Absolutely hillarious answer. Nemmersdorf was arranged by SS for Goebbels propaganda. It's a well-known fact. The only 'known" documented fact of Soviet rapes
What motive did the Germans have to stage that? The Germans may have been brutal in their war against the USSR and their brutality in the concentration camps vs
lesser races is well documented.....yet they never showed that kind of brutality to their own.
http://www.geocities.com/avflf/RedTerror_1.htmhttp://www.feldgrau.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=20806&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=aFurther, testimony from a former Soviet Captain, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, adds to the evidence of the behaviour of the Soviet Army.
The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau (Alfred Maurice de Zayas)
Berlin, The Downfall (Antony Beevor)
Allierte Kriegsverbrechen und Vebrechen gegen Menschlikeit (Allied war Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity - Arndt Verlag)
Verbrechen gegen der Deustchen Volk (Crimes against German people - Erich Kern)
Flucht aus Ostpreußen 1945. Die Menschenjagd der Roten Armee (Flight from East Prussia 1945: The pursue of the Red Army - Heinz Schoen)
Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen: Die Tragödie im Osten und im Sudetenland (Flight and Expulsions of the Germans: The tragedy in East and in Sudentenland - Joachim Nolywaika)
The End at Elbe (Das Ende an der Elbe - German) (Jurgen Thorwald)
Im Heimatland in Feindeshand: Schicksale ostpreußischer Frauen unter Russen und Polen 1945-1948 (Homeland in Enemy Hands: The fate of East Prussian Women under Russians and Poles in 1945-1948 - Heinz Shoen)
Of course, you won't actually read any of this stuff, you will just make poor attempts to discredit it.
It takes a pretty sick individual to suggest that someone might achieve sexual gratification over the mass rapes of women. Might I suggest psychiatric assistance comrade?