Oh my straw-man fallacy!
Look, the orange-bandana idiots explicitly stated that they do not support any of the existing communist states, and I think that would imply they don't support the former USSR. That's the best way to interpret them and therefore it's the starting point for arguing against them in a meaningful way. What they have in mind is some sort of cheery, anarchistic utopia where everyone makes the same amount of money regardless of education or occupation, where no one can get ahead of others, etc.
Yes & no. W.C.W. founders were largely from the Revolutionary Communist Party. The RCP states that U.S. Imperialism will never peacefully change and that the only way for people to liberate themselves is through communist revolution. It should be pretty obvious W.C.W. is a facade to present a less blemished front while pushing the same agenda and recruit more useful idiots.
Now you mentioned a bit of anarchy. A part of this that's comedy gold is the Communists and Anarchists hate each other, even though they "protest" in the same marches... then procede to flame and troll each other on their internet forums. It got especially nasty after the Anarchists scheduled their book fair on the same day as an ANSWER protest. In case you're wondering, the Anarchists believe the Communists are disarmed idiots with no idea how to start a real revolution. The Communists believe the Anarchists are hypocrits for using all the trapping of organized, modern society while dressing in black to throw the occasional molotov cocktail and never actually doing anything.
unfortunately many, many of the best pictures are definately NSFW and wouldn't last 10 seconds before Skuzzy took a paddle to me.