They are an approved and sponsered British childrens orgnization. It's easier for the british government to use them to loft the initial balloon of new whacky ideas like this one to see if anyone pushes back. Then if the sheeples suck it down as gosple, the government can come out and applude it and pass legislation to mirror it as a defacto mandate. It's not a law or a directive from the British government, but it has the current stigmatism word attached to it: racist Everyone will fall in line because of this word due to there being real laws in place governing racism and intention to racism by thought in Britain. Neat little trick to force compliance. Kinda like the ACLU and christianity in the US.
From the London Telegraph:
The National Children’s Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.
It's like the democrats issueing talking points on gun control and hate speech so the Brady bunch and the American Coomunist lawyers can see how far they can force the issue down the moderates throats around the country. The British gov keeps it's hands clean by not directly financing the group, but instead letting first teir funded groups do it to keep any stink off them. Like our 527 organizations did here in the US.