Author Topic: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar  (Read 7233 times)

Offline Widewing

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #180 on: August 09, 2008, 05:46:48 PM »

If I was too timid to duel I wouldnt be flying a high eny fighter like the Yak T in the LW arena.  At least give some credit for having the dedication to stick with one ride each tour and one that isn't some uber low tier or perk ride. You might think you can teach me a thing or two. But since I'm no newbie, at least give me some respect and ask around before slagging me off, just as you might want to check before assuming I only use the 37mm to cherry pick.

If you weren't terrified to duel in a Yak, you'd accept the offer, and not spend four paragraphs rationalizing not doing it. There's nothing else to say.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline DoNKeY

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #181 on: August 09, 2008, 07:07:47 PM »
Gixer, I'm curious...  Why do you keep putting MA and duel in the same sentence?

Offline Gixer

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #182 on: August 09, 2008, 09:06:22 PM »
If you weren't terrified to duel in a Yak, you'd accept the offer, and not spend four paragraphs rationalizing not doing it. There's nothing else to say.

My regards,


Ok, seems you missed it the first time completely so once more in bold.

If you wish to carry on the discussion or duel PM me. I might be able to work around the time difference to meet up before I go on leave in September.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 09:08:03 PM by Gixer »

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #183 on: August 09, 2008, 09:44:26 PM »
Gixer, I'm curious...  Why do you keep putting MA and duel in the same sentence?

Donkey if you want to discuss further open a thread in General as I'm out of this one. But just to respond quickly since I like Donkeys...

Simple reason that's what you do in the MA isn't it? Duel?? I have a number of players and squads that I seek out or they seek me out in the MA away from the numbers. Most often though we can find each other (which keeps an element of suprise and SA to the fight) on the map and go a few rounds without any prior communication or a lame pre-staged/arranged duel with rules.. Neither of us feel it's necessary to leave the MA and go to the DA just to have a series of good 1v1 fights up to 1v3 fights.

There is also a few of us that won't attack each other if recognised if they are already engaged with someone, or even attack if they are from a disadvantaged position (obviously flying something that isnt common is a help). Just because it's the MA doesn't mean it has to be a horde/pick/vulch + HOs every sortie. There are plenty of good fights to be found and plenty that fly away from the hordes to hunt and fight against. That's why I fly away from hordes theirs and mine and why I fly in between dars not over enemy fields or mine.

Just because there is a DA with it's porked environmental changes and rules doesn't mean you have to use the thing any time you wish to challenge yourself against a good player or squad. Hence why I use duel and MA in the same sentence. I see no reason to leave the MA for a duel and prefer to duel in the same environment with settings, unknown factor and SA that I normally fly in. If you see me in the MA and want to meet up just PM me and fly what ever you want. More likely or not it doesn't seem to take others long to know where I am and then start looking unless I find you first..

« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 11:12:39 PM by Gixer »

Offline Kweassa

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #184 on: August 10, 2008, 12:19:23 AM »
Gixer, I'm curious...  Why do you keep putting MA and duel in the same sentence?

 The same reason Widewing puts "pilot > plane" and "duel rules" in the same sentence.

 I was purposely reserving my opinions on this thread, since I've pretty much anticipated the whole thing would eventually boil down to Trial by Combat, so to speak. In any case, the differences in opinion between WW and Gixer is basically how one views under which specific conditions, or, at a certain point during combat either the pilot or the plane becomes more important.

 WW puts pilots over planes, and naturally assumes the "DA rules" which pretty much forces a plane under specific circumstances where one may gain an advantage over the other, or vice versa. Frankly, I view it as meaningless. Like mentioned by others before me, the ability to engage and disengage at will forces a "may not win, but will definately live to see another day" insurance upon the other, and basically this factor alone is more important than anything a "pilot skill" factor can add to the benefits of the individual pilot.

 During the depiction of what transpired during Gixer and WW's duel, it is pretty much evident there was a disagreement on just how far out a duelist may "extend". Now, "extension", is in truth, the easiest way for a novice pilot to utilize a speed (and/or climb) advantage. A more skillful pilot may be able to transform a performance advantage into a more aggressive form of direct combat advantage through sophisticated E-fighting techniques. However, a lesser pilot with limited understanding in ACM may not be able to do such things, but still can utilize it in the simplest and most effective manner possible - extend, grab, and engage with massive speed/alt advantage, every time. "DA rules" cancels that all out.

