Okay, who's hiring?
Been freelancing for the past year and I've had my fill of being gang raped by every swarm of
noobs that passes my way. I firmly believe that the sole purpose of this game is to piss off the
other guy and I strive in every sortie to do just that. If you're in a GV, I'm gonna bomb ya. If you're
in the latest late war monster, I'm gonna up the highest eny plane i can find (insert Hurri MK1 or
P40B here) and try to pawn ya. If you're looking to take my base, I'm gonna stop ya.
I don't fly for rank or score, tried it once and got bored pretty quick.
If there's a furball, I'm diving into it. If you're vulching my field, I'll be the fool upping
IL2's until you give up, die, or take my base from me. In other words I play to have fun
and I'm looking for a squad whose sole purpose is to have fun. Tried the structured route once,
didn't work too well for me. Spent five years of my real life following orders, don't wanna do it in
a game.
Been playing off and on since March 2005 under the following id's
Will be talking to Rosie Monday about getting my old call sign back, if all goes well I'll be flying
under the id jlyrgr.
Anybody interested?