tie-dwons breaking loose and taking off