 Maybe things went on as Gixer described, or maybe WW was right in his depiction. I have no idea. However, one thing for certain is that if one pilot is given a plane with significant performance advantage, and were not restrained to any "DA rules" limitations on how he wants to fight (thus, having the luxury to take all the time and distance he wants), I'd bet my money on the winner being the one with the better plane.
 The very fact that a 1vs1 in a DA does indeed limit all the "outside factors", and makes it a "true test of pilot skill", almost automatically justifies the reasoning that the plane is over the pilot. MA is all about "outside factors". Many of those can be offset by pilot skill, but those that can't, almost certainly leads to death. On the other hand, anything that can be offset by pilot skill, can be as much easily offset by being in a superior plane - including those that pilot skill can't do anything about.

(Now this, is the important part:)

 So yes, pilot skill would indeed be more important when you are bound to rules and regulations which force you - often the lesser pilot - to voluntarily abstain any rights to use those very traits a plane holds that will almost 100% ensure at least a stalemate, or, if you are forced into a situation where every single advantage you may hold has already been neutralized, and thus, the only chance to survival may rely on your pure piloting skills.


 the whole point of being in a superior plane, is to be able to evade such situations or circumstances from happening in the first place... and when it still does happen, being able to escape from it comfortably and easily, without having to be drawn into a fight which you are not confident enough to be sure that you will win.

 Hence, "speed is king", and "plane > pilot".

 The evidence?

 Go to the MA, and look carefully where a famous/named veteran flies around in his 'inferior' plane, when you meet one. They fly in areas which many of the factors (that they cannot overcome in the inferior plane they are flying), is already removed, and thus, can force a "DA-ish" battle to actually ensue. Utmost respect to WW and his skill, but really, do you see him flying his SBD in a vulched situation? Outnumbered? Cornered? Enemy airsuperioriy? Do you see Doom and his Fw190A-5 engaging someone at equal altitudes? Ever seen the P-38 guys (well, except maybe Guppy) fly alone without wingmen, and engage someone at equal or lower altitudes? Multiple enemies at the same time?

 No, they don't. It would be foolish of them to do so. They are in fact, taking the logical course of action.

 Whether they may realize it or not, they naturally stay away from situations where their esteemed "piloting skill" might not be useful at all. They even have a name for it - they call it "SA". And what does the SA tell them?

 "Stay away from situations where some n00bs in their super-planes might actually be able to overrun you, because, pilot skill can't do squat under situations which you cannot control."

 Since they are not in planes that give out any insurances, they must take every measure possible to prevent situations they cannot offset with pilot skill from happening - hence, the careful selection of fighting grounds. They must also force the lesser pilot in a superior plane into an extreme situation they cannot escape from - hence, the massive-alt advantage some of the "I use only mid-war planes" types often display in the MA.

 Fortunately for the n00b, if only he has only about 1/10th of the SA levels a veteran may have, many of those situation that cannot be controlled by individual skill, can be controlled by the plane. He simply points down, runs away - before being picked off by a veteran in a mid-war plane 5k above him dives down, or, deny him the fight and blow past by his plane when at co-alt. If he feels confident about his firepower, he may try the HO too - hence, the daily whinings of veterans on these boards of how the MA is all full of HOers and runners ...

 ....whom they'd dearly love to spank around, but cannot, due to the fact that those dang Hoers and runners are usually in superior planes and runs away a lot. Upping something like a La-7 of their own, is like a signing a confession that they can't catch these runners and HOers despite their pilot skill.. so they can't do anything about it. Instead, they choose to downplay the situation at hand, profess that flying La-7s are no fun, and start a campaign on how newbies should stay away from superplanes and "learn" more ACM from them - by fighting to the death every time, and becomming cannon-fodder all the time. Right this way n00bs - come and get shot down by me all the time, and you'll learn something!

 Unfortunately, most n00bs tend to say, "no thanks".

ps) Another factor, is that pilot skill cannot be quantified, and thus, cannot be measured accurately to determine just how much of it is needed under which circumstances. However, plane performance is mechanical, can be quantified, and thus, can be measured to determine just how much advantage one may be able to hold over the other. At its best, pilot skill is still but only an unstable, unquantifiable "X" in the equation, and hence, under the basic principle of securing an tactical advantage in combat, comes second to quantifiable, comparable, and tangible factors. Combat plans always take in the tangible factors first - are my men equipped well? How's the logistics? Communications? Who's going to provide reinforcements? What's the evac plan? What are the enemy numbers? What's the terrain like? The weather? .. and on and on and on. Only after these factors are first determined and analyzed, comes the intangible factors into consideration - how skilled are my men? Are they ready enough? Are the enemies more skilled than us? What's the morale like...?

