This is a B-25c of the 445th BS, 321st BG based in N. Africa and later Italy.
I've found
this website with some useful pictures. I also found a couple of die cast models of the plane, but they're not very reliable (they're both completely different from each other).
I was wondering if anyone might have anymore info, or could help me out with the markings it may have worn circa Operation Husky, especially the tail and wing markings. It was based in Tunisia in this time period, and was an original 445th aircraft flying missions since March 1943.
Both models show black leading edges on the wings and tail surfaces, but I can't tell if that's accurate from any of the photos, and I haven't been able to find pictures of any other 445th b-25's from that period. Also, I'm not sure whether the national insignia was top & bottom on both wings, or just top port wing & bottom starboard wing.