Goto Google and type in "French military victories", then hit "I'm feeling lucky".
Damn, Open fire at 400 yards?! way to waste ammo buddy!
too much DA footage, music is not good, views are harsh
2nd 1
The very dangerous question...."Why?"You must ask yourself, what is it that you want the viewer to see or be shown. Is your film made to be a cool film, what makes it cool? The visuals? the sounds? Somethign different? Just entertaining? Educational? Historical? Maybe a combination of many things. Is this a squad video? Just to show teamwork of yours squad? Squad skills? The greatness of what a wingman does pschologically? Why should your film be remembered? Maybe you don't want it to be remembered. This "Why?" question can be dangerous as it may make you rethink everything, and then ruin your good film into something you don't want in the end, or it may help improve your film.