 Both factors determine the final results, and both are important. But clearly, one of them enters into the mind first.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 12:55:26 AM by Kweassa »

Offline Vudak

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #185 on: August 10, 2008, 02:19:30 AM »
Utmost respect to WW and his skill, but really, do you see him flying ...  Outnumbered? Cornered? Enemy airsuperioriy? Do you see Doom and his Fw190A-5 engaging someone at equal altitudes? Ever seen the P-38 guys (well, except maybe Guppy) fly alone without wingmen, and engage someone at equal or lower altitudes? Multiple enemies at the same time?

Do you ever play this game?  Honestly? 

That paragraph is simply dumbfounding.
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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #186 on: August 10, 2008, 08:35:36 AM »
I have a better challenge for you. ww picks 2 pilots and gix pix 2 pilots. These 4 pilots are the aggressors in a 4 on 1. He who lasts the longest or defeats them the fastest wins.
ww/ gixer fly lower speed but more agile AC. while the aggressors have the faster  less agile ac.
This will ensure no running.

See Rule #4

Offline Widewing

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #187 on: August 10, 2008, 10:41:04 AM »
Gents, I truly regret that this discussion has gone down the road it has. I am largely responsible for that.

Gixer and I certainly disagree on what we think determines the better pilot. However, there is nothing wrong or inappropriate in disagreeing. Gixer is uncomfortable with dueling under the tight rules. Many are. It's not the way he prefers to fight. Frankly, there was a time when I would have taken his stance, exactly in fact.

Clearly, there was a miscommunication when we met in the arena the other night. Had I been paying attention more closely and not assumed that he understood what I expected, there would not have been any confusion. I'm taking responsibility for that, because I simply assumed what I hadn't stated in the initial post and was then too obtuse to recognize what Gixer was expecting, even when seeing what he was doing. Indeed, Gixer's explanation of what he expected is logical and doubtless truthful. In his mind, I pulled a "bait and switch", and I can see why he would think that. Within that understanding, I can see why he would be offended by some of my comments. For that I am sorry. I regret Gixer getting dogpiled on the issue as well.

Having said that, I want to invite Gixer and anyone else looking for fun and a chance to practice their MA situational awareness the opportunity to join us in the TA at 9 PM Eastern on Sunday August 17 for our "Engaging Multiple Enemies" clinic. This is not dueling, but an open MA type of environment where each player will have the opportunity to fight two or three enemies at a time. There are no rules governing what style a player may employ. There are no restrictions on how close or far you must be from the enemy. Most fights begin up around 10K, but invariably end up in the weeds. There are no restrictions on what you fly, except no jets or bombers (attack aircraft like the A-20, SBD, D3a, etc are allowed). I realize that 9 PM Eastern US is not a good time if you live in Sydney, but I want to offer the opportunity to Gixer as it is the type of environment where he is most comfortable and can fight the way he wants to without rules restricting him. Besides, these events are great fun.

Aside from providing players with an opportunity to expand their SA, it's also a chance to work as a team with pilots you've like never flown with. What you do in this clinic will translate directly into your MA flying. We've held many of these in the past and everyone had a great time. You will gain experience in assessing threats and judging E states of several enemies at the same time. It substantially increases your workload, and will quickly find any flaws in aspects of you game that you can concentrate on improving.

Rules do exist, but only to govern what constitutes being shot down and how that is handled and to prevent abuse. It works on the honor system. If you are one of the two or three, any hit to the cockpit glass is considered a killing shot. Upon taking such as hit, you turn on air show smoke and exit the fight. Upon flying out of icon range, you may rejoin the fight. The purpose of this is provide positive reinforcement to the lone pilot fighting off the 2 or 3. It also prevents a perpetual gangbang, assuming you can shoot down one or two. This rule does not apply to the single pilot. However, at any time the group can break off and reset the fight. This is encouraged, especially if the lone defender is clearly overwhelmed. It's not a beat-down session, it's training and continuously ganging a defenseless pilots gains nothing for any of the participants.

I will recruit as many Trainers as possible. However, when we break into smaller groups, there may not be enough trainers to have one with each group. Thus, I will assign group leaders where needed. Group leaders will be picked based upon experience and judgment. This leader will decide if the fight needs to be reset. If he calls for a disengagement, players are expected to comply. At any time, the lone defender can call a halt to the fight. If he does, he rotates out of the defender spot.

