I know what my skill levals are, and now that I have to gloat about myself just to get people to agree with me, here it is.
I won Friday KOTH, with pretty much every senario that comes to hand: Furball, pickers, HOers, gangers (I was a wabbit) 1v1
I usually pick in the MA, but I do get into furballs at least once a day, and I always seeem to land kills, unless there is a huge disadvantage on my part, such as 20v1. I can handle 3v1 but it gets harder past that. I usually fly zekes in the furballs, but I usually fly the F4U1-D, which is a great plane, or a F4U4, which is another great plane. I also fly the 109K-4 for picking and roping inexperience people, even sometimes experoenced people. I am also learning how to use the 30mm or the "tater" as I like to call it.
I know how to reverse a con on my 6 withing maybe a turn or two and have the advantage.
I know how to reverse a HOing con inside 1 turn
I know how to reverse a picking con
I know how to pick and maintain all my E and keep the same alt that I started with.
I know how to TnB with almost any aircraft in the game, except the KI's, but I like the F4U's the most
That will sum up most of what I do. I have not fought Max or Murdr, but I have fought TC in KOTH and we are about even, I might be a little better. If you still don't agree with me, PM me for the DA, I always like the DA, work on my skill a bit.