Ya'll do realize that legislators can read and research bills before the session, right? And that their specific individual votes are a matter of record?
Yeah its poor form but I see no reason to assume that the legislators who weren't present hadn't arranged for someone to vote for them, and that its possible for the group to all work well enough together that they're comfortable doing this. They're all certainly answerable to their constituencies for their voting record, and therefore have a reason to see to it its accurate with their intent.
If you watched the video closely, you'll see many times Reps are racing to get to others before someone else does. They look like little kids playing Musical Chairs! Voting like this is occurring across party lines? Yeah right.
1. Look at the amount of Reps not there doing their jobs.
2. If a House member is not there, it should be recorded as a NO.
3. The biggest factor.....It's Against the Houses own RULES!
Sorry...there is no excuse.
They need to do their jobs or get out.