All pilots will rotate into the defender role. How fast and frequently that occurs is dependent on factors that will constantly be in flux. Typically, I will call a halt at intervals and everyone will tower-out and re-spawn. A five minute break between rounds will allow players to do their personal things.

Pilots who auger may immediately re-up and return to their group.

No one will be keeping score. Run film and review it later. Much can be learned from film.

So, stop by guys. You'll help yourself and have a great time.

My regards,

« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 10:42:47 AM by Widewing »
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #188 on: August 10, 2008, 01:05:05 PM »
The evidence?

 Go to the MA, and look carefully where a famous/named veteran flies around in his 'inferior' plane, when you meet one. They fly in areas which many of the factors (that they cannot overcome in the inferior plane they are flying), is already removed, and thus, can force a "DA-ish" battle to actually ensue. Utmost respect to WW and his skill, but really, do you see him flying his SBD in a vulched situation? Outnumbered? Cornered? Enemy airsuperioriy? Do you see Doom and his Fw190A-5 engaging someone at equal altitudes? Ever seen the P-38 guys (well, except maybe Guppy) fly alone without wingmen, and engage someone at equal or lower altitudes? Multiple enemies at the same time?

I fly the A-20 outnumbered and at relatively low alt all the time in the LWA.

I am almost never killed in a one on one engagement by an average pilot regradless of initial alt/E state. Sure it'll happen occasionally but most of the time either its the 3rd or 4th guy in or its a good stick that knows his ride. There is no doubt that a better plane increases survivablity, however it does little to enhance your ability to kill. I'm not sure this is a perfect example but here goes. I'm flying the A-20 in the rangoon scenario as a scout. No question that it has a performance edge vs the zekes (marginal vs the A6M5) and is reasonably equal to the 110 being used as a Dinah replacement.

The way it's deployed puts me out on a limb in a 1 vs many enviornment with a primary mandate to stay alive balanced against a need to go in harms way to identify and track the enemy. Now I love the A-20 and feel its an exceptionally good platform within its limitations...but by and large its widely viewed as inferior to any "fighter". So I'm in a situation where I have a 12k alt cap (scenario has a 16k hard ceiling) no ability to climb over 12k unless in icon friendlies around to free me from this alt restrication while the cons can climb to 16k as long as one is engaged with me.

What this all boils down to is the fact that in order to do my job I've been forced into 1 on 1 fights with zekes in every frame (2+beta) and so far won every one. So....

Is the A-20 a better fighter then the zekes (have fought both)? Now this isnt an artificial "dueling enviornment" {which severely restricts the a-20's strengths). It's also not a "fake" MA either. Here we have roughly 200 guys each with a tasking order and interdependent and relying on each other. As a scout I cant avoid contact or run, Once contact is made I spend 60%+ of my time in icon range of an enemy, normally outnumbered by 20-1 or more and always with planes higher and faster and focused on either killing me or driving me away.

So while we dont have "dueling rules" we have "obligations of duty" that put real constrictions on my choice of action. The entire reason for dueling rules is to "force" the realities of combat. The typical "late war ace" in AH would be shot/fragged or busted out in his 1st month of deployment for being a coward...I'll post a clip of what I mean in a few minutes (need to edit it out of a bigger clip). I've got zekes on me and a higher scout engaged with other zekes, I'm late on my 6 call since I thought he had SA on the bogy then turn to "help" even though he's higher and we're both in trouble...and only turn to run again when he lets me know he's toast.

The problem we have with this debate is the artificial rules of engagement in the MA, to me the only "score" that should be allowed is FSO or scenarios....everything else is just practice.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 01:49:02 PM by humble »

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #189 on: August 10, 2008, 01:47:29 PM »
A few clips that illustrate my thoughts...

Here are 3 clips in sequence from frame #2

Clip #1

Easy goes in...

I'm being vectored to the buff stream, easy (the scout who made initial contact) is ahead and pushing thru the fighter screen. Again this isnt the artifical BS we have in the MA that allows this "plane over pilot BS"...this is as close as we ever get to the real thing. Only is FSO or a scenario do we have the numbers, oranization and mission to really put the argument in easy disappears into the sea of red and was still flying at the end of the clip.

Clip two

To little to late....

Here I'm trying to balance job #1 "stay alive" vs job#2 "inflict damage and maintain contact" when I get faced with the primary objective...leave no man behind. 4440 is engaged and in trouble ( I thought he had eyeballs on the trailing zeke and didnt want to chk 6 him on a con he saw. By the time I call out the fire he's hit and in trouble, by the time I turn to engage he's probably toast. It seems so fast when its happening and so slow when you look at it on film...

Clip three

engage pilot stuff...

I'm on the deck and have already gone thru one fight with the A65M. I reversed him and missed my shot and lost a flap to his counters before bugging back out. I'm on the deck being chased away and I know that all 3 other scouts are down. Here is the point where "pilot skill" enters the equation. I have a marginal speed advantage and can leave and RTB. I can play safe and loiter but lose any chance to continue my primary mission...or I can aggresively engage the enemy and then seek to continue.

So in the context of as close to a real world engagement as we can muster we have an A-20 and an A65M literally on the deck isolated and tied to a fight by conflicting tasking. My job is to find the buffs ,even at risk of getting killed. I am literally the only scout left and only plane with the range and speed to pursue the buffs. His job is to stop me, so when I turn around he has to engage. Now we have no artificial rules here...yet in effect we have "dueling rules"...I have no choice but to kill him, I'm missing a flap, have had both main gear shot out and taken multiple 20mm and numerous mg hits. I cant possibly do my job with him dogging me back to the buffs.

So when I say that its the pilot and not the plane this is what I mean. It's not about just running and not about just dueling. It's about realizing that day after day thousands of men (and some women) suited up and strapped in and flew off to war. what they found and what they did varied every day...but the guys who excelled were the ones capable of maximizing the capabilities of the plane they flew for the task at hand. At the end of the day what counted most was the man in the plane, not the plane surrounding the man.

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #190 on: August 10, 2008, 03:44:02 PM »
Ever seen the P-38 guys (well, except maybe Guppy) fly alone without wingmen, and engage someone at equal or lower altitudes? Multiple enemies at the same time?
Yes.  Sounds like the majority of my flights at one point or another.

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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #191 on: August 10, 2008, 04:17:18 PM »
Ever seen the P-38 guys (well, except maybe Guppy) fly alone without wingmen, and engage someone at equal or lower altitudes? Multiple enemies at the same time?

Above pretty much describes how the 479th P-38 drivers pretty much fly.  I know it describes how Murdr, Crims and I fly.  Manage the terror we would create if we managed to wing together.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 04:19:37 PM by Ack-Ack »
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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #192 on: August 10, 2008, 04:33:28 PM »
Ever seen the P-38 guys (well, except maybe Guppy) fly alone without wingmen, and engage someone at equal or lower altitudes? Multiple enemies at the same time?

 No, they don't. It would be foolish of them to do so. They are in fact, taking the logical course of action.

I appreciate the compliment on my style, but I don't think you've run into many of the 38 vets.  I'd like to think the SAPP'ers pride themselves on puting themselves in tough situations and having fun with it.  I'm just the move vocal about it, but that's more my excuse for never getting home :)  The guys who take their 38s into the crowd and come out the other side continue to amaze me.  And I can name a lot of them who can pull it off.

I sure enjoy flying with a wingman into a mob too :)
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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #193 on: August 10, 2008, 07:17:04 PM »
Utmost respect to WW and his skill, but really, do you see him flying his SBD in a vulched situation? Outnumbered? Cornered? Enemy airsuperioriy? Do you see Doom and his Fw190A-5 engaging someone at equal altitudes? Ever seen the P-38 guys (well, except maybe Guppy) fly alone without wingmen, and engage someone at equal or lower altitudes? Multiple enemies at the same time?

 No, they don't. It would be foolish of them to do so. They are in fact, taking the logical course of action.

 Whether they may realize it or not, they naturally stay away from situations where their esteemed "piloting skill" might not be useful at all. They even have a name for it - they call it "SA". And what does the SA tell them?

I have been a "wingman" to Delirium and I've seen him take on 2-3 cons.  I do the same thing, but "tenacity" is where it ends in similarities.   Delirium will more often than not, shoot them down and look for more.   Delirium sometimes has my jaw dropping at the maneuvers I see him pulling.   He's a good guy and I've only asked a couple of questions on the 38, as I don't want to detract from our immersion in the game.   

WW doesn't hide in the whorde.   Sorry Kwe, I cannot allow the stone to be cast.   

Doom has on MANY OCCASIONS, been co-alt with me and we end up kicking each others butt.   We used to "give lip to one another on 200", but we've both long buried that hatchet.   

None of these three will hide in numbers.   Sometimes they'll be near them, but not out of choice.   They might be very well near the ONLY FIGHT on the map available to them.   
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Re: The most over-rated aircraft in the hangar
« Reply #194 on: August 10, 2008, 09:18:22 PM »
I haven't flown with a wingman in years... There may or may not be other Rooks around, but I fly alone.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.